RIP Fiat - by Banksy - Central Bank of Poland Youtube Campaign to Dis Cryptocurrency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)


So, dear Steemians, it would appear that some European banks, finance institutions and governments are rattled!

Specifically the Polish Central Bank.

It has emerged that they were prepared to pay a youtuber Marcin Dubiel to post negatively about cryptocurrencies to promulgate the message that the likes of Bitcoin and Ethereum etc are unstable.

Which begs the question...what does this say about how much stability and security there is left in Fiat? Or even in the banks themselves?

And they put their money where their mouth is too. The youtuber with over a million subscribers received approximately $30K for producing the video. In it after he invests in cryptocurrency, with the hope of getting rich quick, and subsequently when loses it all he cannot afford to pay for his date's meal.

The drama plays effectively into the narrow narrative that the banks want to perpetuate...that they are the safest place to stash cash!

Is this kind of superficial slander the signs of a dying edifice crumbling? Are they scared that Fiat is failing and are thus resorting to these shoddy back alley marketing campaigns?

For Polish speakers here is the vid;

For everyone else here is a link to the news report;

Picture Credit
Superb piece of Banksy graffiti on a wall in central Paris snapped by an unknown photographer this week. Nice how his name is no small irony here!


Great post! I hate banks and banksters. No matter how powerful they might be and how many politicians they have in their pockets , in he end there is no stopping progress! Cryptos are the future.

Thanks very much for commenting @thesteemster! I completely agree...they are on the ropes and they know it. Slowly many are realising just how corrupt the banking "system" is and without doubt cryptocurrency is the way out of the Fiat farce.

The RIP FIAT street art is absolutely awesome! Thanks for sharing that :-)

Thanks for stopping by @yasminep - ya gotta love what Banksy does and how he makes us all think with his unique artistic perspective 😊

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