Ethics Is All About Who We Surround Ourselves With

When WWII ended it was peculiar moment. This applied equally for those who won, those who lost and those who judged the situation from afar. Due to the complexities of the situation, the ethical boundaries became blurred out. Most people did not know how to classify those around them. Soldiers were murderers for some and heroes for others.
Many of the Nazi were brought to justice. In almost all hearings the soldiers plead innocent. Their actions afterall were justified by the given law at the time. We all do the same today as well. Some call taxation theft. Some call it social responsibility. Some call war means to end terrorism. Some call it colonialism 2.0. It all depends how we create and share a narrative in order to explain our place in society.
The groups we belong eventually shape our ethos. What is right or wrong is irrelevant. Religious books can justify slaughter and murder if its done for one's religion, but it is forbidden if it against one's own group. Same applies for politics. The same actions can be judged as good or bad depending on where one chooses to judge things.
Over the past few years the crypto world developed its own moral framework. This has become even more apparent with the introduction of ICO's. Most of them are scams yet the trend tends to proliferate in an almost exponential rate. No-coiners judge coiners as thieves, frauds and scammers due to the pump and dump groups, telegrams and distribution of tokens. Ironically people who don't hold crypto are judged much the same for supporting a financial system that is corrupt to its core.
Most Nazis did not feel bad after the war. They continued their life. Much like one finishes a game or a good series, life goes on from there on with a different set of rules. Most people in crypto would only interact with one another in those P&D groups or briefly in real life but they would rarely become close friends. They wouldn't trust or even like one another. Being a coiner falls under a different moral framework due to the risky actions involved.
This simple analogy, although extreme, does illustrate how we view ourselves in different situations and how we should eventually judge others. If most of us, surround ourselves from people in order to shelter our ethos then we are no better than politicians who surround themselves with their political party or religious leaders that sponsor cults.
A friend told me that thieves, liars and scammers eventually die alone. I beg to differ. Dodgy folk always surround themselves by people like them, becoming almost invisible or even untouchable to scrutiny and exposure. The ones being left alone are those who usually chose to stand back from the shitshow.

Nice post!
"Ethics is what you do when nobody is watching."
Goog @titanik fallow me
Thanks for your post..
It's all a matter of personal choices, at times personal boundaries.
(if and when)
Nice post +1
meaning that I can conclude from your photo this, in my opinion, we need not hesitate in life even though we own different, thank you for sharing,@kyriacos
Nice post sir..
you are right. in my 2 cent opinion there are two or more pictures of any object or incident. All people see them with their own ideology. For some people half glass of water means, glass is half empty and for some people it means glass is half full. It's not a matter what is your point of view as we don't have some point of view at the same time, all important is that you should respect other point of view. Thanks for sharing
I actually do think that people that don't treat others well end up having few people around them that truly care. They may use manipulation to make money, in which case they can buy people to help them. But if they don't end up super wealthy, they do end up alienating everyone around them, and judging everyone that acts the way they do. I've actually seen it happen...
Very good post, it really hits you deep so thank you !
Upvoted, Followed and resteemed :)