Trading Cryptocurrency in The Forex Market: What Every Beginner Needs to Know

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Recently, there have been such crucial changes in the Forex market. Along with other cryptocurrencies, the introduction of Bitcoin to the trader’s community has promoted the use of virtual or digital money as a trading tool. But when it comes to trading cryptocurrency in the Forex market, there are certain important things you must know.
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Many inexperienced and undisciplined traders have witnessed large losses from cryptocurrency trading. The main reason why they bleed money is because they fail to adhere to some basic principles. As a beginner, you do not have to experience this kind of damage before becoming wise. Here are 5 essential Forex trading tips that can help you maximize your potential and avoid disasters in the currency exchange market.
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Money Management
Generally, to survive in Forex trading as a beginner, you need to have a proper understanding of money management. By trying as much as possible to remain in the game, you put yourself in a position where you can obtain winning trades.
Most beginners often focus their minds on how they can have a profitable trading strategy. However, you can only get further in the game when you have a sensible methodical trading thought and use solid money management with a good trading strategy. As a beginner, always ensure to have enough trading capital and try not to risk more than 3 percent of your trading capital per trade.
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Know When to Use the Stop Loss Feature
As "the Fold" is to a professional poker player so is "stop loss" to a Forex trader. This is basically the most dynamic weapon in the game. It is good to consider using the stop loss as it allows you determine your risk down the pipe beforehand.
The stop loss forces you to consider when the trade you are about to embark upon would be considered a failure. Using all kinds of irrational excuses, you might want to convince yourself into remaining in a trade that is going bad, after you have opened the position. However, if you have established a stop loss before taking up the trade, you will always have a reminder signaling you that you would probably regret your action if you remained in the trade.
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Try To Be Realistic
In the Foreign Exchange of cryptocurrencies, traders are advised to look at trading from a more realistic point of view. While considering your strategy and experience, try to determine an attainable percentage of winning trades. Ask yourself how much time are you willing to spend on learning and trading? You will find it much easier to achieve a profitable trading strategy after finding a clear view of your trading tools and conditions.
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Be Willing to Learn From Other Traders
Most beginners do not often see the need to interact with other traders. Reading books about Forex and cryptocurrency trading is good but it is also important to interact with other traders as this has proven to be a very rich source of information. You can achieve this by becoming part of a Forex community or by getting engaged in an online trading forum.
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Control Your Emotions
One of the most important trading tips is to ensure to keep your emotions under control. It is fun, exciting and dynamic to engage in Forex trading. However, you can easily get fascinated and carried away. To become a successful trader, approach Forex trading like a business and not like a hobby.
One of the most unique phenomena ever to be generated by the human mind is Forex. In order to keep pace with the realities of modern life, this trend never remains static but always continues to develop. While seeking to advance technological solutions into existence, it spurs innovation and anticipates very important future events.

As you get along, do ensure to apply these principles and you will surely be successful.

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section. I’ll be glad to read them.


love the info, and thank you for it

You're welcome my friend.

This is the whole truth. Nothing more and nothing less.
As a forex trader I found it very easy to transition into trading cryptos.
Forex= 2 to 5 years of discipline and refinement of personal techniques.

Cryptos= A few dollars and hope for the best especially for newbie traders.

Excellent Article indeed.

Great advice, especially on controlling your emotions. For most people, thats the hardest obstacle to overcome in trading.

Thanks mate for your comment

I couldn't agree more. I had to learn the hard way in the beginning. If we can save at least one beginner our work is done. :)

this opened my eyes on so many possibilities ! thank you!

It is little bit risky than forex to trade with cryptos.