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RE: Crypto regulation

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I would like to know your opinion about regulation, do you support it or not?

Depends on what you consider “regulation”, @cicbar.

Good decentralized cryptocurrencies are already self-regulated through their algorythm.

Regulation of the fradulent cryptocurrencies is already managed through the civil and criminal laws. ICOs can also be regulated by analogy to any other venture we already have.

Now, when the state talks about regulation, it really talks about CONTROL and possibility to TAX cryptocurrencies.

So, I, as a retired lawyer, have to say — the state should care about securing an honest trade, and it should regulate BUSINESS, and not care about the means of payment.

State regulative in the domain of decentralized cryptocurrencies is not possible nor is a good thing. AGAINST.


By regulation I mean that you know your rights and obligations if you hold some Crypto. It is not same if you hold payment coins or platforms and passive income tokens. They should be treated different. You can’t expect that civil or criminal low helps you in case of some fraud like Bitconnect or Davor coin without proper regulation.

You can’t expect that civil or criminal low helps you in case of some fraud like Bitconnect or Davor coin without proper regulation.

Of course you can @cicbar! It's a simple fraud. Imagine that Bitconnect or Davor coin promised you something else (for example gold, or some fiat, or chocolate bars), and didn't deliver. Of course you would be entitled to sue for fraud, and the state would be obliged to protect you (if it is a real state, and not an oligarch scheme). Why would it be necessary to regulate a special case of trade with chocolate bars? It's a fraud. It isn't important what was the object of trade, it is important that one side didn't deliver promised.

Yes but with regulation you would know where is company located, who are persons behind, who is responsible. All those trial are pointless at moment, nobody will get back their money because nobody knows who is responsible. Even Mt. Gox case that was much more transparent, finished without justice and Mark Karpeles finished richer then ever. With regulation this would be different...

Yes but with regulation you would know where is company located, who are persons behind, who is responsible.

But that is not cryptocurrency regulation @cicbar. Тhat is already regulated, as I said, as any other fraud:

ICOs can also be regulated by analogy to any other venture we already have.

In fact, analogy can be applied without bringing any new laws or amendments to old ones.

Everything is there. If someone invests at the “Blockchain company” without checking if they really exist, he deserves what is going to happen to him. There is a principle in the Roman Law, thousands of years old, that says: Caveat emptor (Let the buyer beware — нека се купац чува).

Ако неко на коњској запрези продаје „Змијско уље“, драги мој @cicbar, па му људи то покупују и он нестане с парама у виду ластиног репа, неће они бити ништа боље заштићени од преваре доншењем конкретног закона о регулисању продаје преко одобрења искључиво овлашћеним продавцима „Змијског уља“ који имају регистровану адресу :)

Нема то регулисање никакве везе с криптовалутама.

Ja razumem šta ti pokušavaš da mi kažeš a ja tebi pokušavam da objasnim da danas ne možeš da osnuješ firmu ako ne ispunjavaš određene uslove i tako bi trebalo da bude i za kriptovalute koje su premined i idu na ICO.One su centralizovane i iza njih treba da stoji kompanija koja za to treba da bude odgovorna. Za to nam treba regulativa, da ne može bilo ko da napravi prevaru preko ICO. Za kriptovalute koje se dobijaju kopanjem važi tvoja priča o decentralizaciji i samoregulaciji i to je skroz ok jer tu neka dalja regulativa nije potrebna. Nadam se da smo se sad razumeli 😁

Ja razumem šta ti pokušavaš da mi kažeš a ja tebi pokušavam da objasnim da danas ne možeš da osnuješ firmu ako ne ispunjavaš određene uslove i tako bi trebalo da bude i za kriptovalute koje su premined i idu na ICO.One su centralizovane i iza njih treba da stoji kompanija koja za to treba da bude odgovorna. Za to nam treba regulativa,

Бојим се @cicbar, да куцаш упорно на отворена врата. Ја покушавам да ти објасним како та регулатива о којој ти причаш ВЕЋ ПОСТОЈИ. Питање је политичке воље да се она примени и у случају ИЦО. Ти заправо видиш ситуацију у којој те политичке воље нема, а то повлачи најмање два закључка:

  1. Да доношење нових закона неће решити ништа
  2. Да нам држава у овом облику више не треба јер не испуњава сврху

Ето то је у најкраћем проблем — трагично отуђење државе. Ту не помаже никаква регулатива. Лек за тако нешто је мотка, и то она умочена, полуаутоматска…

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