PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series - Strontium

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

Hello fellow Steemians and PIVians! Welcome to our "PIVX Steemit Original: Meet a PIVian interview series".

At PIVX, we're all about our community and with our Meet a PIVian interview series we want to put PIVians in the spotlight. Make sure to check in often for a new one!


This time we interviewed a PIVian known as “Strontium”.


We don’t have a photo of Strontium because he likes his privacy. This is why you’re looking at our "zPIVian".

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

I’m Strontium. I’m in my early 30’s and I live in Japan. I am addicted to learning and reading, and enjoy drawing, writing, and hiking. My education and experience are quite broad, so I’ll generally make a living freelancing whenever possible.

What is your screen name, avatar and how did you get them?

My PIVX name came from a hypnagogic hallucination years ago. As I was drifting to sleep a figure stood over me and kept calling ‘strontium’. Accustomed to such weirdness, I woke up, shrugged it off, and said ‘Okay, that’s me’. I’ve been Strontium online since.

Schermafbeelding 2018-05-16 om 14.49.39.png

For PIVX I use a display picture of Guts from the long-running Japanese manga Berserk. It’s violent and explores dark, adult themes in a low fantasy analogue of medieval Europe. The artwork is something else, and story is great. I recommend checking it out if you’re so inclined.


When and why did you get into cryptocurrency?

Back when Dogecoin started someone tipped me some for a thread on game design I’d made. I lost it sometime after, then Mt. Gox happened, and I lost interest in crypto for a good while. Fools live with regrets, where wise men learn from mistakes (I strive to be the latter - currently at ‘journey’ rather than ‘destination’ however). I got back into crypto in 2017. My first big buy was XRB (now NANO); I didn’t sell at the ATH and I’m still holding bags waiting for the smoke to settle.

When and why did you get into PIVX?

This was in November 2017 when PIVX’s Sieres (a close friend of mine) encouraged me to look into joining PIVX. I think it was the ‘join’ and not ‘buy’ that sold me in the end, as it stood for something beyond profit. The fire of his passion caught hold, and now I’m assimilated and keeping it purple!

What is your favorite thing about PIVX?

The community without a doubt. It’s infectious for all the right reasons. People are welcomed, their voices heard, and talents and insights embraced. There’s an inherent dignity afforded to everyone, and further respect is given based on effort and one’s treatment of others. It reminds me of the Japanese culture in that sense.

As an active community member many people surely see you around a lot in our Discord, but perhaps not many people know about the different areas in which you help support the cause. Can you tell us about everything that you do, and do you think that our community culture is what drives you to be such an active community member?

As with most of the more active members of PIVX, my efforts are rather broadly spread. Initially I was brought on as a software QA tester, but I work on things like websites, document writing, copy or line editing, marketing art, business development, brand awareness efforts, and more. Some of it I'm invited to help with, while other tasks are more 'See a need, fill a need' to quote Bigweld from Robots - though the community uses JFDI for this.


The fact that PIVians support one another and help everyone play to their strengths is absolutely the reason I'm so keen to contribute to PIVX. It's a positive environment to work in, to the point that it often feels more like fun than work, and I believe people do their best work when their heart and soul are involved.

As you know we have recently released zPoS which enables PIVX users to stake privately. What do you think about this feature and are you using this feature already?

I think zPoS is not only a huge step forward for PIVX, but for the crypto space as a whole. Privacy will be a contentious topic as crypto gains traction, and doubtless particular governing bodies will become increasingly vocal about it. I'm convinced it's a key part of the financial restructure the world is overdue for however, so yes, I'm absolutely using zPoS.

Knowing about all the exciting things on our roadmap and community projects, what is it that you’re most excited about?

There's plenty that excites me, like zDEX, expanding the ambassador program, Dandelion protocol implementation... But personally, I'm most excited about efforts I'm pushing for user engagement, and broadening not only PIVX's target demographic, but global appeal. I think this will not only serve PIVX well, but cryptocurrency as a whole.

What is your favorite color?

Pur...Ultramarine. Sorry.

Do you have a crypto dream?

I hope we can bring about a world in which people work doing what they truly, pridefully want to do; a world where passions are treasured, and growth is celebrated. I think this whole 9-5 unshackled debt-slave business has had its run. We’re thinking, feeling, creating, machines, and unlike steel and circuits our destiny is in our own hands should we dare direct it. I think crypto is an important step towards this potentiality.

Last question: Do you have a prediction for PIVX at the end of this year and can you elaborate on that?

Let me be positive in a non-skyrock lambos way. I believe PIVX will further develop in its own unique direction. I see its value as a reflection of not just the outstanding tech, but the work of the community as a whole. It’s a young oak setting deep roots and growing steadily towards the sunlight amongst shrubbery springing into open air. When inevitably the crypto space implodes and many tokens fade, PIVX will remain because the community involved would have it so.

Would you like to have a chat with Strontium? Would you like to know more about PIVX? Join our Discord! (you can find the link below)

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ALL PIVX community members, feel free to RESTEEM this article! Let’s keep spreading the word of our amazing community focused privacy centric global cryptocurrency.

Keep it purple people!


zPivian Strontium Go Go Go~~~

Very nice interview and thanks to strontium for his great work towards the PIVX community!!!


"When inevitably the crypto space implodes and many tokens fade, PIVX will remain because the community involved would have it so."

Been looking forward to reading this one!!



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