MOOLYACOIN - About the project
This is a really cool and contemporary project! I strongly encourage participation. In the near future, this project will make amazing x and will bring amazing benefits to those with the feeling of investing in the project! Bring luck and benefit to everyone!
I am very glad that I found this project in Internet open space. This is the first company of ready-made products to be carried out by ICO. A cool team of managers will help with any questions. I highly recommend the project very suddenly.
MOOLYACOIN is a big project. Do not forget to join the ICO as well as the wonderful team, as well as the concepts and ideas represented by the project. I will be proud of what you do, make sure that you play your role, and soon.
What is Moore?
'' is the "world's first comprehensive global digital startup ecosystem" that is the compilation of interaction network, marketplace and on-demand service platform for startup ecosystem community. It consists of six important communities: institutions, thinkers, startups, investors, companies, service providers, and various other enablers.
moolya uses concepts that tested time on clusters, chapters, sub chapters, digital offices, service cards, avatars, business processes, workflows to emulate the offline model of the startup ecosystem.
Register in "" and welcome you to experience ecosystem by experiencing patented SaaS platform. This platform platforms infinite possibilities in converging, exploring, cooperating, acting, trading and serving users.
moolya emulates the offline model of the startup ecosystem using long-term proven concepts of clusters, chapters, sub-chapters, digital offices, service cards, avatars, business processes, workflows, for global construction Block chain and smart contract trust.
Features of moolya:
Some of our main functions are
all 6 communities - Together!
First live comprehensive digital platform, diversified startup function of convergence, collaboration, trading, trade, service
B2C / C2C / B2B online trading
moolya is consumed and paid by other users in moolya "services Card "and the innovative use of the digital office makes it easy for users to provide services.
The globally relevant
"" is a user screening module, localization awareness and community, managed by hand-selected global enablers such as anchors, advisors, mentors, leaders, captains and partners Business rules
Meruya's merit of Muar Yyakom: Why indigenous coins?
- It becomes the operation priority mode of moolya
- The currency is universal, there are no borders
- Safety and ecology
- Settlement is monitored and more quickly
- High mobility inside and outside
- No inflation effect
- No payment gate fee
- No transaction fee
- Good liquidity
- Increase purchasing power
What kind of pain does Muraya handle?
Join all the players to the connected digital market and build the foundation of Eco Lead
Self discovery and it is necessary
Ecosystem ecosystem
Use effects outside the network
Reduce innovation and effort to improve quality
Streamline and digitize services and processes
Easy access to capital methods and centralized methods
Demote the network, advise on the digital platform consultation
Solving the record keeping problem
Concept of digital conversation
Application of data analysis for process and interaction.
How to moolya work?
One of the most reliable ways in which startup establishes a sustainable long-term competitive advantage in business is to shift from building a product to building a platform. On the platform, affiliates can connect to products in multiple ways and display services, so you can use core products and services.
It builds on it by extending itself.
In fact, we build an ecosystem around the product and extend the benefits of the product to users, ourselves, partners. - Users can benefit from a wider range of feature sets, partners. You can reach more users with your platform. You can also earn profits by "borrowing" core assets.
In order to understand the mechanism of the moolya platform, you need to understand the functions of the digital community, business model, revenue model, and opportunities for collaboration.
Project information
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