How to Make Cheap Masternode and Start Earning with SUCRE ?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Making your first Masternode with only 1000 SUCR, actually affordable !

Now we are going to talk about Masternodes,
The difference between a PoS Staking and a PoS Masternode is not so big,
In PoS Staking you just need to run a wallet with your coins inside and let it run
In Masternode you must have a dedicated IP to stake your coins, that’s why we usually use a VPS as a Masternode and also the minimum amount required in your wallet to become a Masternode
We are going to take for example the SUCRE (SUCR)

Based on DASH 0.12.2 source
Block target: 150 seconds
Coinbase maturity: 40 blocks
Masternode: 1000 SUCR


Because it’s affordable coin for a Masternode actually, it’s only required to have 1000 SUCR
To run your first Masternode and the rewards are 68% annual interest
The coin is very new and the team is nice and working great, also their roadmap seems really well planned
What do we need ?

1 - 1000 SUCR
2 - Sucre Wallet :
3 - Windows Computer with Command Line Software (PuttY:
4 - VPS with Ubuntu Server and Root Access : DigitalOcean ( You get 10$ with my link )

NOTE : This is the best way to make your Masternode, as your coins will remain in your local wallet and not on your Masternode, so even if your VPS provider fails you'll be protected.
Let’s Start :
STEP 1 : Prepare Local Wallet
1 - Install SUCR Wallet, wait it to be full sync to the network
2 - Go to « Setting » , tab « Wallet », and check the mark « Show Masternodes Tab »
3 - Go to « Tools » and « Debug Console »
Now you have to enter the following commands :

masternode genkey

Now you have to enter the following commands :
getaccountaddress 0

Now copy all informations generated such as the key of the masternode and 0 wallet address
4 - Send SUCR to your wallet

First check that on your local wallet the PrivateSend is deactivated,
if you see « Stop PrivateSend Mixing » then click on it
if you see « Start PrivateSend Mixing »
Very Important : Now Send your SUCR coins to your local wallet, but send only 1000 exactly not more not less, or you’ll not be eligible to run a Masternode anymore on this wallet

Now after sending your coins to your local wallet you have to wait 15 confirmations and then your wallet will be eligible to become a Masternode ( Take usually 40 minutes to process )

STEP 2 : Configure your VPS Ubuntu Server
1 - Get a VPS Ubuntu Server :
DigitalOcean : Use my coupon to get 10% off
Vulture :

2 - You need at least :
System OS :
Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 ( not new versions as it’s new means security lacks to discover )
Server Hardware Minimal Requirement :
1 CPU with 2GB RAM 10Go Storage

STEP 3 : Connect with Putty to your remote VPS

Now that your VPS is up and running in your hosting provider,
Let’s use Putty on our local computer to manage the VPS easily

1 - Download Putty and connect to your VPS
2 - Now just enter those commands :

sudo apt -y update
sudo apt -y install build-essential libssl-dev libdb++-dev
sudo apt -y install libboost-all-dev libcrypto++-dev libqrencode-dev
sudo apt -y install libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev libgmp3-dev autoconf
sudo apt -y install autogen automake libtool autotools-dev pkg-config

sudo apt -y install bsdmainutils software-properties-common sudo apt -y install libzmq3-dev libminiupnpc-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libdb4.8-dev libdb4.8++-dev -y
sudo apt-get install git
git clone

sudo apt-get install joe

cd SucreCore
find . -name "*.sh" -exec sudo chmod 755 {} \;
./configure --without-gui

cd src
strip sucrd
strip sucr-cli
strip sucr-tx
sudo cp sucrd /usr/bin
sudo cp sucr-cli /usr/bin
sudo cp sucr-tx /usr/bin
sucrd -daemon

3 - Wait Until the full sync is done ( Takes around 20 Minutes )
4 - Finish by entering this command line :

sucr-cli getblocktemplate

STEP 4 : Create a customized .sucrecore/sucr.conf file

1 - Edit your sucr.conf
Tape the following commands :

sucr-cli stop

cd /root/.sucrcore

joe /root/.sucrcore/sucr.conf
Now you should see your sucr.conf file to be edited,
Just copy/paste this :

Now you have to remplace the XXXXX fields by your own infos like this :

rpcuser : choose your username
rpcpassword : choose your password
( No special characters such as $,!,@ only letters and numbers )
masternodeprivkey : the one you generated in STEP 1
externalip : the fixed ip address of your VPS
When you finished entering all your informations, just now quit and save by entering :

CTRL - K - X ( you should see the options at the bottom of the console )

2 - Restart the deamon :
Tape the following command :

sucrd -daemon

STEP 5 : Create the masternode.conf file ( on your local Windows PC )

1 - Prepare all infos to make your masternode.conf file :

LABEL : Choose name of your node ( ex : MN1 )
MN IP : Enter your Masternode IP(VPS) PORT : port is always 9336
MASTERNODEPRIVKEY : The private key generated in STEP 1
TRANSACTION HASH : (check next step to get it)
INDEX : (check next step to get it)

* how to get transaction hash and index *
Go to your local wallet, then go to « Tools » and « Debug Console »
Now on the command line enter :

masternode outputs

You should see appearing :
{"06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc28874c87fd42e51c0f74fdb" : "0",}

Your transaction hash :06e38868bb8f9958e34d5155437d009b72dff33fc28874c87fd42e51c0f74fdb
Your Index : 0

2 - Make your masternode.conf file
Now that you have all informations to make your masternode.conf, open a notepad file and copy/paste the informations like this in the file :

Example :
( No space between MN IP and PORT )

Now save as this file and make sure that the extension of the file is .conf and not .txt

3 - Place the file in the wallet.dat folder
Now just put the file inside the same folder that contains your wallet.dat file
By default should be located here : C:\users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Sucrcore

4 - Shutdown and restart your wallet for it to recognizes your masternode

STEP 5 : Install Sentinel ( On your VPS )

Sentinel is a watchdog for your node which communicates to the network the your node is working properly

1 - Install Requirements
Tape those lines inside the command line :

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y git python-virtualenv

Now navigate to the folder of your .sucrcore folder

cd /root/.sucrcore

2 - Install Sentinel :
Enter the following command lines :

git clone cd sentinel

virtualenv venv ( if it fails try this command : sudo apt-get install -y virtualenv )

venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

3 - Test that sentinel is alive and connecting to the syncing wallet

venv/bin/python bin/

You should see « sucrd not synced with network! Awaiting full sync before running Sentinel »
or « Invalid Masternode Status, cannot continue »

Then wait until the reindex has completed and the wallet sync
go back then to your sucrcore folder and check the status :

cd ..
sucr-cli mnsync status

Now wait until seen this :

"AssetID": 999,
"Attempt": 0,
"IsBlockchainSynced": true,
"IsMasternodeListSynced": true,
"IsWinnersListSynced": true,
"IsSynced": true,
"IsFailed": false


Now it means that your remote masternode is synchronized and connected to the network,
But it still not accepted as a master node because it hasn’t been introduced to the network by your collateral

4 - Start your Masternode
Go to your local wallet, open the debug console ( « Tools » and « Debug Console » )
and run those commands :

walletpassphrase <YOURPASSPHRASE> 120
masternode start-alias

Remplace LABEL by the MN of your Masternode from your masternode.conf
Remplace YOURPASSPHRASE by your wallet passphrase

You should now get this message :

Masternode successfully started

5 - Test sentinel and check if it doesn’t give any answer
Enter the following command lines :

cd sentinel

venv/bin/python bin/

If you get no response it means that all is working and your masternode is good

STEP 6 : Create a crontab entry to wake sentinel every minute

Enter the following command lines :

crontab -e

Choose Joe as your editor. Add this line to the end of the file

* * * * * cd /root/.sucrcore/sentinel && ./venv/bin/python bin/ 2>&1 >> sentinel-cron.log

Save and Exit ( CTRL - K - X )

Check if all works by entering the following command lines :
sucr-cli masternode debug

You should see now « successfully started masternode »

STEP 7 : Create the FIREWALL Rules to protect your Masternode

1 - Update all dependencies
Enter the following command lines :

sudo apt-get update

Wait until all is finished and updated
2 - Install the Firewall :
Enter the following command line :

sudo apt-get install ufw

3 - Configure the authorized access
Enter the following command lines ( Respect the order )

sudo ufw allow ssh/tcp

sudo ufw limit ssh/tcp

sudo ufw allow 9336/tcp

sudo ufw logging on

sudo ufw enable

4 - Check if all is working

sudo ufw status


If you want to try also the PoS and Staking check my other post :

Please note that all this tutorial and source are coming directly from the devteam of SUCRE,


Please don’t hesitate to keep update and join the community
Original Tutorial :

If you have any queries or questions please feel free to ask
Peace !

Donations :
ETH: 0x5777a868ce3ee64c7bafdb1cf398327cecd007ab
DOGE: DQA9LoYUWqa2Mp4n4331Ypn4gcwd8xnpwX
RDD: RdyFJP1zRiExBNBerR9NVzzrn9ynAU1dSa
PND : PDkrGbZVdkXe5ii1d4TRvMsa6VrZaw3fG1
Support Referral Links :
Binance :
Cryptopia : 


good article

how many cost 1000 sucr ?

Hello dude thanks ! I love your support and follow you everyday !
Actually it's hard to say because some people sell just parts of it on the exchanges to try to push price high or low, but you can afford 1 Masternode for 0.09BTC if lucky and 0.13 in high prices
I'm following the project and checking closely as they plan to gain Latin America which is a place where cryptocurrencies are bumping a lot !

Great informations ! Thanks dude 🤙

How often do the payouts occur?

I want to present one more coin with Masternodes - VIRTUS (VRT)

Hi! We have an Steemit Crypto Blog Bounty running right now.
Maybe you want to write an article on Steemit about and earn some Masternode / POS Coins :)

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