If You Want To Understand Why I am So Passionate About Bitcoin - Watch This Speech

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

My full talk from Anarchapulco 2018. If you want to understand the history of bitcoin then watch ^^

The most important part of the keynote might be the Q&A. It get's heated but I think it's in response to some absolutely crucial cryptocurrency and bitcoin issues.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments on the video


u talkin about btc or bcash?

100 %she said bitcoin or bcash, but bitcoin is the king of the world future,,, what do you think Sir?? @g-dubs??? Like, comment

He's talking about his bundle of lies, cheats and cons that he's trying to use to get his ego-project off the ground. Problem is, it isn't working. The "Anarchapulco" event was hilarious, I know someone who went and saw Lyin' Ver spewing his nonsense.

He called it a day and went to the beach, lol.

Roger is so blind to the fact that no one is taking him seriously, or even cares about his altfork. It shows in the pathetic transaction volume, and it shows in the declining hashrate of his D-List altcoin.

The lies have become so thick and "spun" that he has to do ridiculous mental gymnastics to justify it all -- most likely to the point where the cognitive dissonance gets SO great, that he has a hissy-fit meltdown. That's what happens when kooky pretzel-logic meets reality.

The false narrative shatters, and the crumbs are crushed underneath.

Mandatory reading for the newbies about Lyin' Ver and his "Greatest Cons" -- https://archive.fo/XfYDP

"Well caling names is not a reasoned argument - thats something 2nd graders do in school before they learn how to reason." - Roger Ver

Bitcoin Cash has my full support!
Bitcoin Cash Is Better than Bitcoin.

Bitcoin became the martyr to the Unacknowledged Government - It was the top dog that got the attention of the unacknowledged entities which infiltrated and sabotaged the whole bitcoin freedom movement by the Illuminati corporation.

When I first got into crypto I didnt like bitcoin cash out of ignorance really. - "A second Bitcoin... Ill stick with the original." Afterall to a new person entering the crypto space - its alittle overwhelming with all the different cryptocurrencies - you want the original McCoy.

But after seeing & experiencing the difference between Bitcoin & Bitcoin Cash - Its Bitcoin Cash All The Way!

A bunch of hoorah-cheerleading with zero information doesn't help you any.

You just seem like a meat-puppet with Ver's hand up your ass.

And the illuminati.... well, perfect - you and the ex-convict go perfect together.


That reminded me of a show I used to watch - Its was pretty funny & weird

Ps. why do you dislike bth and roger ver so much?

It seems to me like hes doing his best to pursue what hes passionate about & believes is in the best interest of the Bitcoin/Crypto movement.

His ego project is the only fork that is claiming to be Bitcoin.

He has to do this, because otherwise he'd languish in obscurity -- so by tricking newbies that BCash is something else, he thinks he'll achieve his goals.

Its like cheap Chinese knockoffs of a real product - they want to enjoy the recognition of the name, so they copy it as closely as possible -- because on their own they would fail.

Even cheap tricks aren't working, because his adoption is flat to zero - his transaction volume is pathetic, and his non-stop railing about how the CODE HE COPIED is crap rings hollow to every cryptocurrency enthusiast that has followed the space for more than a few months.

Another telling point is that Ver hasn't gone ALL-IN on BCash. Why not? Oh that's right, he holds BTC because he knows his altfork has a good chance of imploding.

His lies, deceit and general douchebaggery have made him a infamous turncoat in a space that has a long memory. He'll reap what he sows, and I can't wait to see it happen.

In short, Roger Ver is a duplicitous, lying, cheating con-man that cares more about lining his wallet and receiving praise, then he does about anyone participating in his schemes.

Thank-you for sharing your views. I appreciate it.


Although I think he forked because of what Bitcoin became. I dont think he would of done it if Bitcoin wasnt made incompetent by design.

I first got bitcoin - heard how cryptocurrency is instant and has no fees. Peer-to-peer, etc.
(Plus way back when I first heard of it I was gonna buy 26 bitcoins for $30 - Dummy I was - I thought I was paying $30 for $26 but little did i know 26 btc was $30 worth so I cancelled the buy order because I didnt see the point of it)

Yet today to withdrawl from exchange its like $30 and to send a small transaction was verging on $5 and it took half an hour to have a payment go threw.

Certainly not worth all the hype I thought - Then kept hearing bitcoin cash tried it and was sold instantly -superfast (instant) a penny fee and held true to bitcoins original blueprint.

But I appreciate your sharing

If you haven't noticed, You're are killing bitcoin, not helping.

In all fairness BTC did a great job in crippling itself over the last year. High transaction fees and lengthy transaction times cannot be blamed on BCH.

For the record my holdings have remained the same since the fork, holding equal amounts of BCH and BTC. My feeling is that the fork has not fully played itself out yet. My best case scenario is that both BTC and BCH do well so please don't see me as a shill for either side.

It’s just part of the natural process a revolutionary technology must go through. Doesn’t mean it’s broken, it just needs time and people need patience

It's not a matter of patience really. That's just the counter narrative.

No amount of patience will undo the sabotage of the community and chain (likely based in ignorance, rather than malevolence) or solve the more fundamental issues of the replacement technology which are brought by routing and relying on the liquidity + the location of nodes.

There needs to be alternatives and in this case the alternative happens to be the scaling plan implied by the Bitcoin design itself and advocated by Satoshi until he left.

That said, LN is a great experiment. I'm hoping to see it evolve into something even more interesting eventually.

Just because it's not ready to scale for mass adoption right now doesn't mean it's broken. It needs to go through a speculative phase and build up a much bigger market cap in order to stabilize the volatility long before the world adopts it as a currency. For now it needs to be a store of value before it can become a currency. This doesn't at all mean that it has failed to be a currency, it hasn't even begun!

Just because it's not ready to scale for mass adoption right now doesn't mean it's broken.

That wasn't the argument made.

But it was broken and remains in that state. In full, Bitcoin scales well already and will scale with time on a predictable basis. The only reason it hit a limit was through mismanagement and attempts at central planning.

It needs to go through a speculative phase and build up a much bigger market cap in order to stabilize the volatility long before the world adopts it as a currency.

This is not a logically coherent argument for intentionally making it fully inviable for its very purpose for a period of time. When can it be adopted as a currency then? You have to draw a line eventually. You're just pushing that down the road.

For now it needs to be a store of value before it can become a currency.

It can't be one without the other. How are you storing value when fees can get out of hand and eat up a good portion of your account? That's not a good store of value.

As Austrian economists throughout time have known, a good store of value is a good medium of exchange.

This doesn't at all mean that it has failed to be a currency, it hasn't even begun!

For years we used Bitcoin as a currency. It had begun and it continues in the form of Bitcoin Cash.

The "speculative phase" doesn't end for a money. You always speculate and you always use it. There are no two phases.

The rise of a money is a gradual process and you can surely break it down into phases if you want to, but you can't separate medium of exchange from store of value without making it less of a money.

But it was broken and remains in that state. In full, Bitcoin scales well already and will scale with time on a predictable basis. The only reason it hit a limit was through mismanagement and attempts at central planning.

---Bitcoin only scaled well when very few people were using it. It's obvious that it wasn't ready to scale for mass adoption yet, last year proved that. You need patience. the internet didn't scale over night either, it didn't mean the internet was broken because it was slow and useless in the 90's. Open your mind.

This is not a logically coherent argument. When can it be adopted as a currency then? You have to draw a line eventually. You're just pushing that down the road.

----This is an extremely child question. When can it be adopted?? hahahaha Do you really think we should all set a date for bitcoin to be used as a currency instead of an investment? Only an individual holder can decide when it's time to stop holding it as an investment and to use it as a currency. To ask when is the stupidest question I've ever heard. You don't need to draw a line, the market dictates how it will be used.

It can't be one without the other. How are you storing value when fees can get out of hand and eat up a good portion of your account? That's not a good store of value.

---It is already a store of value and a currency. Fact, people are holding it as an investment. Fact people are using it right now around the world as a currency.

For years we used Bitcoin as a currency. It had begun and it continues in the form of Bitcoin Cash.

The "speculative phase" doesn't end for a money. You always speculate and you always use it. There are no two phases.

The rise of a money is a gradual process and you can surely break it down into phases if you want to, but you can't separate medium of exchange from store of value without making it less of a money.

---You need to stop thinking in black and white. It's a well known fact that the larger the market cap, the less the volatility. Bitcoin will slowly be used more as a currency as the market cap grows, volatility and the potential for gains diminishes. This is an undeniable fact that cannot be argued.


I think the "childishness" of your reply speaks for itself.

  • Learn to differentiate between a rhetorical and a genuine question.

  • Learn to differentiate between when I break down the logic of your statements, vs making a strawman of what you said. Etc.

I don't see any valid retorts to my arguments.

Just as a sidenote, the person who came up with the term "hyperbitcoinization" (for a concept that I have neither rejected nor contradicted here) was himself finally shunned as he became critical of Core.

"Crippling itself" -- yeah, I think you missed a LOT in the past year or so. There's been deep analysis if the Fan-IN/Fan-OUT attack that was used to do this.

Fee markets exist for a reason, to prevent abuse of a resource in a shared environment.

I'd read this before you get too deep, it would save you some trouble -- https://hackernoon.com/the-ethereum-blockchain-size-has-exceeded-1tb-and-yes-its-an-issue-2b650b5f4f62

Applies to BCash, EOS and ETH. Just a matter of time which one implodes first.

(Moved upstream due to downvoter hissy-fit, lol)

(Moved upstream due to downvoter hissy-fit, lol)

Ver would like to think he's killing Bitcoin, but in reality all he's doing is killing any credibility he had left.

I guess once an ex-convict, always an ex-con. Right Roger?

(Moved upstream due to downvoter hissy-fit. lol)

(Moved upstream, downvoter hissy fit, lol)

You people can watch the video, before making any opinion.

@rogerkver I hope you dont mind - I have got to share this great discussion.

I will share this video on my steemit channel - BTH Is Awesome!

Ps. I am working on Cryptonix Cash - Not sure if you would be interested in discussing it privately - but if you are that would mean alot! Thanks for your passion.

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Great talk, great room. Anarchapulco 2019! 😎

When are Bitcoin price are 15000$

Can't Wait For Anarchapulco 2019 - Great job At the 2018 conference!

👍. congratulation for you.
And thanks for sharing, i enjoyed it

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