Who remembers? Beginning of Bitcoin

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

djfk.jpgThe history Bitcoin originates in ten-year-old a research on cryptography and the distributed networks. Bitcoin appeared in 2008 under Satoshi's authorship of Nakamoto. In our article we will consider bitcoin history from the very beginning: from 2008 to 2018.

The schedule of the course Bitcoin for 2008-2018
When there was Bitcoin?
To an exit of bitcoin there was a set of digital technologies of cash, starting with protocols of E-cash on the basis of issuers David Shaum and Stefan Brends. Adam Beck developed hashcash, the scheme of check of working capacity for management of spam. The first offers concerning kriptotermirovanny distributions on the basis of digital deficiency would be - money Wei of Dai and bit gold of Nick Sabo. Hal Finni developed the reusable proof of work (RPOW), using hashcash as the proof of an algorithm of work.
In the offer on bit gold in which the mechanism of control of inflation based on the collective market was offered Nick Sabo also studied some additional aspects, including the Byzantine failure-safe register of assets for storage and transfer of decisions with a chain of proofs. Also the possibility that Satoshi of Nakamoto was computer collective in the European financial sector was discussed.


History of success of Bitcoin.
August 18. The domain name bitcoin.org is registered.
October 31. The document which officially presented to the public new cryptocurrency is published. Name of the document "Bitcoin P2P e-cash paper".
November 9. The Bitcoin project is registered on the SourceForge.net resource.
beta the test of bitcoin for all comers with the purpose to test technology of a mining.

The rate of bitcoin in 2009 began the smooth ascension. In January appeared bitcoin network with release of the first client with an open source code of bitcoins and release of the first coins, and Satoshi Nakamoto got the first block of bitcoins (known as the genesis block) which received an award in 50 coins. Built in a koinbaza of this block was the text: The Times 03/Jan/2009 the Chancellor on the verge of the second ejection for banks.
One of the first supporters and investors in bitcoin and also the recipient of the first bitcoin transaction was programmer Hal Finni. Finni loaded the software of bitcoins that day when he was let out, and received 10 bitcoins from Nakamoto in the first bitkoinsky transaction in the world. Wei Dai, the creator of bitcoins predecessors of b-money, and Nick Sabo, the creator of bitcoins predecessors of bit gold were other early supporters. Before disappearing because of any participation in bitcoin, Nakamoto, somewhat, transferred reins to the developer Gavin Andresen who became the leading developer in Bitcoin Fund, the closest to "anarchical" community and to the official public figure subsequently.
How many did cost bitcoin in 2009? It is one of the most popular questions of bitcoin history. The cost of the first transactions was discussed by people at a bitcoin forum with one noticeable transaction in 10 000 BTD used for purchase of two pizzas the Father Jones. It was the only serious lack of safety which was found and used.
January 3. The first Bitcoin block was issued (so-called "genesis the block"). 50 BTC was generated. Time: 18:15:05 (across Greenwich).
January 9. The first Bitcoin v0.1 version is released.
January 12. First transaction Bitcoin (block 170). Sender: Satoshi of Nakamoto. Addressee: Hal Finney.
October 5. The first course Bitcoin against dollar at the exchange is published: $1 = 1,309.03 BTC. The auction was started at the New Liberty Standard exchange.
October 9. The channel #bitcoin-dev was registered in IRC.
December 16. There was a Bitcoin v0.2 version.
December 30. The complexity of production Bitcoin is for the first time increased


The course bitcoin in 2010 was affected by a set of factors, the most significant of which were an opening of the first exchange and the well-known purchase of 2 pizzas in the Father Jones for 10000.
February 6. The first official exchange Bitcoin Market is open.
March 18. The patent for enciphering according to the application submitted on August 15, 2008 is published.
May 22. The first purchase online is made. For 10 thousand coins (at that time it is 25 dollars) certain laszlo bought pizza.
July 7. There was a Bitcoin v0.3 version
July 11. The Bitcoin v0.3 version was mentioned on the Slashdot resource. It gave significant increase in number of users of Bitcoin.
July 12. In five days the rate of cryptocurrency grew by 10 times: with of $0.008/BTC to of $0.08/BTC.
July 17. One more exchange MtGox is founded.
July 18. ArtForz creates a farm of OpenGL GPU and generates the first bitcoin - block.
August 15. The bug in bitcoin code became the reason of "dirty" transaction in the block 74638. Users quickly found a mistake, corrected a code, and the "clean" block (number 74691) became replacement for "dirty" in a chain.
September 14. The user of jgarzik offered 10 000 coins (of 600-650 US dollars) to the user of puddinpop for opening of their general client of CUDA on the basis of Windows. In the same day the first mining in the block 79764 was recorded.
September 18. The user of puddinpop declared opening of the client of CUDA on the basis of Windows under the license MIT.
September 29. The user of Kermit found invasions from the outside into microtransactions then it was announced a release of the new v0.3.13 version.
October 1. The first public mayner of OpenCL is created.
October 7. After several months of calm the rate of cryptocurrency began to rise with a mark of $0.06/BTC.
October 10. MtGox changes the main option of financing from PayPal for Liberty Reserve.
October 16. The first registered auction Bitcoin with deposition. The bargain was concluded between users of nanotube and Diablo-D3. The third involved party – theymos.
October 17. There was a trade IRC channel #bitcoin-otc.
October 28. The first short trade transaction on 100 coins is carried out (from the user of nanotube to the user of kiba). Base of transaction – the trade channel #bitcoin-otc.
November 6. Capitalization Bitcoin made 1 million US dollars. The rate of cryptocurrency at the MtGox exchange reached a point of $0.50/BTC.
December 7. The user of doublec created N900 Nokia smartphone application of Bitcoind. In the same day the user of ribuck sent 0.42 BTC in the first in the history of P2P-transaction by means of the mobile device.
December 8. The first mobile transaction Bitcoin, ribuck sends doublec 0.42 BTC with use of Bitcoind.
December 9. The first contract about the option-kollom (users of nanotube and sgornick) is concluded. Base of transaction – the trade channel #bitcoin-otc.
December 16. The Mining a pool Bitcoin under the leadership of the user of slush generated the first block.

On the basis of an open source code of bitcoin other cryptocurrencies began to appear.
In January, 2011 the noncommercial Electronic Frontier Foundation group began to accept bitcoins, and then stopped accepting them in June, 2011, having referred to concern about lack of a legal precedent concerning new currency systems. The decision of EFF was cancelled on May 17, 2013 when they resumed reception of bitcoin.
The market for transactions with Silk Road drugs is started.
January 2. Standardization of Tonal Bitcoin.
January 8. The Mining a pool of Bitcoin Pooled Mining reached power 10Ghash in a second.
January 27. The largest monetary transaction for all history of currency Bitcoin is made. At the auction in the exchange #bitcoin-otc send 3 bills from Zimbabwe. The exchange rate in accounts was is as follows: 4 BTC for 100 trillion Zimbabwean dollars.
January 28. The block 105000 is generated what follows from that 5,25 million bitcoins were at that time emitted already.
February 9. The bitcoin was made even on the value to dollar. At MtGox auction this day bought 1 coin for 1 US dollar.
February 10. This day the Bitcoin.org resource tries to check the flow of new users which rushed after a cryptocurrency mention on the websites Slashdot and Hacker News. A large number of users came from Twitter.
February 14. For the first time at the exchange wanted to sell a car (old Porsh) for bitcoins. The price in 3000 BTC was established. The seller – the resident of Australia.
March 1. The user of MagicalTux bought the mtgox.com resource from its founder Jed Makkaleba.
March 6. There was a jump in the general Bitcoin network. For a short time the speed of connection reached 900Ghash in a second and soon fell to 500Ghash/sec. It is rumored that it came from the fact that the supercomputer or the network boat was connected to network. This newcomer is called "a mysterious mayner".
March 10. Bitcoin.org fights against increase in traffic.
March 14. The Australian participant of a forum of bitcoins tries to sell 1984 Celica Supra for 3000 BTC and will become the first who will offer the car in exchange for bitcoins.
March 18. The lower threshold of the course Bitcoin against dollar reached a point of 70 cents for 1 US dollar. Before it there was a splash in a course (perhaps, artificially created), and then rapid falling.
March 25. WeUseCoins.com is registered and built-in in the Bitcoin resource and creates one of the most popular videos. Also at this time there is the second-large decrease in complexity.
March 27. The first exchange on exchange of bitcoins for the English pounds sterlings of BTC/GBP is open.
March 31. The first exchange on exchange of Brazilian reals for Bitcoin Brazil bitcoins is open.
April 5. The first exchange on exchange of the Polish zloties for BitMarket.eu bitcoins is open.
April 12. The first option contract Bitcoin was signed. The event took place at the exchange #bitcoin-otc.
April 16. The official press started talking about bitcoins. TIME published a sketch about cryptocurrency.
April 23. The course BTC/USD reached and the dollar/euro at the MtGox exchange crossed a course mark, and a bit later in the same day "won" also against a course dollar/pound sterling. The general capitalization of bitcoins reached a point of 10 million US dollars.
April 27. VirWoX opened the first auction for exchange of cryptocurrency for other virtual currency of BTC/SLL (Linden dollars from the game Second Life).
April 30. The difficulty of creation of bitcoins exceeds 100 000.
June 2. The rate of bitcoin to dollar increased up to 10 US dollars for 1 coin. And in 6 days at the MtGox exchange the rate of 31.91 USD for 1 bitcoin was recorded.
June 3. Tonal Bitcoin concerns 0,01 US dollars for TBC in the market of bitcoins, having for the first time reached parity with the American cent.
June 4. The bitcoin market stops trade of PayPal because of fraud.
June 8. The bitcoin price of MtGox reaches the record level of 31,91 US dollars
June 12. Again there was a falling of a course to a mark of 10 US dollars.
June 13. The first theft on Bitcoin. The user of allinvain said that from its purse 25 thousand coins were stolen (an equivalent to 375 thousand dollars).
June 14. WikiLeaks begins to accept anonymous donations in Bitcoin.
June 19. The MtGox database was cracked. 60 thousand users whose data fell into hands of swindlers suffered. E-mail addresses and passwords were stolen. In the same day the unknown hacker got on the account of administration MtGox, dispatched hundreds of thousands of false bitcoins and lowered thereby a rate of cryptocurrency from 17,5 dollars for a coin to 1 cent. The auction was resumed only in a week. Besides, in the same day from accounts of users of MyBitcoin were stolen thousands of coins.
June 20. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) fund stops reception of donations in the form of bitcoins for the reasons of legal uncertainty.
June 24. The difficulty for the first time reached 1000000.
June 29. BitPay is started the first e-wallet for the smartphone.
July 19. First transaction of NFC Bitcoin
July 22. The first mobile application for iPad BitCoins Mobile is released.
July 26. The Polish Bitomat, the third largest bitcoin exchanger in the world, loses access to the wallet.dat file and 17 000 bitcoins which they hold for clients.
August 5. MyBitcoin loses 150 000 bitcoins
On August 20 there took place the first Bitcoin conference at the World Expo exhibition in New York.
August 23. The first decentralized pool of P2Pool namaynit the first block.
August 30. Falling of complexity
September 6. Mike Caldwell begins to mint physical bitcoins, calling Casacius coins.
November 15. The first CVE was appropriated to an exploit of the client of Bitcoin (CVE-2011-4447).
On November 25 there took place the first conference on cryptocurrency in Europe. The event took place in Prague (Czech Republic).
December 12. The largest bill in 171 BTC in the block 157235 is paid

In January, 2012 the bitcoin was recognized as the main subject within judicial proceedings of the legal drama CBS The Good Wife in an episode ​​ the third season "Bitcoin for teapots". The owner of "Fantastic sum" of Jim Kramer's CNBC played himself in the hall of court session where it demonstrates that he does not consider bitcoin the real currency, having said: "There is no central bank to regulate it, it digital and functions are completely equal".
February 13. The second-large exchange Bitcoin in the world, TradeHill, is closed, referring to problems of regulation and loss of 100 000 US dollars.
February 27. The Bitkoin magazine is started with articles about bitcoin and cryptocurrency.
March 1. The biggest theft of bitcoins (about 50 000 BTC) after safety upgrade on Linode web host.
April 1. Leaves in release of Pay-to-script-hash (P2SH).
May 1. The Bitkoin magazine publishes the first printing release.8 of May. SatoshiDICE becomes responsible for more than a half of volume of transaction of the block of bitcoins.
May 8. SatoshiDICE becomes responsible for more than a half of volume of transaction of the block of bitcoins.
May 9. Promoting of the report of FBI of April 24, 2012 "Virtual currency bitcoin: unique features"
June 1. Coinbase is created
June 3. The biggest block (number 181919) with 1322 transactions is created.
July 1. Start of Boost VC began.
August 6. A complaint to Bitcoinica for negligence in calculations is filed.
August 20. Charlie Shr announces plans of introduction of the debit card Bitcoin through BitInstant, service of transfer of bitcoins.
September 1. Development of the equipment for production of bitcoins of KnCMiner.
September 3. Bitfloor is cracked and lost 24000 bitcoins.
September 15-16. There took place the Bitcoin conference in London.
September 24. Filip Mustakis, the senior lawyer of department of law and order of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, sends the e-mail in which he is reported about investigation of economy and trust of Bitcoin after statements that the scheme Ponzi reduced the cost of bitcoins by the whole 30 percent were made.
September 27. The Bitcoin Foundation organization is created.
November 15. WordPress.com declares that it accepts bitcoins as a payment form for users to buy updates.
November 28. The block 210000 became the first block, remuneration for which made not 50 BTC, but 25 BTC.
December 6. The first Bitcoin exchange obtained the bank license in Europe.

January 22. BitPay surpasses 10 000 transactions
February 19. There was the 8th version of the client of Bitcoin Client.
February 28. For the first time in 601 days the rate of bitcoin made break and crossed line in 31,91 US dollar. March 8. BitInstant is cracked, loses $12 000
March 9. Mega begins to accept bitcoins through bitvoucher.co
March 11. Considerable failure which includes two different versions of the software of Bitcoin leads to a stop of transactions that leads up to 37 US dollars to a sharp sale and 23 percent depreciation. Later in the same evening the exchange rate restored the most part of the cost.
March 12. The rule of the protocol which was not revealed earlier leads to a rigid fork of the reference client 0.8.0.
March 17. The audio-show "Let's Talk about Bitcoin" is started. Also at this time prit for the homeless begins to receive donations in bitcoin.
March 18. FinCEN defines a position in bitcoin
March 19. 8.0 Bitcoin version are released.
March 21. The Internet archive accepts bitcoins. Also this day the bitcoin grew to $74,90.
March 22. The trade value of bitcoin is 30 US dollars for the first time since 2011.
March 28. Capitalization bitcoin crossed a mark 1 billion dollars.
In May declared WebMoney creation of new type of a purse for operations with Bitcoins.
April 1. The rate of cryptocurrency on MtGox and other large exchanges reached a point in 100 dollars.
April 10. The bitcoin reaches the record level of 266 US dollars, in comparison with 13 dollars the previous year.
April 20. Bitcoin Central is cracked, and hackers destroy "several hundreds" of bitcoins which owners of the website agreed to cover completely.
May 1. Coindesk is started by Spotify investor
May 2. Coinlab files a lawsuit against MtGox, referring to multiple cases of violation of the contract therefore damage of 75 million US dollars. In the same time the first ATM bitcoin was announced.
May 7. Coinbase receives financing of 5 million US dollars.
May 14. The department of internal security of the United States of America withdrew more than 2,9 mln. dollars of the USA from the account of Dwolla belonging to MtGox subsidiary
May 18. PrimeDice.com starts online casino
May 23. Bitcoin Central is cracked
June 10. Newly married Beck and Craig begin the campaign Kickstarter for financing of the full-length documentary Life on Bitcoin.
June 26. BitcoinWebHosting.net begins to propose solutions for a web hosting
July 1. Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust is given to the Securities Commission of the USA (SEC) of Tyler and Cameron Vinkelvoss.
August 9. Bloomberg receives bitcoin ticker
August 12. The department of financial services of the State of New York (NYSDFS) issues the summons to 22 companies and investors who are engaged in digital currencies to investigate a possibility that Bitcoins are used for illegal activity and define need of standard actions.
August 20. Bitcoins were recognized as legal currency in Germany.
August 21. Reddit increases donations to a shelter for the homeless.
August 28. Robocoin begins to take pre-orders.
September 10. MtGox demands return of 5 mln. dollars of the USA from Coinlab, claiming that these means belong to clients of MtGox.
September 14. PrimeDice.com declares that for the first three months it performed works more than 15 million US dollars.
October 2. FBI closes the illegal online market of Silk Road drugs.
October 14. Baidu begins to accept bitcoin.
October 31. BitMarket.eu closes doors, referring to limited financing and resources.
November. Sharp jumps of a rate of cryptocurrency. In the middle of the month the cost of 1 coin exceeded a mark of 1000 dollars. It happened after bitcoins were supported by the large American creator of browser games of Zynga. Same month one of the universities of Cyprus allowed to pay for training in cryptocurrency.
November 19. Growth of bitcoins to record 1242 dollars after hearings in the Senate.
On December 9 from accounts of users Bitcoin 100 million dollars were stolen.
In December China forbade use of cryptocurrency in the territory of the country. One of the largest exchanges in the world BTC China was closed. After China bitcoins were not recognized by Norway.

In 2014 the documentary The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin in which the interview with users of bitcoins, such as computer programmer and drug dealer are presented was released.
At the beginning of January in London Elliptic Vault – the first safe storage of bitcoins was open.
Same month the cryptocurrency begins to force out euro in Ireland. A large number of the companies agreed to accept payment for services in bitcoins.
January 24. BTC China resumed the auction.
January 28. The vice-president of Bitcoin Foundation on a charge of money laundering, after that a rate of cryptocurrency снизися for 40 dollars is arrested. Panic of users became the reason for that.
February 1. The American newspaper The Chicago Sun-Times for one day entered payment in bitcoins for reading articles.
February 7. Mt exchange. Gox suspended all transactions on a conclusion because of suspicions about the mass attack through vulnerability of transactions.
February 10 — 12. Problems with transactions were found in other large exchanges. As a result, the course Bitcoin fell off for 30% — to the level of $600.
In 2014 several carefree songs devoted to bitcoin such as Ode by Satoshi were released.

In January Coinbase lifted 75 million US dollars within a round of financing of a series C, having broken the previous record for Bitcoin of the company. Less than in a year after crash of Mt.Gox which is in the United Kingdom the Bitstamp exchange declared that their exchange will be removed in the autonomous mode while they investigate breaking as a result of which about 19 000 bitcoins (that is equivalent to about 5 million US dollars at that time) were stolen from their hot purse. Exchange remained in the autonomous mode within several days against the background of the assumptions that clients lost the means. Bitstamp resumed trade on January 9 after increase in security measures and providing clients with the fact that their remains on accounts will not be mentioned. Having reached a maximum in 318 US dollars, the price of Bitcoin fell up to $217 by the end of month.
February the Price of Bitcoin reached a maximum and was $262.
In March the bitcoin startup of 21 Inc declared attraction of venture investments of $116 million.
Mai Ulbricht was found guilty on 7 charges of money laundering, computer breaking and a plot on drug traffic in February because of its role of the operator in the market of the Silk way.
June the Superintendant of Department of financial services of the State of New York Benjamin Louski published a set of the individual rules intended for regulation of business of Bitcoin and digital currencies which serve the clients located in the State of New York. These rules are the first, ever aimed at the enterprises of digital currency.
July the Former federal agents of Carl Force IV (DEA) and Shaun Bridges (Secret Service) found themselves guilty of theft of bitcoins during their active investigation of the Silk Road market.
In August by estimates, 160 000 dealers accept payments of bitcoins. Barclays was declared that they will become the first British bank of high streets which will begin to accept bitcoins, with the plan to facilitate to do to users charitable donations with use cryptocurrency out of their systems. They entered partnership in April, 2016 by means of the mobile payment Circle Internet Financial service. Also at this time, Mark Karpeles, CEO of the unsuccessful Burmese exchange Mt. Gox, was arrested in Japan on a charge of fraud and waste in connection with crash of the exchange
September the Commission on trade in commodity futures (CFTC) declared that it gave and established payments for the bitkoynsky exchange for simplification of trade in option contracts on the platform.
In October the possibility of addition of a symbol for bitcoin in Unicode is presented ​​ in Consortium Unicode. Also at this time Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss released own American bitcoin which received the name "Twins". After start the exchange obtained the license for work in 26 states and could "serve both individual, and institutional clients" because of the corporate structure of LLTC. Twins could also offer insurance of FDIC on deposits of clients thanks to partnership with bank in New York. The European Court of Justice decided that exchange of Bitcoin and "virtual currencies" does not extend to a value added tax (VAT) in the European Union.
November Unicode Committee accepted a currency bitcoin symbol (in an upper case of B with two vertical strips passing through it, but only seen from above and from below) to be in future version of the Unicode standard. To a glyph the slot "will be appropriated to U + 20BF BITCOIN SIGN" and it will be displayed as a result by standard system fonts.
December the Researcher and the writer on safety, Gvern Branven, published article in the WIRED magazine in which it was claimed that the Australian person by the name of doctor Craig S. Wright was or Satoshi Nakamoto, or "the brilliant mystifier". Gvern provided several remote messages in the blog by Wright, the filtered e-mails and interpretation of the shorthand report which, appear, assumed that Wright - the founder Bitkoina. In one passed to interpretation Wright himself claims: "I did everything possible to try to suppress the fact that I worked with bitcoin since 2009". In other document it is told that Wright had access to the Bitkoinsky trust to 1,1 million bitcoins.

January. Speed of network exceeds 1 ekfash / sec.
February Influential associates of bitcoins met in Hong Kong to discuss the development plan and the schedule for scaling of bitcoins. The meeting of the closed doors included more than 30 people, service providers and Bitcoin Core developers and intended for the solution of the problems connected with discussion of the size of the block.
March the Cabinet of Japan recognizes virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, as means of payment on an equal basis with real money. The largest South African online cryptoforeign exchange market of Bidorbuy opens.
April of The Steam Service begins to accept bitcoin as payment for video games and other online media. Also at this time the initial production version of the first decentralized software of OpenBazaar was released for general public.
Mai Wright publicly declared that he was Satoshi Nakamoto by means of the message in the blog.
July Researchers published the document showing that by November, 2013 trade in bitcoins was not caused by activity of "sin" any more, and instead the lawful enterprises. Uber passed to bitcoin in Argentina after the government blocked the companies of credit cards from work about Uber.
Augustus Hakery attack Bitfinex, the large exchange, taking nearly 120 000 bitcoins (about 60 million US dollars).
September the Number of ATMs of bitcoins for the last 18 months doubled and reached 771 ATMs worldwide.
November the Swiss railway operator of SBB (CFF) upgraded all the automatic cars for tickets so the bitcoin could be bought from them by means of the scanner by booking car for scanning of the address of bitcoin in phone application.
History and the future of bitcoin strengthen the academic interest from year to year; the number of the published articles Google Scholar in which the bitcoin is mentioned grew with 83 in 2009 to 424 in 2012 and 3580 in 2016. Besides, the Ledger Journal magazine published the first release. It is edited by Peter Rizun.

The number of the enterprises accepting bitcoin continues to grow. In January, 2017 NHK reported that the number of the online stores accepting bitcoin in Japan for the last year increased by 4,6 times. The executive director of BitPay Stephen Paar said that the level of transaction of the company grew from January 3 to January 31, 2016 and explained that use of bitcoin grows in B2B chain sales volumes.
In 2017 the Bitcoin receives more legitimacy among legislators and the inherited finance companies. For example, Japan adopted the law on acceptance of bitcoin as a method of legal payment, and Russia declared that it will be to legalize use of cryptoconversion, such as bitcoin. And the Skandiabanken Internet bank, largest in Norway, unites accounts of bitcoins.
Trade volumes at the exchange continue to grow. For the 6-month period which is coming to an end in March, 2017, the Mexican exchange Bitso saw increase in the trading volume by 1500%. During the period from January to May, 2017 Poloniex increased activity of active traders more than by 600% and regularly processed 640% more transactions.
January After rally during the most part of the second half of 2016 bitcoin for the first time for the first time for 3 years struck through the level in 1000 dollars. Lighting in mass media leads to inflow of new users who allegedly will raise the price even above.
Mart Chislo of projects of GitHub connected with bitcoins exceeds 10 000.
April Japan recognizes bitcoin as a legal method of payment. The legislature of the country adopted the law, after several months of a debate which gave bitkoynsky exchanges according to rules of fight against money laundering / information on your client and also classified bitcoin as some kind of pre-paid payment tool.
June the Symbol of bitcoin was coded in version 10.0 Unicode in position U + 20BF ​​ (₿) in the Currency Symbols block.
June 12. The exchange rate of Bitcoin exceeds $3000 in BTD.
On August 1st the bitcoin was divided into two derivative digital currencies, classical bitcoin (BTC) and bitcoin cash (BCH). Split was called a bitkoyny Cash rigid fork.
On September 1 the exchange rate of Bitcoin exceeds 5000 US dollars.
October. China forbids cryptoconversion and ICO.
November 29 In 2017 the price of bitcoins exceeds 10 000 US dollars.
December of Cboe Global Markets begins to offer futures for bitcoins, allowing investors to reflect on the prices for bitcoin.
December 6. The program Steam market declared that it will not accept bitcoin as a payment for the products any more, referring to slow speeds of transactions and volatility of the prices.
On December 11 Futures for the cryptocurrency, most popular in the world, rose 26 percent from the opening price at their debut session at the Cboe Global Markets Inc exchange., having caused two temporary trade stops directed to calming the market.
December 18 The bitcoin reaches a record maximum, but does not reach $20000.
December 28 The price of bitcoins fell after South Korea announced additional measures for regulation of trade in bitcoins, including potential closing of the exchanges, among unstable movements in the third largest cryptoforeign exchange market in the world.
What is interesting, the price of bitcoins was less than 3000 US dollars at the beginning of 2017, and then it cost about 5000 dollars, and by the end of the year the Bitcoin cost 10000 US dollars.

2018 was cruel year for Bitcoin and its users, especially people who kept, believing that the price will increase. Many sold cryptocurrencies while they could, and the price fell steadily all year. At the time of writing of this article the price of Bitcoin was 3,732,04 dollars.
On January 2 the Constituent fund of Peter Til bought millions of dollars in bitcoin, The Wall Street Journal with reference to the sources familiar with a situation reports. The newspaper says that these stocks cost hundreds of millions dollars. Not clearly, whether Founders sold any stocks, it is told in the report.
On January 8 CoinMarketCap removed the prices from the South Korean exchanges from the calculations of cryptocurrencies without prevention that led to sharp falling of all prices. Besides, the financial authorities of Korea began on January 8 investigation of the services connected with cryptocurrencies, provided by local banks.
January 13 From total of 21 million people, on January 13, 2018, 16 800 000 BTD were got, and there were only 20% for production.
On January 22 in South Korea the resolution according to which all dealers in bitcoins reveal the personality was accepted, thereby forbidding anonymous trade in bitcoins.
On January 24 the online and payment company Stripe declared that by the end of April, 2018 it will refuse support of bitkoinsky payments, having referred to decrease in demand, growth of collecting and longer transactions as the reasons.
On January 30 Facebook forbade people to advertize bitcoin and other cryptoconversion completely
On February 5 the price of Bitcoin dropped by 50% in 16 days, having fallen lower than 7 000 dollars.
On March 7 the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission confirmed that many online trading platforms for digital assets have to be registered in the agency as the exchanges. The statement of SEC increased concern on the fact that regulation of toughening can limit trade.
On March 14 Google stated that it forbids the online advertizing advertizing cryptocurrency
On March 26 Twitter declared that it will forbid advertizing for cryptoterms, after dispersal of Google and Facebook which purpose is protection of investors against fraud.
April 13 One of the largest platforms of cryptocurrency trade of India lost about 438 bitcoins worth about 190 million rupees (3 million dollars), presumably because of the employee.
May 2 One of the largest investment banks declared that Goldman is going to begin to use own money for trade with clients under various contracts connected with the Bitcoin price.
On May 24 the Department of justice opened criminal case about whether traders manipulate the price of bitcoins and other digital currencies. Investigation is concentrated on illegal actions which can influence the prices, such as spoofing or flood of the market false warrants to deceive other traders in purchase or sale.
June 10 The South Korean Coinrail exchanger loses more than 40 million dollars in tokens after breaking
On October 31 - 6300 dollars, in 10-year anniversary of Bitcoin the price sticks to higher than 6 000 dollars in the period of historically low volatility.
On November 14 lower than 6000 dollars fall.
On November 24 falling is lower than $4000 (Cointelegraph.com source).

****I apologize if that missed that. I just want to remind as everything began, as wise men speak: "you know history - you can look in the future". In the following post I will try to analyse dynamics of growth of bitcoin and the taxation. Thanks)


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