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RE: A small analysis of the current star constellation in reference to crypto currencies:

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hey ya I've got a lot of material about it. I'll try a short version for you, but I would prefer a complete analysis for you, which also considers your ascendent, medium coeli, moon and also the aspects between the planets. Every horoscope is unique and you should see it as a whole, but the sun sign (your aries) is some kind of summary.

Some anologies about your force:
affect, aggression, beginning, leader, attack, dawn, urge, energy, freshness, impulses, hunter, strength, sports, warrior, risk, taking action, vigor, daring, self-assetion

In psychological astrology are three different stages of living your energy. The first is inhibition, the second compensation and the third is the adult mode. If we stay in the unconsiousness, neuroscientist claim, that it controls over 90% of our daily activity, even if we believe we have a free will. So most people are stuck in the first two form, till they get more consious.

passivity, weak ego, low enforcement, missing initiative, get angry, autoaggression, blocked urge, unsporting and deficite daring

hyperactivity, egoism, strong hero, attacking, fighting, arguin, beginning wars, oversized instincts and fanatic in sports

activity, constructive energy usage, stong will, enforcement capability, natural masculinity, able to initiate, able to risk something, vitality, pioneering spirit, live out body instincts, athletic abilites
You're a fiery, active, initiative and spontaneous acting person. You're conditioned as a leader, who knows what he wants. It's easily for you to motivate other people.
Sometimes you aren't sure about yourself, but you always know what you want. You're quickly determined without thinking much about it. Mostly you're very directly and aren't planning that much to get into action. Wishes do you want immediately push through. If something or someone opposes against you, you could quickly get angry, because you don't have much calm and won't accept contradictions. It could be hard for you to accept other opinions than your own. So you're mostly fighting against other opinions and forces instead of uniting the forces of life. Dedication could be perceived as weakness.
You're a man of will and archieving your goals is your focus, but you could forget that the way is the goal.
Rarely you look backwards, because mostly you believe it's a wasting of time. Oftenly you find new goals to archieve, therefore you're oftenly changing your goals instead of finishing something, because the new goals looks much more attractive for you. Mostly you let other peoples do the implementation and details of your ideas, because of a lack of patience and you think that you have much more important things to do, because it's your task to start new things.
If some of your ideas got stuck, you're quickly searching for a solution, because you believe there are less things that you can't handle.
Your life is mostly stressfully and you're whipping yourself, because you aren't just with others in competition but also with yourself. Therefore you'll find rarely inner peace and calmness, because you're ignoring your inner voice. Ambitions are driving your life and you always want to be the first and best one, that is why you aren't avoiding conflicts.
The burnt earth behind you are you reasoning with survival of the fittest, if something new needs to get started, but you could overlook your ruthlessness and egoism in this acting.
Mostly you're an idealist, loyal fight fellow and friend, who's courageous and stands in every consequence to his friends and his convictions. You rarely let a friend drop down.
Also you wouldn't give up your opinion to get popular. Strongly you're fighting for your opinion, but need to be carefully to not impose others. This could be overlooked by your subjective view.
You've got a generous nature and reward loyal people, but you're strongly enforcing others and could overstrain them. It could ofently happen that you won't notice that you're overtaxing people. If you need to wait for others, it could get really hard for you.
It's hard for you to admit weaknesses and the patience to change them. But you have the courage to talk about your weaknesses, because often you believe that this are just characteristics of you others have to fight with and cope. You deprecate others to talk about your mistakes, even if you're doing it by other people.
Even if you have a uncertainty, you have a high self-confidence. Ofently you're overestimating your energies, when you're trying to dub insecurities.
You're the first sign, a pioneer and warrior who is making his experiences in the world. It's important for you to get confirmations from outside.
Mostly you will have a inner and outer youthfulness.
In partnerships you're mostly warm-hearted and faithful, but it could easily bore you, because you have inner impulses to take adventures. You're a conqueror and it bores you if you could easily get a woman. You're searching for a parnter, that won't fight against your will. If your partnership costs to much time, you quickly searching to find more freedome again. Most oppositions in a partnership you want to solve with good sex. It could happen, that you'll find yourself in partnerships while you're dreaming about new adventures. In principle it's important for you to be loyal. You expected to be loved by a woman for your masculinity and potency. For a proposal of a marriage or romantic hours you're the wrong person. Probably you would buy the wedding rings just before the marriage, because you're affraid about dependences. In partnerships you're also striving for leadership.
Mostly you're a bad loser, but you'll ofently archieve quickly your optimism of life back and get soon back to new challenges.
You're processing defeats and psychological pain with beginning of something new or creating conflicts in the outside world. If you're feeling bad, mostly you'll search for movement.
You could be described as the untutored and unteachable child, which hits others with direct speeches and thoughts. What others think about you isn't your interest, you only feel committed to your ideals and your truth. Social rankings don't exist for you, so you could appear for other to be respectless and outrageous, because you're confrontating others on eye level.

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