Fluxorin-Creates a decentralized ecosystem to account for royalty for music authors
Music is one of the very important parts of our lives. In today's world of depression Music provides a serene leisure time for us, relaxing our souls and minds. Thanks to its impeccablity in our life, the music industry is one of the fastest growing sectors of the globe. It started in the first half of the 20th century with the beginning of music recording technology. With the advancing technology, music became accessible to all, unlike the script a century ago, when it was an expensive luxury. But in the age of digitization the music industry still faces problems that need to be sorted to improve the situation.
In earlier times the music industry used to record a recorded copy of the musical performance, which should be sold to the market. This has led to the risks faced by publishers. The existing laws are quite complex in their approach based on "heritage" and for many years, they have become a complete mess with the authors and performers at the lowest level. People who produce music that are responsible for the existence of such soul songs do not get their share of profits. They often complain about "lack of transparency". This often reduces their trust.
Solution from Fluxorin
The problem of the unfair distribution of profits faced by people in the music industry should soon be sorted. This will make this place more fair and transparent. Fluxorin provides an innovative solution to this obstacle using Blockchain technology, i.e. a decentralized ecosystem for royalty accounting and payment processing. This will lead to much-needed transparency in the complex world of property rights and digital distribution and music marketing in the music industry. It also brings a new model for making music using decentralized standalone shortcuts. It also aims to address the problem of music piracy, which is quite common in today's market
Functional importance of Fluxorin
The first and foremost in this list is transparency. This is very necessary today in the music sector.
The use of decentralized stand-alone labels (DAL) is an intelligent contract that will automate things such as distribution, labelling, and so forth.
Low cost of operation.
Correct distribution of profits and royalties.
Using the peer to Peer (P2P) file sharing model will make it easier to publish and distribute music while maintaining better quality by sharing the playlist with friends and community on the platform network.
With FLUXORIN, spilling music benefits today don't have to process rushed paper attempts to get ready reports and pay artists, rather, all the data are available to access by anybody on the planet, right away. FLUXORIN is intended for both artist and audience members, yet will in the long run advantage the entire business even conventional players. Advertisers, promoter, DJs, and social keepers can likewise profit by this framework, which can bring forth new qualities for audience members, in this way producing comes back to them.
Huge open information on FLUXORIN blockchain can prompt more astute music suggestion. In light of this framework, Artificial Intelligence can help play increasingly essential part to assist clients with discovering music in view of their taste, which is found out by the machine. It can be extremely customized on the grounds that each playback history will turn into the establishment of more exact proposal in the following.
see video below
Fluxorin token sale and ICO distribution
Fluxorin is authorized to pay its own cryptocurrency under the name Flux token. Flux is one of the main elements of the Fluxorin ecosystem, which will help reward and make transactions on the platform with the participation of artists, labels and other creative people who have contributed to the process. Flux is compatible with ERC-20.
The total output of the Flux tokens is 702 000 000.
The number of tokens available for sale is 372 000 000 copies.
For any additional information About FLUXORIN, please visit the following:
ANNTHREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4361686.0
WEBSITE; https://www.fluxorin.io/
WHITEPAPER: https://www.fluxorin.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/FLUXORIN.pdf
FACEBOOK: https://web.facebook.com/fluxorin.io/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/fluxorin_io
TELEGRAM: https://t.me/FluxorinIC
Authored by Solomon 3158