On Love, Money and the Universe

in #cryptocurrency4 years ago (edited)

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Is love greater than money or is money one of many expressions of love? If money is currency and currency is energy, money is a way of giving energy to people, causes, and organizations we in turn receive energy from in the form of attention, goods, services, love, and the list goes on. When we pay a massage therapist we are agreeing the energy and love we've received during our massage session has value.

Attaching money to the flow of giving and receiving love may seem dirty, gross or inappropriate. Why? We get to decide what it means to us to lift each other up in ways that allow us to thrive and live our best lives. As a human being on planet earth in most current societies, money is necessary to secure our basic needs and to expand our resources and share our gifts with the world.

Even if we don't get out of bed for a day, even if we don't own a bed, it's likely we are spending money everyday or that we owe money. Housing, utilities, phone service, wi-fi, food, dental and medical bills, clothing - even if these resources are offered to us 'free' they have a cost, they have value, they are forms of exchanging energy and resources.

When my FT job ended due to the pandemic I spent a period of time unemployed, almost. I regularly write and publish online. Some months I earn enough to pay for my wi-fi, so that's something. To continue living independently I took on about 10K in credit card debt. The big bad wolf of personal debt. I've learned a lot of lessons and have begun to dig myself out of the hole yet it seems daunting. To some, 10K is not a big deal. With my current income it feels insurmountable, yet I know I have value to offer the world and I'm ready to welcome a new flow of currency.

My high interest debt is down to around $6,500 and I'm pursuing new opportunities, meditating, visualizing and making connections with mentors to work it down. Today I'm putting it out to the Steemit community and the universe at large. I'm open and ready to receive currency, energy, money, love, call it what you will. I believe in interconnectedness and the power of the universe. We exchange resources in many forms. We give, receive, and welcome acts of kindness.

We are human. One of the greatest human needs is to be needed. Everything we need exists in the universe and can find its way to us. My wish is for all of the wonderful humans to have all of the money they need to support themselves and the people they love, to give to causes they believe in, to restore and protect our precious planet.

Specifying my current focus, I’m seeking $6,500 — a loan, a gift, a chance to earn, an opportunity to reach financial freedom. It’s okay, and some would say necessary, to focus on making money. When all of the good people of the world have an abundance of money imagine what we will be able to achieve, for humanity and for Mother Earth.

With love,

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