The future of the species

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Human Endeavour

You would think that progress is linear. Things get better don't they? Can I just gently challenge and test that assumption? Whilst we are able to cure more diseases this century compared to two hundred years ago - we also have developed vastly more efficient ways of wiping our species off the planet too.

In the East (I have left this term deliberately vague and it covers the Indian subcontinent as well as the Far East) there is a notion that history and therefore development is cyclical.

Progress doesn't just move in one direction but it is an undying circle of life and death with a zenith and an apex, along with a dwindling shadow and inevitable decline.

However I want to suggest that progress and history doesn't fit either model. I want to propose that it models the a molecule of DNA. Whilst there is a definite direction, source data, base truths and core beliefs are the building blocks of societal progress.

Perhaps it is in this way that we should see the advent and progress of cryptocurrencies. Whilst they are undoubtedly a great force for good and progress, the ones that will succeed in the long term are the ones that will map and model themselves to base truths about the human species that are as old as Adam himself.

Humans are born to connect, and are born to accumulate. We are prone to forget and we are wired to love. Cryptocurrencies that enmesh their blockchain efforts in line with these core human emotions are the ones that will ultimately thrive.


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