Coin Review - BITCLAVE

**Blockchain service in which users are paid for their search data
**Users are paid by businesses that want to use their browsing or search data.
**Users have full control over which information is sold and how it can be used.
**Platform’s ease of use allows users to earn crypto without any technical knowledge.

Ticker – CAT

Available at & KUcoin

What is BitClave?

BitClave (CAT) is a blockchain project that wants to pay users for their search engine data. In the world of cryptocurrency, applications which actually pay you for user generated content that was once free are everywhere. This includes platforms that want to monetize reviews like or paid blogging and social media platforms such as Steemit. What about search engines though? Paid search results are a huge industry, and businesses pay millions of dollars to Google to get coveted top page listings and information about what it is consumers want to look at. The consumers however who are generating this “product” are paid nothing, and they may not even realize their data is being sold in the first place.


Enter BitClave, a blockchain company that wants to give some of that money back to you. While people are currently up in arms about misuse of their data, it’s likely that this would not be the case if this industry were a little more transparent. If given better options about what to share, people are likely to be fine with this, especially if they will be compensated for their opinions or input.


The first hot button issue that this platform wants to solve is data privacy. Any usage of data will be fully disclosed to the user, and they will be able to choose exactly what information they decide to share. If a company or service is requesting this information then they will have to pay for it. While some may think it’s unlikely that a service will want to pay for something that they currently harvest for free, in light of recent allegations against social media giants such as Facebook, a service such as this allows for businesses to collect this information in a way where it is clearly agreed upon by the users, freeing them of any consequence of litigation, since users have accepted payment for this.

A platform such as the one BitClave plans to introduce will essentially cut out the middleman between retailers and consumers. A consumer may enter into a data sharing agreement for a retailer based on a smart contract, and then the retailer can pay that user for their private data should they wish to share it. In an industry where the average conversion rate is pegged at a paltry 2%, a system such as this could also help businesses fine tune their campaigns to achieve a better return than with the current system.

BitClave does have a competitor in the form of BAT (Basic Attention Token), which is looking to create a similar goal, though their platform is mostly focused on paying content creators such as bloggers. It’s possible that both of these options could even co-exist together, and the online advertising industry is certainly an area that could stand a little blockchain disruption. BitClave wants to introduce a system where data once again belongs to consumers, and everyone can benefit from it in a manner which is fair and transparent. Its a good project. Check out their site and pick some up on Ethershift of Kucoin.



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