This crazy market had so many people in the dumps due to so many investors being so focused on only the smaller picture.
The market has produced a double bottom on mostly everything, this indicates a bullish market re appearing, I'm so glad so many people held through what seemed to be a hard 3 days, its now paying off.
A double bottom appears in the formation of a W if it does this and breaks through the resistance most of the time these things rocket, and it seems we just need to keep our eyes open for the ones that do this.
I have attached an image to demonstrate the W formation on Technical Analysis.
Rev Nissan
It was quite painful seeing 40% of my money vanish, but it's already beginning to 📈. Hope Ans is going to skyrocket in 6-12 months.
she will :P
Thank you, as always Rev. On point analysis.

We're back in business which means . .
yep shes going haha !!
Like this one today?
correct, eth is a perfect example of it right now on 30min chart
I see, so it's not necessary to be a sharp "W"? with ETH the middle top is a little round so it was unclear at first for me, but the top picture is from GNT which was really obvious. Still trying too learn to recognise these patterns :D
100% it dosent have to be perfect as long as it shows real signs
Thank you for the explanation!
your welcome
Thank you. 😊
your welcome
I still think there might be another shakeout soon. Some of my predictions.
Just hodling
Rev is one of the best I've encountered when it comes to the crypto market. Keep up the good work!
Thanks brother
For sure love his calls
Some one said we should be friends,So i am following you now Much love brother!
for sure brother, always looking to connect with like minded people.... keep the great work up, im still trying to understand how to use this thing so i can give the proceeds back to charities, especially with xmas aroudn the corner would be amazing to donate to some kids in need of presents
Oh that sounds like a great idea! Ill touch in when I land back in CR! Maybe we can line up a skype call to chat for fuN! Enjoy the evening!
sounds awesome mate, done deal
danke, you deserve a medal Sir. our patience finally paid off. the last three days was just like an earthquake for me. I managed to HODL the ground because of your analysis.
Awesome brother, I'm really glad to hear
Hello Rev can you suggest or direct me to content that would allow me to efficiently expand my altcoin portfolio by using the profits i'm earning from my ether
Mate there's content all over the place, I wouldn't know where to begin, I try and keep everyone up to date
If you can correct me please , is the first symbol a buy sign and the second one a sale sign ?
1st one is a sell, second is a buy
@revnissan, pls help me out here, how do i recover my password or get any of the keys required to transfer btc back to bittrex without the password. I can't lay hold it, though i saved it in my mobile browser, i wish i had used chrome.
you defintiely need your password, what platform are you looking to send it from?
Hello! I understand the entrance and the entrance and target obviously :) but what does the "stop" refer to?
hi it refers to a stop loss
@revnissan How do you do stop losses on bittrex or can you? Would I just put a limit sale in at a certain loss point and also one at a certain profit point If I understand I'm looking for a 4 to 1 reward over risk correct?
@revnissan to