The Harmony Blockchain Development To Bring The Future Secure Payment
The development of bitcoin since 2008 brought the concept of blockchain as the power decentralized economies of the future throughout the world. The decentralization conspiracy began to be applied to money and applications as a challenge to the core aspirations of Bitcoin. The design of Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment system that makes everyone make payments without the help of third parties.
The transfer to blockchain based payments still creates new problems, including transaction capabilities. Besides, the implementation of the system also requires expensive financing. The latest blockchain infrastructure to overcome challenges is also built and named Ethereum. It helps developers to load blockchain applications with a smart contract system.
The performance of Ethereum and Bitcoin on the block provides a solution to increase transaction throughput. Some blockchain technologies are also proposed to replace Proof-of-Stake (PoS) Proof-of-work (PoW). Besides, the EOS blockchain also uses Delegated Proof of Stake (DpoS). Some projects were also made to replace the chain structure with subsequent transaction processing.
Of the various proposed solutions, not all have been able to provide significant benefits from the performance. Some of the solutions offered sometimes have not been able to provide security and decentralization by the development of the blockchain concept. The solutions offered must provide good scalability to maintain security and decentralization.
A sharding approach called Zilliqa gives the latest solution. But it has not experienced success because it cannot divide blockchain data storage, thus preventing machines with limited resources. Then Zilliqa is more vulnerable to a single shart because of its dependence on PoW.
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Harmony Offer Solutions for The Next Blockchain with Sharding Base
Increasing the ease of transactions must be comparable to the convenience services provided. Harmony is made with a deepsharding based concept that can be scaled for secure transactions. Besides, the security of transactions can also be guaranteed with more efficient energy expenditure. Problems with blockchain technology are expected to provide the best solutions to overcome various issues.
Harmony has reset and used the best research results to overcome blockchain problems. The low-fee consensus platform will be built with a software engineering system that can help make better use of blockchain technology. The sharding system offered has been developed based on the results of research for better implementation.
What Breakthroughs Does Harmony Offer?
The application of the latest system is undoubtedly equipped with technology development so that it can be utilized more leverage. Several aspects were updated to improve the performance of blockchain technology by exploring several issues. Increasing the quality of transactions with improved technology is needed to provide maximum benefits in utilizing blockchain technology.
• Fully Scalable
Harmony offers a Fully Scalable concept which focuses on communication and network transaction validation. This concept is the same as Ziliqa, with blockchain state fragments. This provides better transaction because Harmony becomes a blockchain that can be adequately measured. Breakthroughs in this aspect are very important to increase the use of blockchain technology.
• Secure Sharding
The next concept developed is secure sharding. Harmony's level of mortality has been proven in the process of distributed randomness (DRG). It can overcome unpredictable transactions, cannot be described, verified, and measured. The re-distribution of non-interrupt networks is also done by Harmony to prevent the Byzantium enemies from being slow to adapt.
• Consensus Effectiveness and Speed
Harmony provides an efficient and fast consensus system. This concept is certainly different from another blockchain that needs PoW in selecting validators. The basis used by Harmony in developing this concept is PoS so that it is more energy efficient. The BFT algorithm is also used for linear measurements and 100 times faster than PBFT.
• Adaptive-Threshold PoS
Harmony also offers Adaptive-Threshold PoS as a node that can combine networks. It can be adjusted according to the total bet volume that can concentrate power in one shard. When the threshold is low enough, small craftsmen can participate in the network and get the opportunity to get prizes.
• Measured Network Infrastructure
The network infrastructure that is measured by Raptor Q resources also helps to block blocks quickly. That will help speed up the process through the Adaptive Information Deployment algorithm. Harmony also adopts the Kademlia routing to be able to achieve logarithmic scale cross-shard transactions with fractions.
• Transaction Cross-Shard
Other advantages of Harmony also occur in consistent cross-shard operations. Transactions support direct fractions and communicate with each other. The atom locking mechanism is also used to ensure consistency in cross-shard transactions.
Harmony provides a solution for blockchain with scale and safe capabilities so that it can provide full support to a decentralized system. Applications that are not feasible on the previous blockchain can also be resolved by activating Harmony. The solution offered by Harmony is a high-volume decentralized exchange and supports the Internet of Things transactions.
The Fast Byzantine Fault Tolerance As A New Mechanism For Transaction
Blockchain used the Proof-of-Work consensus protocol for every transaction made. PoW is the process by which miners compete to find solutions to cryptographic puzzles. The winner of this concept will propose the next block by getting a prize in the form of a certain number of tokens.
Another consensus that has been investigated, such as Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT) also gives the concept of one node chosen as a leader while the rest as a validator. This procedure involves two main phases, namely preparation and commitment. The development is done by broadcasting the proposal to the validator, and commitment will do a vote count among the validators.
Harmony develops concepts in PBFT linearly to be measured in the complexity of communication. In Harmony, the protocol used is called Fast Byzantine Fault Tolerance (FBFT). This concept will use the validator to broadcast the sound, and the leader signs to collect the validator's voice.
Harmony increases the multi-signature process continuously by using the BLS (Boneh-Lynn-Shacham) multi-signature so that it only requires one round trip. This platform also adapts the RaptorQ code to accelerate broadcasting blocks. Fountain broadcasting techniques are also used to overcome security problems in native tree-based multicasting designs.
How Does The FBFT Consensus On Harmony Work?
The application of the FBFT system is a breakthrough offered by Harmony as a provider of solutions to problems on the blockchain. It can be run through several steps. It can help provide safe and fast transactions. The following steps are needed in implementing the FBFT protocol.
1. The leader makes a new block then broadcasts the block header to all validators while broadcasting the block content with detailed deletion coding.
2. After the validator receives the block, then the validity of the header will be checked and signed with the BLS then sent back to the leader.
3. The leader will wait for a valid signature from the validator and then combine it into a multi-signature BLS. The leader will broadcast an aggregate double name along with the bitmap.
4. After that, the validator checks the multi-signatures that are owned, then verifies the transactions in the block broadcast content from the leader, is signed, and sent back.
5. The leader waits again then performs a new block for all validators and will be concluded as the commit phase of PBFT.
The validator used by Harmony was chosen with the Evidence-of-Stake concept, so the protocol had a slight difference. Validator with more shares voting than more votes than one vote signature. The leader will wait for the name of the validator collectively by selecting proof of ownership.
Why Should You Use Harmony?
Harmony was launched to facilitate transactions using blockchain technology. Open consensus protocols will be spread with development goals for the interests and future of each person. Following are the fundamental reasons that can convince you to use Harmony.
• Harmony uses a dangling architecture, to increase throughput by increasing the number of nodes and fragments on the network so that it supports blockchain with scale.
• Decentralization is a fundamental concept for the security and resilience of any blockchain network. The project runs most of its nodes and relies on small companies to do so. Harmony will try to have an organic and globally distributed node operator network as a step towards a strong and widespread decentralized network throughout the world.
• Advanced technology built on Harmony is the primary key in building secure protocols. The success of Harmony as a whole will be realized by bringing scale and decentralization to the network. The expansion and strength of the Harmony community will continue to be improved.
Every partner who is willing to run a base node will participate in the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) network on the main net. Each node operator has the right to risk prizes. Ordering tokens can be done as a bet on the network launch with a minimum investment.
Harmony Comes to Offering Faster Synchronization
Quick synchronization is needed when the system needs to prepare shard conditions to validate new transactions. Traditional processes are carried out by downloading the history of the blockchain and then reconstructing the current situation. That is certainly too slow to allow repetition.
Harmony's new validator joins the first shared by downloading trie shard status so that it can validate new transactions quickly. A valid node will be carried out by overlapping the header block history and verifying the header by checking the signature. As long as there is a cryptographic trace from the current state back to the origin of the block, the status is valid.
The synchronization process can be optimized by making the blockchain as small as possible. Harmony will adopt a different approach to avoiding attack replays by allowing transactions to determine hashes from the current block. The transaction will only be valid in a certain amount following the specified hash block.
How the Hash Link Works from the Chain Link Block to the Chain Link Block
The flare chain will help strengthen the security and consistency of the glass chain country. That includes block headers from each shard chain. After the new block is committed to the shard chain specifically, the block header will be sent. The delivery process is carried out through communication between the glass and the Kamelia base to the flare chain.
Checking the validity of the block header by the flare chain will be done by ensuring the hash of the previous block and must be done in a chain flare. Signing a multi-signature block must be the correct validator for sharding. Then the block header that is committed to the chain will be broadcast on the entire network.
Each fraction will store a valid block header to be used as the validity of the transaction from other fractions. Patching of chain block headers into the flare chain also has the main goal among them.
• Increases the difficulty of attacking one shard
• Reducing network costs for broadcasting block headers between fractions
Every technology solution provided by Harmony has a purpose of simplifying transactions on the blockchain. The system offered will bring blockchain to a higher level of security. Harmony will be the best solution for implementing a decentralized network.
Switch immediately by using the latest technology on the Harmony platform to get the best experience in transactions. Services with parallelize transaction processing will help you have your convenience when transacting. Security systems are also developed based on previous research on technology to create an appropriate method.
The concept of open infrastructure for the world 's data will also help transactions be carried out transparently by the idea that initiated the development of blockchain technology. Harmony will be the best global-scale marketplace platform that can be integrated with precise and fast digital transactions without using third parties.
Participating in the Harmony Platform will help you to enable decentralized and trusties economies. Everyone can entrust payment to the Harmony platform with the latest technology to build blockchain technology systems to be better and more comfortable.
You need to give full support for the development of a technology platform by bringing solutions to the blockchain. Get complete information through the website, and you can also interact through social media to get development updates from Harmony Platform.
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