How SCAMMERS are working in LocalEthereum
Cryptocurrency is not a scam, but it is full of scammers who are misprinting the Real Cryptocurrency which is meant for scam killers. Many Scammers turned towards a new type of financial crimes by misleading people, impersonation and phishing people to the totally fake website and crypto giveaways social handles.
I Fish these Phishers now come to Local Ethereum, which plays a middleman role between Ethereum buyers and seller, it is very famous between people of countries where crypto trading is banned or limited.
I placed an offer to sell my ETH and received the trade from this person
I was calm about and was not in a hurry
So the simple thing I did was photo check. Which analyze any photo and let us know that it is edited one or not.
So without wasting a single second i flagged the trade as dispuite and reported this user to support of LocalEthereum.
Request to all users of this website, Please always verify snapshot being sent as Payment proof and at once you get a result of fake. Flag the trade as Dispute and report the user. Do not wait or delay just flag the trade as Dispute.
Stay Safe and help the community to kill these rats (rats are even better then these scammers)
You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:
It should be better than instead of better then.