My CryptoCurrency Portfolio
Here is my cryptocurrency portfolio.
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I hold most in Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.
And I hold 95% in local wallet. (hardware wallet if it's supported)
I'm out of (investable) fiat for now. It was a mistake I made recently.
Graph of my investments:
I didn't make huge profit but I'm still bullish in the long run.
Muy bueno su portafolio, felicitaciones.
It looks like a good mix. I’m more heavily invested in litecoin and bigger Alts XLM, TRX and QSP. I reduced my BTC and ETH on recent pops.
i hold over 80% vertcoin, and around 80% of all my holdings are in a hardware wallet, the rest are in mobile phone wallet apps that are adequately backed up and protected.
other coins i hold