Introduction to marketing

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


1. Marketing concept

Marketing is the part of marketing, which includes a set of techniques applied by the manufacturer and the distributor at the point of sale to drive purchases of products from consumers, with the aim of achieving and obtaining greater profitability.
The purchases for the impulse in the point of sale is the business, because a business was not looked for if the buyers acquired only what they really need.
On the other hand, satisfying the buyers is not easy, because in addition to perceiving the products in another way, many times they are not the ones that consume.
Other definitions of resources for experts in the area or organizations are shown below:
According to Wellhoff and Masson, marketing "is the set of methods and techniques designed to result in an active sales product, by its presentation and its environment, to optimize its profitability." He also pointed out that "the market is not the practice of a theory, it is the theory of a practice". That is, many professionals design a well-conceived market but problems always arise in its application, because the market must be flexible, which implies the existence of marketing types.
For Palomares, "marketing evolves to encourage the intention to buy the market to achieve the desire to own or buy the product through a scenario with an atmosphere adapted to the mind of the consumer". Being the atmosphere according to Kotler, P. the quality of the environment of a certain place, which is perceived by the senses of vision, smell, hearing and taste in the points of sale for the taste, because the clients are Subjected to tastings

2. Origins of marketing.

Formerly, merchants already displayed the goods on the floor or on boards trying to highlight their qualities to attract the attention of buyers, that is, they already practiced the basic principles of the market without knowing it.
Later appeared traditional stores, where there were counters that separated potential buyers of goods, being the sellers who advised and stimulated the purchase.
Finally, in the mid-twentieth century with the emergence of stores in free service or self-service, is when the market with all its splendor is present: the product is within the reach of the buyer, must be sold alone without an intermediary to stimulate your purchase, the possibility of differentiating it by means of an attractive container, placing it in a striking place, placing the appropriate number so that it does not go unnoticed, etc. Experiencing a great development with the implementation of computer tools such as optical readers, management software, electronic data interchange (EDI), etc.
On this evolution, Córdoba and Torres believe that marketing is as old as commerce, but as it is recent because it starts with the appearance of establishments under free service.


3. Marketing objectives

The marketing must respond to four fundamental approaches that are the following:
• By managing the answering assortment to What products to sell?
• Through the exterior architecture of the store respond to How to convey the type of image desired and what the establishment sells?
• How to direct the route of the clients in the commercial premises?
• Through the strategic management of the business, which is the space destined for the commercial premises for the placement of the products that are offered to the clients, answer to Where to locate the products in the commercial area? and How to present them?

4. Main functions of marketing.

Although marketing must be applied jointly by manufacturers and distributors, it is undeniable that some of its multiple functions have greater weight for manufacturers and vice versa.
Marketing functions that depend mainly on manufacturers are:
• The design of the packaging of their products to make them more striking, which includes the size, type of format, graphics and color to differentiate them from their counterparts in the linear point of sale.
• The design of advertising at the point of sale (POS) of its products, which in addition to boosting the purchase act contribute to reaffirm its image.
• The design of its exhibitors, which are furniture made of plastic, cardboard, metal, etc .; easy to assemble and in different ways depending on the nature of the products displayed
• To supervise your products at the point of sale, that is, to comply with what was previously negotiated with the owner of the store with regard to the location of your products in the store and its exhibitors; that the numbers of faces of his products in the linear one are the suitable ones; that the quantities in the linear of their products respond to the demand to avoid breakages of stock that can make them lose sales and image; that the prices are agreed upon; that communication efforts such as point-of-sale advertising and sales promotions are present, etc.
The marketing functions that depend mainly on the distributors, specifically the retailers or owners of the point of sale are:
• Manage the assortment to satisfy your target market, because the diversity of the assortment offered together with the services that accompany them, make the difference with respect to your competition, by helping to create in the clients that constitute your target audience the desired image of the store.
• Design the exterior architecture of the establishments, through elements such as signs, entrance doors, shop windows and facades that invite the passer-by to know the interior of the commercial premises.
• Design the interior architecture of the establishments, by means of the location of the access point that generates the cold and hot zones; the identification of cold, hot spots and the natural hot zone; as well as the arrangement of the furniture and the corridors to achieve a flow of customers conveniently controlled.
• Strategically manage the linear in the establishment with the purpose of provoking sales by impulse that consists of, properly locating the products on the shop floor and presenting the products on the shelf using the implantation, exposure and fusion techniques. Considering additionally the signaling that reigns to customers in the search for products and, environmental elements such as lighting, temperature, aroma, music, colors, etc.
• Increase impulse purchases of products based on their margins, turnover or other variables, based on the use of computer tools that exist in the market, which in addition to helping the marketing technician to select the assortment, facilitate the management the space of the linear that will occupy, the allocation of prices, promotions, etc.
The joint marketing functions between manufacturers and retailers are the following:
Manufacturers and retailers must maintain good communications, that is, they must provide information and establish mutual trust relationships. Given the great concentration that retailers have suffered, manufacturers trying to distinguish themselves have adopted the philosophy of Trade Marketing, even some have come to create Trade Marketing departments with the objective of offering customized services to their clients. It is important to highlight that retailers handle a large amount of products, so this type of services are valued and manufacturers obtain advantages in return, because although it is obvious that those manufacturers that enjoy dominance in the market for their image, leadership and / or notoriety (this last is the degree of knowledge of the consumers of their products) are considered important in the field of distribution, small manufacturers can also opt for differential treatment.
The collaborations are manifested mainly in activities such as: determination of the assortment, linear space management, advertising at the point of sale, sales promotions, design of new products, packaging design, etc.

5. Types of marketing

Marketing can be divided for your better understanding in visual marketing and management marketing:
The components of visual marketing are the design of the packaging, the design of the interior and exterior architecture of the establishment, the decisions related to the number of faces that the products must have so that they can be properly perceived by the clients, selection of the exhibitions , of the types and forms of implementation, and advertising at the point of sale.
Being the fundamental objectives pursued to convey the image of the store, direct the flow of customers in a controlled manner and lead to impulse sales.
The components of the marketing of management are, the analysis of the market that includes its segmentation to identify the target market or key clientele of the store of the retailer, together with its competition; define a commercial policy that allows to manage the space in the linear to be occupied by the products according to sales, margins, etc .; manage the assortment to select the range or diversity of products required by the target public taking into account variables such as market shares, sales, etc., as well as defining the structure and dimensions of the assortment according to the type of commercial establishment; generate communication policies that include decisions regarding advertising at the point of sale, sales promotions and, obtaining databases of the clientele of the commercial premises that allow to know them in order to serve them better.
Being the fundamental objectives of management marketing satisfy the key clientele and obtain profitability.


Nice article, I gave an upvote and follow.

Cryptocurrency teams are really doing a poor job marketing. Lately I've noticed that some are hiring big firms like Waschman or Blonde2.0 to manage their marketing for them.

These guys need work their computer magic and leave the branding to the business people.

Let's help each other grow! @mcdform

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Marketing is the process of promoting and selling products or services to target audiences. It involves understanding consumer needs, developing strategies to reach them, and effectively communicating the value of offerings. For those looking to enhance their marketing skills and knowledge, resources like offer valuable insights and tools to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of marketing effectively. A successful marketing approach combines various tactics, including advertising, public relations, and digital marketing, to create brand awareness and drive sales. Online platforms play a crucial role in modern marketing, making it easier for businesses to connect with potential customers.

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