k.im - Closed Beta Testing
Recently I received an invitation to test a new service from the legendary Kim Dotcom, the founder of Megaupload and MEGA.
I decided to see what's what and write a short report about what I saw and what I liked. I hope you will find it interesting to read and see.
k.im is an online shopping cart for selling digital goods for the Bitcache crypto currency. Unlike the competition, k.im offers a simple and reliable solution for the distribution of digital goods.
You can start selling your digital files in just 1 minute. In this case, you decide where your files will be stored. You can select multiple repositories at once. Your product can be purchased quickly and easily for Bitcache's crypto currency.
Let's try.
Placement of a digital item
At the very beginning we are offered to choose the file that we want to put up for sale. We just need to select any file on our computer and after confirming the rules it will be downloaded to the k.im service.
After that we will see the notification that our file has been successfully uploaded to the k.im service. And now we can specify the price for our digital goods.
For now, you can specify only in USD dollars, but in the near future will add GBP, EUR, NZD, HUF, JPY. Maybe others. I indicated the price of 0.01 USD, it is 0.025 Bits (Bits are microbits, 1 million microbits are 1 bitcoin) ...
Below we can choose additional options, where we can specify that the distribution will operate for a limited time (LIMITED GIVEAWAY), allow people to pay more (LET PEOPLE PAY MORE) that is a free price or allow only to view the purchased content (STREAM ONLY) in the browser, download content to your computer. Very convenient and practical!
In the next step we are offered to choose a category for our digital product. You have a choice: music, video, documents, code and data. I chose the "document" (Doc). I specified the title, chose a picture, filled out the introductory field and a detailed description of the product.
On the right side you can see how our widget will look with our digital goods, if we want to integrate it into our site.
After that we are offered to specify a purse bitcache, which will receive money from the sale. If you do not have a purse in the bitcache system, then you can easily create it by selecting the option "Create a wallet" (for testing, I was given $ 10). I created a wallet and entered the site by entering my "walled id" and password.
After that we see that everything has been successfully saved and now we are offered to upload our file to different services, from where our customers can download it after payment.
You can choose between cloud services such as Dropbox, MEGA, Google Drive, iCloud. P2P network. Store IPFS, SIA, STORJ, FILECOINS and many others. The list is really big 🙂 You can download it right away for all services. To please everyone ... 🙂
After that we get a unique link: https://k.im/1504296817921, which can be placed in our blog, forum, social network, website, etc. Going on which the user can read the detailed description of our product and of course purchase the digital goods for mycobitkans using the Bitcache wallet.
This is how the placement of a digital item on the k.im platform works. As you can see, everything is ingeniously simple.
Purchase of goods
Let's try to buy our product, go to https://k.im/1504296817921 and select "Buy and download". Go into our wallet, if not already entered and select "Confirm payment" to confirm the payment.
After payment, we can download the purchased digital goods on our computer. In my case, the download will be made from the cloud service MEGA. If we chose other services, they would be displayed here.
It turned out pretty not bad. I hope that the Russian interface will be added to the public launch, as well as think over how to replenish the purse with other crypto-currencies such as bitcoin or ether, as they are very popular now.
I wish the project success and I hope that you can simplify the life of those who want or sell digital goods.
Link to the project (access is not for everyone so far):
Let's see how Kim Dotcom will run the business ;-)