The Future of Money: a very special STEEM post - Part 3 of 5steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

This series continues from the previous article on Money's Fundamental Problem (the Truth). Continuing...

A little bit of HISTORY:

Before we can understand the future of money, we need to understand the history. Not the history of money, but the history of humanity's problems that money came as a proposed "solution".


Humanity's Evolution and Why Money is Involved

What we are experiencing today is part of a cycle--humanity has also experienced this in the past. This is a cycle that humanity experiences over thousands of years, much like the procession of the equinox. What I am about to express is not exact; however, it is the best illustration I can render. There's no need to call this "money"; just remember that this represents the evolution of the fundamentals of scarcity and privilege. If you suffer from cognitive dissonance, then think of my writing as a fictional writing; it will help you accept the ideas better.

Once upon a time, humanity was so connected as a species with each other and the Earth that they did not even have to communicate. Our heart organ literally connected our communications and collective experiences just like the internet itself (have fun looking at Stanford University's HeartMath Research!). There was no need to share memories, as everyone already knew each other's experiences and memories, yet there was still a concept of being physically "separate". Even today, when you see someone perform an action--such as eating a fruit, pitching a baseball, or hugging a child--your brain is firing the same neurons as the actions of the other human that you observe, with the exception of commands to your muscles. This example is only to illustrate that we still recognize that we are "separate", even though our experience in the mind is very similar.


Imagine humanity's developments moving at the speed of thought. This is how fast humanity's "technology" evolved. You could even call it "spiritual", as it is foreign to our common experience. Humanity did some amazing things, such as building pyramids and applying other forms of geomancy.

Fast Forward...

Eventually, and one-by-one, group-by-group, humanity repeated a grave mistake--basically cooking their food. (This subject alone is detailed and interesting... you will see with my future posts as I exploit this subject further.) This mistake made our species unbalanced and less connected. Because humans were then less connected, humanity could no-longer share each other's immediate experiences and memories.

That became a huge problem when it came to survival and preserving the advantages of our species' social and connected nature.

The Solution? the leaders of humanity created writing systems, and from this came at least 4 main writing systems: that of the Aztecs, Egyptians, Sumerians, and the Hans (I honestly don't know how to say it in english...basically ancient China). Side note: the leaders who went to current day Tibet likely did not need a writing system during this "fall" of mankind, during this "original sin".

Writing helped save us, but humanity as a species developed to a much different place as a result of writing:

  1. Information became scarce. (Our communication connection was relatively disconnected.)
  2. Information became privileged. (The medium that contained information could only be published and distributed by those who held it.)
  3. Safety became scarce. (We could not work together efficiently.)
  4. Sustenance became scarce. (It really wasn't, but this because a perception due to our fears.)
  5. And many more scarcity issues...

(Pictured above: Thoth, who gave writing and knowledge to the ancient people of Egypt.)

Information nearly became a currency. Oracles were "born", psychics were more rare and highly valued, training others to write became important to humanity's survival and preservation, research groups became a priority, and the collective idea that "knowledge is power" likely developed from here. Naturally, specialized groups developed to take advantage of information as leverage.

Something very good came from this.

As you know, we all love to learn and to teach. It is at our core. Have we always had this feature? Or did we develop it for survival's sake during civilization's grave mistake?

Now that you are aware of this history, you’re ready to understand humanity’s biggest problems that were artificially solved with money. Through this you can gain insight into the future of money.

5 part series.

For the sake of our attention span, this is a 5 part series--each part will refer to a different concept to help readers understand the future of money. Didn't catch Part 1 or 2? Links are below... and follow me for updates! :)

~~ @robertgenito

Part 1: Fundamental Misconceptions of Money
Previous: Part 2 - Money's Fundamental Problem (the Truth)
Now: Part 3 - Humanity's Evolution and Why Money is Involved
Next: Part 4 - The Money of Now and the Future
Finale: The Future of Money is NOT CRYPTO CURRENCY


gd post . i resteem your post

thank you! :)

very good..
nice post

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