Why Switcheo is a good long term investment?
Switcheo is the new DEX based on NEO
On centralized exchanges, most of the functional logic and data are performed and stored on their own
servers. Switcheo’s main operations, however, are mainly executed by a smart contract residing on NEO’s
decentralized blockchain.
There are 4 core components that make up the Switcheo DEX:
● A front facing user interface that interacts with the smart contract
● Custom blockchain nodes to log smart contract events and interactions
● Off-chain order history database and API
● Broker smart contract
Switcheo team will launch the token contract for Switcheo (SWH) Tokens no earlier than the 16 March
2018 on the NEO Blockchain as a NEP-5 Token.
1,000,000,000 SWH Tokens may be minted in total, and no additional tokens will be minted in future.
The allocations for SWH are as per follows:
20% (200,000,000 SWH Tokens) will be allocated to the Public Sale;
48.3% (483,000,000 SWH Tokens) have been allocated to Strategic Partners;
25% (250,000,000 SWH Tokens) will be reserved for the Switcheo Team to further incentivize
development of the Switcheo DEX, and the tokens will be vest monthly on a 2 year schedule with a 3
month cliff
6.7% (67,000,000 SWH Tokens) will be reserved for Marketing Campaigns & Official Partnerships.
Reasons why Switcheo will be a good long term token
1.Switcheo is one of the ICO got rating 9
2.Switcheo is less than 10M$ market cap with most of them sold to private investors.
3.DEX is getting more attention due to the recent hacks in reputed centralized exchanges.
4.SWH Tokens will be added as a base pair while trading on the Switcheo DEX through the Switcheo UI.
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