XAI COIN - Artificial intelligence has some limits
Hi guys, I was enthusiastic about XAI coin. I bought during ICO and I am following all the news regarding it. I am just a little bit disappointed of the investing strategy relying on Wintermute. The second hard fork of Bitcoin was not previsionable and we know that wintermute increase experience on past trackrecords... thus my question is: " How will Wintermute react to other events which are not predicatble?". The nav is decreasing, the market value too. They don't even publish weekly NAv as snapshot value on cryptowatch, cryptocompare etc.. How new investors will be attracted? You can actually trade XAI on in their exchange FirstGlobal... sometimes I feel XAI is just a mean to drive fees/commisions to FirstGlobal, being an exchange where you can leverage using XAI to buy other Cryptos and they gain more money... ;) I really don't know what to think about it. We talk about a coin, but actually it is a cryptofund (exactly like hedge funds) where each single unit, in this case, is called coin and XAI it is the name. What is your opinion?
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