Interview with Marc De Mesel - Bear Markets, Bitcoin Cash, Byteball, Stock Market & More!

I recently had the opportunity to hang out with Marc De Mesel for the day in London.

In this interview, we discuss a range of things including whether or not we're still in a bear market, Bitcoin Cash, Byteball, whether the stock market is topping, and what other investments he likes outside of cryptocurrencies.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT financial advice. I am just offering my opinions. I am not responsible for any investment decisions that you choose to make.


Eth at $200? With all the dApps like Golem already launched on mainnet and gaining traction and users, I doubt we see ETH drop under $300.

The first run up in ETH was just speculators getting high on the potential of the dApps, the next run will be based on these dApps on-boarding new users and an entire crypto economy coming to life!

Bull Markets and Bear Markets describe long-term trends, not short-term changes. Bull and bear markets are usually measured in years. Basically a bull market is a rising market and a bear market is a declining market.
Byteball is designed to generalize Bitcoin to become a tamper proof storage mechanism for any data, and to remove some of the most pressing deficiencies that impede its wider adoption. With Byteball, there are deterministic criteria for when a transaction is deemed final. Great interview though, quality content.

Even though sometimes the predictions of the lows and the highs may be wrong, I think that they should be taken as warnings of the extents that the coins may reach in different scenarios. Taking into consideration the different possibilities, we'll be able to make much smarter decisions and not take the risks that we aren't willing to take.

I've seen many who have taken the decision to invest without diversifying because "oh well, bitcoin rose, this shitcoin will rise too" and then they lose their investments and are surprised. I'm instead pleased because I could've lost more and took the necessary precautions to protect my investments by taking into account the warnings given.

I hadn't thought of this, but hearing Marc's opinion on the topic is very enlightening. I should learn how to make profit from those situations. I'll probably have to learn from you, lol :D

I had Byteball before, then I sold it all for SBD. I loved their text coins.

bull market is coming

Excellent video, you have done very good collaborations recently. I did not know Mark, but i can see he knows what he's talking about. I'm going to continue seeing the video.

Great interview section my friend and mentor. Your vlogs are always Educative and informative. Kudos. More grease to your elbow

Crypto correcting much stronger & faster than it should. Breaking my head whether to keep lowball bids up as I don't want to miss a buying opportunity. Then it dawned on me: Is crypto undervalued on Trololo his chart? Little quiz for my followers without looking at the chart!

we are still not out of bear market yet
with the introduction of SMT, this bear market might end completley then
great to see your videos,they are always fun

Oh interesting discussion, ive seen a video of Marc De Messel about Bitcoin hes really knowledgeable

Great interview man
You should do interview videos often, they seem much more interactive and fun.
Loved the video