RE: Is It About What Women Want... Or Can It Be More For The Cryptocurrency Business
Is this Digitex something you are investing in or in some way directing involved in?
exchanges and other crypto businesses need to be more open-minded and think outside the proverbial “male” box.
I think you are right about the potential of more women as investors.
It can also relate to the fact fewer women are into computer science than men. The only reason I knew about any digital currency is through a long time friend of mine, showing BC to me.
Then once in Steemit I had no interest in learning more about crypto until a few months ago. When something is new it takes time to take hold.
This is just my experience I know there are women witnesses and crypto experts in here. I am not discounting them in any way. We are speaking of the regular masses.
great post and insights.. thanks @goldendawne