Enjoying the New Chaos - Part 2

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Part 2 - Where is this going? Who can we trust?
By Quan Parker

Those who rely upon familiar slogans, empty bromides and comforting pigeon-hole concepts to compartmentalize their understanding of this new world, are often lost. Apprehending the real ramifications of this sea-change, away from slow, anally-intrusive government fiat towards the cheaper, faster and more private market fiat, requires contemplation of new forms of chaos as well as order.

Which is more reliable and secure today? The "full faith and credit of the US government," or the blockchain? You tell me.

The blockchain may free us. But along the way, the hand of the Market will cull the herd, the hard way, as we see now. In this new worldwide competition of ideas, moving faster inside key brains than most of us can possibly comprehend or predict... (just read a few of the newest cryptocurrency white papers if you doubt this)... the new 'best' platforms and protocols are constantly being developed... and some of the best scams ever perpetrated are afoot as well.

There is just no way anyone, least of all the leadbrained Leviathan, can keep up with the speed and dynacism of these changes. Already it is universally understood that few traders keep track of their individual transactions between cryptos. Obviously those in the US (and its world financial cage) who made big crypto gains last year waited until after the new year to take profits in fiat so that they wouldn't have to report the income until next April, etc.

Perhaps you are more comfortable with the familiar dominance of US government world monetary hegemony, which has wrought 75 years of petrodollar imperialism; low energy prices for the US, but tragically, endless FED-financed warmaking wasting thousands of innocent lives and trillions of dollars, sending fine young Americans into harm's way for absolutely untrue reasons. These wars can never be won, we all know that now, and benefit only the elite billionaire arms dealers and warmongers, who pay off the press like the cheap whores they are.

Far too many servicepeople come home shattered, disillusioned and sometimes suicidal. Why is this monstrous criminal enterprise not challenged by the mothers who see their finest young men and women, potential future leaders, horribly stained for life if they have one left at all, by having to do unspeakable things to people cowering in mud huts or trying to bury their dead with dignity?

Some like Clint Lowrance are singled out for apparent propaganda reasons. For successfully defending their positions and the troops under them, they are court marshaled and sent to military prison. The murder of Pat Tillman was never properly investigated or explained.

"There has never been a nation that benefited from protracted war." -- Sun Tzu

US military leaders fly over deserts and mountains on the other side of the world, avoiding declaring defeat yet always needing more troops (somebody else's kids) and more (of somebody else's) money to finish what they first were sent to do 15-20 years ago. It will never end until the remaining good people of America DECIDE TO FINALLY STOP IT. Are there enough of us?

Everyone with a functional brain well knows by now the politicians and military have been lying through their teeth, violating international law, the Geneva Conventions, any semblance of morality; all too often doing the bidding of countries that do not have the best interests of the US at heart. The reputation of America as leader of the "free world" is a cynical illusion that no one (without an agenda to impose) believes anymore.

It is way past time for America the Exceptional to come to its numbed senses and realize these wars have absolutely nothing to do with the defense of America. The neocon filth running the wars and the propaganda machines are destroying what is left of America to defend; its remaining virtue, its belief in itself.

Perhaps you do not look with suspicion upon the vast, unaccountable Western (globalist) control mechanisms like the FED (a private entity), international banksters (famously insolvent to the tune of 200+ trillion edollars), the IMF, World Bank, BIS, CFR, etc. Or perhaps you remain unconvinced of their danger to liberty and world peace by those who do. Perhaps leaving the Pentagon off this list is evidence of the chilling effect; what the hell, put them there alongside Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and Russian trolls.

You might even be a fierce opponent of pure market-created and spontaneous need-driven alternatives. You might even think the United States of America has the right and responsibility to destroy, if thought necessary, any individual, any nation, any group meeting on the streets of the world, any children playing on a playground, any wedding party, any church or hospital, plus spy on any transaction, control the results of any election, bully any sovereign nation on earth with possible world-ending nuclear annihilation... including Russia and China. Really?

I suggest you would be wrong, morally, practically and strategically. And that's a big reason why Steemit is important.

But even if you disagree, know that the Invisible Hand of said Market is flipping off the arrogant cabal of alchemist witchdoctors of fiat and world colonialism. Unless the internet is completely shut down, this Hand will sweep into the infamous Dustbin of History these poseurs who misinterpret and underestimate human nature, ingenuity, self-reliance under threat, contrariness, insistence on Liberty and survival instinct writ large.

To hell with statism. Soon.

Tomorrow: Part 3 - Conclusion

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