LEADWALLET ! Your One Stop Solution for Crypto Wallets
It’s been over a decade since Nakamoto Satoshi’s greatest creation, Bitcoin. Bitcoin was created as a peer to peer electronic cash system, this was important because of the numerous problems associated with traditional banking systems. The question, “has Satoshi's vision been achieved?” becomes very necessary and intriguing. The truth is that a lot has been achieved but a lot remains to be achieved. Since the creation of bitcoin, we’ve seen thousands of cryptocurrencies created each with a target solution.

Funds have been lost in the past due to many reasons, the most common being to hackers. Lots of people have fallen victim to hackers who steal their private keys and make away with their crypto assets or those who hack into crypto wallets and steal people’s assets. Another instance is several people have lost access to their wallets because of losing their private keys since decentraliZed platforms don’t store user data.

Security of funds will no longer be in jeopardy as many features for enterprise and businesses will as well be integrated. Users will be able to achieve Satoshi’s vision by being able to transact peer to peer without a third party, send, receive, spend crypto. Businesses will enjoy multi-signature which is a rarity as few solutions can be found. LeadWallet is a well thought out project and will instilL confidence in the hearts of many.
Website: https://leadwallet.io/
Whitepaper: https://leadwallet.io/docs/whitepaper
Telegram: https://t.me/leadwallet
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Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LeadWallet/
Medium: https://medium.com/@LeadWallet
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leadwallet/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtYmCwQar24UGt_RfZufb8A
Github: https://github.com/leadwallet/