Preparing to teach crypto to the masses: the 6 most commonly asked questions
More and more I am being asked the same questions
by newcomers to the world of crypto.
You can see above what those questions are and how I intend to monetise my knowledge.
This knowledge we have now is quickly acquiring value!
So if you feel inclined towards teaching others I welcome you to use the above image. Or perhaps you have suggestions as to how I could improve it? Do you think I am charging too much... too little?
At first I didn't feel good about asking for money, but the reality for me personally is that if I were to spend these hours writing Steemit posts I would be making more money than what I am charging here. So, they are still getting me at a discount rate at this time in my life when every hour counts.
I made the info/rate 'card' yesterday in preparation for my family's return to Europe next month.
The photo I used for the card has a lot of energy for me. It was taken at sunrise in the Pyrenees Orientalles (South of France) when I was last there three years ago awaiting the birth of my first child Esteban in the shadow of the Great Mount Canigou, seen below.
Mandala work
to get clear on the WHAT/WHY/HOW/WHO
There is a structure you will find very helpful when seeking clarity around projects like this.
@copa-communion kindly gave me a mandala with the 'what why how who' making up the inner most circle. From these four questions is it possible to build outwards on the mandala creating a clear understanding of what your goals are and how best to present & execute them.
The shape itself is a powerful one.
Even before words are placed on it.
Here is a two layer mandala I built in preparation for teaching others about Steemit six months ago.
Thank you @copa-communion for your wisdom and assistance over the last year. I feel blessed to have met you at the perfect time in my life and so pleased you have joined us here on Steemit!
My family and I have been in Bali for 2 years...
...and next stop is the South of France, before finally returning to my home country the UK where I will be building awareness of crypto & Steemit in my old stomping ground London. I have many plans for waking this city up with a bang!
It has been over three years since I was last there. And much has changed for me since then.
My partner & I both have mothers in Europe who need checking in with from time to time, especially now we have two kids in our lives! All grandmothers out there I am sure will understand the burning desire to see their grandchildren. I hope very much my children will visit me with their children in the future!
This is my youngest, Luna who I am sure will grow up knowing only that paper money and the banking system were things on the past. She is a child of the age of crypto.
Please let me know your thoughts on my proposed info/rate card!
What do you see to be the 6 most important questions worth addressing for newcomers?
If any of you can see mistakes or have suggestions about how I might be able to improve it in any way I will be very grateful for your input. And won't take criticisms personally! 😋
And...I promise to reward the best suggestions with 100% upvotes :)
Blessings to you all from Bali 🌴
Who is @samstonehill?
Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.
All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.
@samstonehill is the creator of:
@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE
@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this
@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD
@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube
The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.
The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim
Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.
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How can I spend it easily?
How much are fees?
Who can I trust?
How can it be stolen and how do I avoid that?
Can I get a debit card for this?
Can I pay bills with it?
What happens during prices swings - is there any protection on the downside?
Good for you to try to help noobs. I came in here to blog about weight loss and health and now I have "money" with an actual value far in excess of my wildest dreams for the place. I know I am not the only one.
Some great extra thoughts there which I hadn't considered. Many thanks for that :)
Can't wait to tell all my London friends about Steemit!!!!
More people should be piling in now. These numbers are amazing :)
nice questions too!
I've been spending a few hours educating myself every day now that it seems the age of crypto is upon us.
The first question I wanted answered was "what's the difference between all of these coins?" There is a short answer and a 100 episode answer I suppose
Yeah that's true. It must feel at first as if there is only Bitcoin... and then you discover there are endless coins which no doubt feel quite daunting!
I'm pretty sure I could put that into a short answer. Thanks!
Go into the daily crypto contests by @maarnio. He shows a different coin each day and has a short video explaining it. I have learned so much and still know nothing, but I love trying to learn now. You can vote on the post and predict the coin in a comment to win. I've been winning a lot lately because I always vote on the coin to beat the projection :)
Super interesting to learn this! Thanks!
And I will also see you there ;)
Wonderful! The more the better.
Nice, I will see you there!
I'm so glad to hear this :)
Well Sam (i hope i may just call you so) I am one of them people who could need all help she can get, because the wish to understand crypto is present. I am really astonished by the possibility that steemit gives. My sleeping mind got creative again. Coming from a irritating person on facebook where i shared interesting articles, and wrote about my own findings, having 100 of likes of people who not even red what i wrote, but just because they are friends or family and like me. That is not the kind of votes to be proud on. On steemit it worked different they told me, and it did, when i can believe what i see i made 430 euro in 2 months time, with just butting in with all i liked :-) it is amazing. And yeah than comes the question, huh and now? it stands there on the screen but how do i get it in my pocket.. and then you learn you first have to invest in your self on steemit, to get your power up, and have a bigger bite of the steemit pot. But what when i reach the power i am happy with? Than i will have to find ways to get it in my wallet. Make a wallet, i so far have three :-) i do all what people say that could be good... and see where it leads me. Understand not much yet. So questions? about a 1000 :-) very happy with a few gurus here on steemit who i can reach just by writing to them and who tell me all i want to know, when i heard 3 times the same i know it will be the right way to go. Would i make a phone call and pay for that information? No not in this moment of life, because people still explain me for free. But what when it become big amounts? yes than i probably would, but that would mean i would also lay a lot of responsibility in someone elses hands, and that is scary. Is there no way people could pay you in steem? when they are not a member of steemit invite them in, provide them with SP , make them have an income , where out they pay you with interest ? And you can than answer all the questions on the way ? I find paying real money when steem is available a bit weird?
Thanks for being the inspiration for my latest post:
My brain is so tired most of the time I almost wish I had someone to read these for me! Give me one nights sleep and I will respond to this with a fresh head in the morning :) You are much more likely to get some sense out of me this way ;)
i just red your newest post, and because i do not understand , why else i could have been your inspiration to that remarque , i have to ask you did you not understand what i wrote? Do you rather have it in sound ? :-)
Hello again! My brain is less tired now and I've been able to read your reply carefully.
Looking at the big chunk of words four days ago when I was so tired, I simply wished to hear your voice in that moment rather than do any further reading. And somehow that led me to write a post! And then life happened... two kids, snakes in the house, smoking volcano... that kind of stuff.
But now I'm back with you 100% ;)
So, to answer your question, yes I think paying in Steem is a great idea. My worry is that the average person may not like that. It can take up to a week to get a new account confirmed. And they would have to then invest into the platform. Creates a few extra things to do but I do like the idea and will certainly give it a try when looking for the method of exchange.
I probably should have mentioned in my post that I don't actually have a bank account, so even though I put the hourly rate in dollars, the method of exchange will most likely not be in dollars.
It would have to be crypto or something else we can come up with. I have always enjoyed the idea of exchanging stuff that isn't money. I pay part of my rent here in Reiki ;)
Now you understand better, let me know if you would like any questions answered.
No thank you. :-)
the biggest question am always asked how do you turn digital currency into cash and if this thing is a bubble
Indeed. Am well prepared for that one ;)
Great effort ! You deserve payments for your effort my friend !! The image you used is awesome !
Your home is in beautiful location !! Thanks for your effort !
i upvote yes friend
Nice post