Operation AWS a Success, Skyrim & TaTau?
So, the AWS Experiment has been a complete success, and i strongly recommend you all to consider doing it yourself.
Essentially, i went into the weekend with the idea i would work on a project of getting the Webchain miner to run on an old Xbox 360 i have, mainly, as a bit of a fun tinkering project, not so much as a profitable venture.
Ironically though, i could not bring myself to do it, after setting up the miner on my X43T and main rig, i actually could not bring myself to turn them off, despite how laughable the ROI is, so i had been playing this old Xbox all week, so that the rigs could run without any performance disturbance and frankly, i needed something to do this weekend, lest i sit drinking wine watching a command console.
Been playing Skyrim for any interested, if you have never played it, its certainly a game you should explore, even if you are not a "gamer" you will enjoy yourself, i would honestly recommend purchasing the PC Version on Steam these days, i am just however a tight ass when it comes to buying things and refuse to pay for the same game twice.
However i digress,
Still interested in optimizing mining though, Friday night while musing, drinking and listening to music (which i posted) my mind wandered to the idea of the cloud, and just curiously the next day i decided to wander over to AWS to see what the costs were, just as a bit of interest.
Everyone in Crypto knows, using AWS for mining is not profitable, but thats with GPU's, so i was curious to scope it out and see what dirt cheap CPU's you could purchase on demand.
I then discovered, upon signing up, you actually get 750 hours a month free, on one instance of a micro compute server, for the first 12 months.
Basically, you sign up for a new AWS account, punch in your card details, you don't buy anything, but just for being a member, you get access to a whole slew of free features, the idea why they do this is obvious, free sample to entice you to buy.
But within what, 10 minutes? i was able to deploy an instance and had it running the Webchain Mining client flawlessly and easily, the results? nothing fantastic, think it yields about 40.0 h/s but hey, its essentially free, just make sure you shut down the instance before you reach your hour cap each month.
Is it easier to just buy outright, sure, but its a ground floor coin, with the intention of the project to reach 1000 Satoshi, (That is their goal, i have been in discussions with the community all week) and with a few additional exchange listings, and a bit of promotion, i think they can achieve, so now is the time for accumulation, anything and everything is valuable.
Oh and some of you might be inclined to point out that i am probably losing on my laptop and rigs mining profits due to electricity, my home runs on 80% Solar Power, so thats the only reason i went down this pathway, if your paying for electricity, probably ignore the main rigs but hey, this AWS thing could be a thing for you?
And seriously have any of you ever looked into the amazing scope of resources offered by AWS? if your outside of Crypto its actually amazing the things you can do, now, at this stage, i do not actually think, it would be cost effective to pay for the servers to drop a bunch of Webchain miners, simply because, i did a rough cost / benefit analysis (in my head of course) and to be honest with you, despite how frigging cool it would be to have that many CPU's drilling, the same money would get you far more on an exchange, at least, at these current prices.
But, exploring those options i spent a lot of time looking into all the features and tech, i must hand it to Amazon Web Services, the professionalism and production value of their tutorials and informational videos are just exceptional, i was like "im watching a video about server deployment and enjoying myself ... wtf"
But it got me thinking about a Crypto project i heard Sky Pankhurst (Of SkyTalksCrypto on Youtube) banging on about last week, TaTau.
Admittedly, i did not think much of it at the time and was like "K Thanks Cool Sky" but, after spending a weekend on AWS, now i get it, its a huge space, you just probably are not aware of it as an investor if you are outside of actual traditional IT.
On that note, i don't actually have a lot of information about the token economy as of yet, so i cant really say when would be a good entry point, it will depend on what the post ICO and initial exchange listing prices are, vs, total circulating supply and the amount of exposure they have, but, there is a parallel between AWS and TaTau so far as scale-able computing power, and if the price is right, may certainly be one to buy, so keep a heads up on that on your radar.
Oh yes, and one last thing for this Sunday weekly round-up, for any of you that have ever struggled in Crypto record keeping (god knows i have) i discovered a service a month ago, which, after road testing it, i am comfortable talking about, its called CoinTracking, look it up, but its a brilliant service you can use to log and accurately record all your purchases, trades and even mining en-devours.
When dealing with multiple exchanges, multiple websites, programs applications and all the ilk we run through, keeping an accurate logging system in an old excel style format very quickly becomes a nightmare, CoinTracking is a really slick, user friendly service that will allow you to keep on top of everything, just keep it open in another tab and log everything as you do anything, and its worth using, that way, if any of your investment positions or trades (if your a day trader) ever make any crazy 1000x gains, you have some nice reports that you can waddle off to your accountant with and be like.
"Hai, This is what i did this year, please figure all this out, so i don't have to" :D
Haha, hope everyone had a lovely weekend, and all the best for the week to come, Seize the Day!
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