Tom Lee, “Bitcoin Price To ROCKET Nov. Based On TWO KEY FACTORS” - Bitcoin GURU Shares Market SECRET

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


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what is up ladies and gentlemen and
welcome back to here today
at the tech cash house
hope all of you are having a good one I
just want to say thank you all for
joining me I hope that all of you are
enjoying the content as of late if you
are go ahead and drop a like on this
video subscribe and share for more and
in this video I'll be discussing another
opinion of Tom Lee now Tom Lee has been
a bit controversial as of late because
some people say that he just spits out
price predictions willy nilly and while
it might seem like that sometimes you
have to remember that Tom Lee is a Wall
Street analyst so his analyzed stock
sees analyze cryptocurrencies for years
and years and really it's his job so
he's pretty much constantly involved
he's very much dug into the
cryptocurrency space so if it seems like
he's putting out a lot of predictions
it's because he's heavily entrenched
it's what he does and he is highly
involved in basically immersed in the
community so with that being said how
could you really not put out a lot of
predictions if that is your job
anyway we'll be discussing a couple of
catalysts today that he actually runs
through that I think are really pretty
interesting to note and kind of discuss
so that being said before we go ahead
and jump right in let's see if we can
get Tom Lee 250 likes on this video and
5,000 views anyway folks let's go ahead
and get right into it
so throughout 2018 Bitcoin has continued
to record lower highs testing major
resistance levels at 10 grand 8 grand
and 7 grand
according to fun strats Tom Lee the
stability of Bitcoin at 6 grand
regardless of its lower highs is
optimistic in early 2018 fun strat or
the company that Tom Lee works for
emphasized in a report that the 6,000
dollar level will likely be held by
Bitcoin in the mid term because it is
the break-even point for miners that
means miners that utilize electricity
and mining equipment to verify
transactions on the Bitcoin network can
still generate some profit if the price
of Bitcoin stays above these 6 ow
and dollar level and Lee explained on
Bloomberg that the stability of Bitcoin
at the six thousand dollar mark and two
major catalysts awaiting Bitcoin in the
year and could push the price of Bitcoin
up substantially within the next two
months now why exactly is that well Lee
went on to say $6,000 is a level that is
more important than we realized
earlier this year we were pointing six
grand as break-even for Bitcoin mining
so that level should theoretically hold
the fact Bitcoin is holding there is
very good news I think their catalyst in
the year and so I think despite the
lower high as we've seen I think we're
starting to see a reverse so what
exactly are these two catalysts that
he's referencing well according to Lee
two major factors will contribute to the
increase in the price of Bitcoin by the
end of the year
strengthening infrastructure of the
cryptocurrency exchange market and fear
of missing out or FOMO amongst
institutional investors now just as an
aside a lot of people are probably
saying why exactly would institutional
investors get FOMO you know they're big
companies they have a lot of money on
hand shouldn't they not be as worried
about losing money well that's kind of a
yes and no situation institutions want
to make as much money as they possibly
can now regular old investors like you
and me can make much more money
proportionally to our income and
otherwise by making a good investment
say for example you buy Bitcoin at
$1,000 in about 20 bitcoins and then
sold at the $20,000 high that is how we
could make a lot of money for
institutions they have the potential to
make a lot of money if they get in early
enough and if they dominate an industry
they will absolutely clear out so while
there isn't really the same investment
strategy and they don't stand to make as
proportional of a gross profit to their
overall operating costs etc as an
average investor might they can still
make a lot of money and if their
competitor gets in before they do they
may lose a lot of money so over the past
few months backed a crypto currency
exchange created by ice Starbucks and
has been building the first regulation
focus platform that primarily aims to
operate as a trusted custodian and
brokerage for large-scale investors
eventually with the entrance of major
investment banks and solid products
offered by backed lease stated that
institutional investors will have the
ability to enter the market but echoing
the sentiment of billionaire investor
Mike Novogratz who previously stated
that institutions will likely not commit
to the crypto market until Bitcoin
surpasses major resistance levels at
eight thousand eight hundred dollars and
ten thousand dollars Lee emphasized that
Bitcoin will have to show some recovery
in its price before it appeals to many
institutions and Lee said I think there
is a few one this new exchange called
ice banked will be launched and it's
going to be one of the first regulated
exchanges I think around that there is
working being done by these major
investment banks to build products to
support it or work with it I think
institutions are waiting to be involved
so with that being said how exactly does
Tom Lee think that Bitcoin will end the
year well in early 2018 Lee reaffirmed
his price target of $25,000 per Bitcoin
the cryptocurrency market is quickly
approaching the end of 2018 so we'll
really need to see how things bear out
in the next couple of months I think it
does still have the potential to reach a
new all-time high remember we have seen
huge price growth over the period of a
couple of months before or even over the
period of one month so it definitely can
still happen but that of course is my
opinion so I want to get all of your
opinions down the con section below let
me know what all of you are thinking and
of course if you like this and comments do go
ahead and drop it a like subscribe and
share for more I'll see all of you in
the next one
have a good one folks and adios

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