Operation Dragon Slayer ~ BTC vs BCH ~
What are people's price predictions for 2018 regarding the BTC vs BCH?
As of today February 2nd, 2018 BCH is hovering at around 0.157 on GDAX. On November 12th, 2017 last year, BCH was at an all time high .341.
• What are peoples thoughts when it comes to BTC/BCH pairing? Can we expect another flipping attempt or did Roger Ver mess up with the CoinBase incident .
I'm curious to know peoples thoughts.
I have no doubt that bitcoin will end up on top. Especially with the implementations of lightning and segwit!
Yes but Lightning Network is still in the works for almost 2+ years, BCH is fast and scalable now. Do you think consumers will wait? We say the Bitcoin Network when the price was over 15k.
Idk it's still so volatile an hard to tell!