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RE: Why I Believe that Verge is Hugely Undervalued and Could Be in for a Price Pump!

I started out with severe hate when it came to the "fraudulent" XVG camp. As the pornhub debacle (but more notably - a major milestone in crypto!) occurred hype for a major partnership lead people to believe crazy assumptions. The pornhub partnership is still huge, whether paid for or not.

Fast forward to Tokenpay. I hold this... for many reasons. If the bank news from Germany is in fact true and later this week we should see some informations on the sale. Then an ICO did it's job correctly. If they are able to create a debit card and have a bank backing the assets.... this is even bigger than the pornhub acceptance of crypto.

Three factors to watch: LTC, TPAY, XVG
Disclaimer I have a position in TPAY from a few weeks ago!


Well said, I can see why some people were disappointed by it, I think some people felt that it was hyped up to be something it wasn't and therefore was a typical case of buy the rumour, sell the news. There's still a lot going for it though and considering it's current price point and where it's gone previously, without having what it has now, there's no reason it can't get back there :)

I agree completely. Doesn't change the fact that they still have some dirt on their company shoulder that needs to be cleaned up. But it's a major household name in crypto for negative reasons - but it is constantly a top volume trading pair.

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