Why I don't TRUST RIPPLE and Why You SHOULDN'T Too

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

We all know what the BITCOIN REVOLUTION is all about - FREEDOM. Freedom from the evil clutches of the banks and the elites.

Ripple was the top performing cryptocurrency for 2017 in terms of price gain. From being an underdog for almost the whole of 2017, it gained tremendous popularity and success in just a matter of weeks in December.

Do you know why? How could have it beaten the giants in the likes of bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin? The real reasons and factors behind Ripple's ascent to the thrown will not only surprise you but will make you cringe.

Source: https://qz.com

Here's probably one thing you don't know - THE CASH DEPOSIT THAT YOU HAVE AT THE BANK IS NOT YOURS!

Are you surprised? Allow me to explain as simple as possible although I will have to use some technical accounting jargons.

All banks are required to used a book of records or ledger to account for all of their transactions including their assets and liabilities. There are 3 books of records - Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flows. The "book-of-records" for the banks' assets is called "balance sheet". This record, therefore shows all the things that the banks owns as well as the things that they owe.

Just to explain this a little bit more, an individual like you and me own and owe things. You could have $10,000 cash, a house worth $150,000, a car worth $15,000, and furnitures worth $5,000. On the other hand, you also have a credit card debt of $4,000, a mortgage of $75,000, and a car loan of $$6,000. Your "simplified" balance sheet should look like this:

Now, banks are legally required to prepare and make public their balance sheet. Below is what a bank's balance sheet would look like using "your" information above:

Of course, accounting is much more complicated than this example but I hope this helps clarifies the point.

Going back to my statement earlier, the $10,000 cash above is NOT YOURS. It appears on your balance sheet as "yours" but it also shows in the bank's balance sheet are theirs. And following are the defining factors on who really owns it:

1.) The cash is physically stored at the banks' vault.
2.) The banks can do whatever they want with this money without asking your permission.
3.) The bank's balance sheet is audited by a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who confirms the accuracy of the data (and YOU do not have an audited balance sheet!).
4.) The audited balance sheet of the banks are submitted to the Federal Government (IRS and SEC) and are made available to the general public (and YOUR balance sheet is not audited nor submitted to the IRS or SEC!). By making it public, the public therefore accepts the accuracy of the information contained in it!!!
5.) If a bank goes bankrupt, the money in its fault goes to the grave with it.

At this point, you may be wondering as to why then can you go to any ATM at any day or time and withdraw your cash?

The answer - TRUST!!!

Notice that on the right side of the bank's balance sheet, there is a line called "Payable - 10,000". What this means is that the bank owes you $10,000 and you TRUST that the bank will honor that promise to pay you. The physical manifestation of this trust is the plastic card in your wallet that you call ATM card.

If a bank goes bankrupt, this TRUST is severed. Your money is gone. There are of course some legal ways to claim some of that money but that's besides the point.

By Supporting Ripple, We Are Unknowingly Surrendering the FREEDOM that Satoshi Nakamoto has reclaimed for us!

If you read bitcoin's white paper, eliminating the banks and the unworthy trust as well as the deception and everything else that goes with "banks", is the central tenet of the peaceful and bloodless bitcoin revolution. This revolution hopes to give back the freedom that we lost, and thereby giving us another chance to prove that we can self-govern.

Now the banks, after realizing and witnessing the power of the revolution and their impending demise, scrambled all their resources to fight back. This led to the creation of RIPPLE. A cryptocurrency in disguise to fool us and unknowingly give up our hard-earned freedom.

In 2015, the U.S.’s three biggest banks made $6 billion from ATM fees and overdraft fees, which is somewhere between 5-20% of their total revenue. This does not include the money thay make from investing and loaning the people's money.

This is robbery in plain sight. The banks are charging us for withdrawing our own money!!! And while they earn billions and trillions of dollars from using our money, we only get a meager 0.01% interest!

Ripple's sole purpose is to transfer money from one bank to another faster and cheaper. It's not a decentralized platform unlike bitcoin. It is owned by the banks, financed by the banks, and run by the banks.

The unexpected rise of Ripple in late 2017 is the result of the heavy financing, marketing, advertising and media and market manipulation by the banks of the world who are threatened by the very existence of bitcoin. This is also one of the reasons why bitcoin's price has been nailed to the 15,000 range despite several attempts to move upwards.

The end game with Ripple is to kill Bitcoin & Altcoins and the freedom that they bring. The first of the multiple-step plot is to depose bitcoin from the number 1 spot by (1) heavily endorsing Ripple and (2) igniting and financing a war among the "real "cryptos (devide and conquer strategy) to kill each other. We all can see how this plot is being executed flawlessly and it breaks my heart to see how we succumb to such deception.

I hope this post brings to light the very dark plot that the banks are carrying on. Always look beyond the beautiful flowers, beyond the fruit trees and beyond the forest my dear friends. Don't let the elites who have been exploiting and manipulating us for decades and decades, continue their foolishness, selfishness and cunning deception.

May you REST IN PEACE Ripple!

Related post Finding Satoshi Part 1


This post was resteemed by @steemvote and received a 47.81% Upvote

I really hate ripple. It takes a part of the technology and is using it without the decentralization, this creates a single point of failure. Additional, as you state, it takes away the non-trust factor. This year is going to be stressful because i believe Ripple will surge further up. Ultimately BTC is much more valuable

Banks will try everything to rule over the crypto world just like how they manipulate fiat currency. However we the people need to not focus on short term gains. But look at the long term. If you have a position in xrp, take profit, and get back to bitcoin or ltc. Most altcoins are a hype. I mean Have fun but remember to put majority of your position in the bitcoin.

couldn't agree more. I wish more and more people become aware of this.

I truly don't understand why people are buying so much Ripple. Does it have cool dapps? A fun wallet? Is it decentralized? Does it have an amazing governance system? These are the sorts of things I look for in a coin.

I never really understood why most people were opposed to Ripple, but now I get it! Thanks for sharing this and I shall be selling my XRP anytime soon.

I’m very grateful for smart and informed posts like this, for it can really lead people to make informed and unimpulsive choices in the cryptosphere. With that being said, I hope everyone makes money in any investment they choose, including ripple. I do not and would not invest in ripple. Besides the huge and great point you made about freedom from banks and decentralization, it seems that too many people just worry about short term profits at the expense of the main goal - viability and scalability in the long term. Very dangerous way to invest.

I agree with your post.
Everything that is not decentralized should, in my opinion, not be worthy to be called a ''cryptocurrency''.

offtopic - I must commit that I too invested in Ripple, to take the profits. Fully aware that it was not a decentralized coin.

These centralized systems own you and your assets from birth. Much the same way that they take your name, register it into their system, and send you the card with your NAME written on it. Every action is their asset. I was this close to buying Ripple, until I realized their minimum buy in. No wonder they're growing..

Excellent piece man!

If the banks intend to crash ripple, they can do so with a flick of a switch. In the process, they would compromise cryptos as a whole, quickly grabbing back scared investors back into their bank accounts.

Sounds like paranoia but the threat is very real...

A decentralized platform is the only way to ensure the integrity of the system. Great write up!

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