NEO 3.0 👍 Improvements to the NEO blockchain

After the cryptic (pre?)announcement not too long ago, NEO has today officially announced NEO 3.0 which will bring significant upgrades to the NEO blockchain in almost all aspects.

NEO 3.0

NEO 3.0 has been in development since Q2 of 2018 and today through Erik Zhang, lead developer of NEO, we learn what it should entail. According to Zhang NEO 3.0 will feature higher tps and stability, expanded API's for smart contracts, an optimized economic & pricing model and more. In his own words "we will entirely redesign NEO's core modules".

Higher TPS

The technicals of most of this are beyond me, but to copy & paste from the announcement, NEO will increase transactions-per-second by:

  • Refactor the code and core modules
  • Optimize the network protocol
  • Implement the feature manifest and permission system for NeoContract
  • Prepare for dynamic sharding
  • Detach state persistence and block persistence

What this exactly entails, I'm not sure - though it sounds great - but I did notice the 'dynamic' part of dynamic sharding, which is a term I don't think I've come across before. We know about sharding, but the wording of this makes me wonder if dynamic sharding is perhaps some kind of different (better?) variety of the same technology.

Improving the tokenomics

This has to do with the divisibility-issue of NEO, where if the token appreciates in value too much it will quickly become out of reach for ordinary investors to own even 1 NEO. There is a current proposal to change the indivisibility of the NEO token in NEO 3.0, as well as introduce a yearly inflation of GAS and a mechanism for rewarding consensus nodes.

These are still only proposals though, and as I've written recently I have contributed to a new proposal with regards to the tokenomics, which would introduce a lock-down period. The proposal is currently on github and was looked at by Erik Zhang, and has been enthusiastically received on the NEO sub-reddit so far. I'd get a real kick out of it if this makes it into NEO 3.0!

Lowering the GAS cost for smart contracts

Another upgrade planned is to lower the cost for launching a smart contract on NEO. According to the announcement it will be significantly cheaper to do so in NEO 3.0.

Smart Contract upgrades

Here again my technical knowledge is limited, but I do make out some interesting points. Firstly, NEO 3.0 will feature cross-platform smart contracts. From what I understand they will create a unified API for smart contracts to connect with the NEO blockchain. Together with a platform detection method, this should enable any blockchain to become compatible with NEO if they put in the work to connect with the API.

Khaleesi is still hodling NEO. Are you?

Another interesting thing is the feature manifest and permission system. I would need more details on this, but I believe this means that there will be methods of constraining smart contracts and limiting their functionality. Think of it similar to your Android phone apps, which request your permission to access any of your phone's features, and simply cannot use these features if they are not allowed to do so. Similarly, smart contracts could be limited to certain functions too. This could be very helpful in preventing hacks or other abuse - simply by taking these cards off the table.

NEO and GAS will soon be handled like NEP-5 tokens. This is something that would be very welcome! It's an issue with Ethereum and the ERC-20 standard too, the fact that ETH is not the same 'sort' of token as an ERC-20 token. This is why you can find Ethereum DEXes for ERC-20 tokens but they will make you 'wrap' the ETH first into W-ETH, because ETH itself is different. The same principle applies to NEO. Perhaps you've tried the NEO DEX Switcheo and you may have noticed a somewhat similar process happens there. With NEO 3.0 however, both NEO and GAS will have the same function as any other NEP-5 token and no more 'wrapping' should be required.

API & NeoVM changes

Sorry, this is where I must utterly fail you in explaining what will be improved. There are multiple improvements listed for the API and NeoVM, but you'd need a programmer to explain what these features do and why these improvements are improvements. I'm sure that some coder somewhere must be wetting his/her pants over the announced changes, though.

Who remembers this little guy?

All in all I'm excited about NEO 3.0, but also a bit uncertain. I like all of the proposed improvements a lot, but what concerns me are the words of Erik Zhang "we will entirely redesign NEO's core modules". It gives me an uneasy feeling when a project that has been running since 2015 and is well on it's way, is now deciding to do a complete overhaul. Surely, if it's for the better then it is a good thing but it also begs the question: What have you guys been doing all this time?

At the same time, when market leader Ethereum is also doing a complete overhaul with Casper's PoS protocol and other things, perhaps it is better to remain flexible rather than rigid. After all, these technologies are still very new and every roadblock in the road teaches us something new about what does and doesn't work. Right now regulations play a large role, also in technical development, and that wasn't so much the case before. In discussions on github and reddit you can find snippets here and there discussing governance tokens vs utility tokens, and often the regulatory aspect is not overlooked. After all, you can make the best technical decision but if that puts you at odds with regulars you're not getting very far either.

Click here to read the official NEO 3.0 announcement

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You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

Surely, if it's for the better then it is a good thing but it also begs the question: What have you guys been doing all this time?.
It should be better than instead of better then.

Nope... Wrong! Even grammar nazi bots make mistakes..

Great news for the NEO holders. I wouldn't worry about a core module redesign; Erik Zhang and Da Hongfei are brilliant guys who know what they are doing, I trust them to make the right call. I'm sure they have learnt much and will implement those lessons into a better future NEO.

I haven't read the details yet, but to me dynamic sharding sounds like some sort of scalable sharding on demand. I question the necessity of it at this stage, especially considering the high TPS of NEO compared to Ethereum (which has many more DApps than what NEO does). I surmise that this is some form of future-proofing by the NEO council, which is good for NEO holders in the long term.

Cross platform smart contracts sound very interesting too, and are a step in the right direction in the crypto world. As you are probably aware, NeoX exists to provide the atomic swap functionality for the NEO Smart Economy, but this smart contract is welcome nonetheless.

Hopefully this all helps to mitigate some of today's disastrous NEO price action...

Yes, I know about NeoX and was kind of surprised to not see it mentioned in the 3.0 announcement! As far as I know it's on the roadmap to be developed right about now... Q3 I believe.

And I do believe dynamic sharding is probably what you think it is too. It think it'll allow dApps to set up and close shards dynamically on demand. Probably not necessary now but seems like a useful idea. And... probably really good for marketing/price action ;)

I don't think this will do much for the price to be honest. NEO's price never really reacts to the news. I remember when the rebrand to NEO happened and it took a week or two before the news actually caught on.

True. NEO's price is incredibly news resistant! But remember what happened when that AntShares/NEO news did catch on! :D

I hope they dont make Neo divisible some day.

Maybe one day, but not until we've reached $1000 per NEO I hope. It doesn't seem necessary until then.

But it really doesn't matter too much to me. It seems like a minor issue to me personally

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The indivisibility is really annoying at the moment... I had no idea it was like that, I thought it was some glitch that I hadn't figured out. It is weird that they had kept that for so long, I wonder if there was a reason for it.

Actually it was done on purpose. Originally NEO was Antshares, and as the name implies each Antshare was 1 'share' of the network. Just like with regular stocks basically. A share can never be less than one share.

After the rebrand to NEO this was still held on to but it was not as obvious anymore.

There are some downsides to having NEO indivisible, but also some positives. Did you know NEO is actually more scarce than Bitcoin due to it's indivisibility? There will ever only be 100.000.000 NEO which sounds like more than 21 million Bitcoin, but that foregoes by the fact that anyone can own less than 1 Bitcoin. You might own, for example, two satoshi's. But you can not own less than one NEO. That means that there can never be more than 100.000.000 people worldwide that own a NEO, but a lot more people could own a small bit of Bitcoin.