Bitcoin meets... Art?
Bitcoin has existed primarily in the digital world, as it should.
But, what might it look like if it were brought into the physical world?
What might the physical representation of it's data look like?
We have all seen the coins, and they are quite pretty in their own right:
However, someone else had an interesting idea of how to provide a nice visual as well.
Below is an artist's expression of what bank notes could look like if they also showed the data represented by each block on a blockchain.
All the while showcasing his own artistic flair:
Matthias Dorfelt is the Los Angeles based artist behind the creations. He had this to say regarding his motivations behind the project:
"In some ways, the project is a loose data visualization, but I mainly wanted to make the bills be interesting on their own as artworks.
Each one of the 64 bills showcased above represents a single block on a blockchain ledger. The colors vary depending on the volume of transactions.
For example, a less colorful bill would represent a lesser amount of volume, while a more colorful bill would represent a higher volume of transactions.
In the center of the bill there features a blurry or abstract view of a human being or creature. According to Dorfelt, the vagueness was done on purpose, saying:
"The idea was to create something that reflects all of the supposed privacy and anonymity connotations that Bitcoin has."
Some data is also represented.
On the left hand side of each bill is a series of dots that represent the encoded history of all the transactions. At the bottom of the bill is a white bar with symbols that represent the specific address of each bitcoin.
Then, there is a time-stamp in the bottom right hand corner of the bill which indicates the moment in time when that block of transactions was created.
I am not sure if his collection is for sale, but I imagine it would fetch a pretty penny in this ultra enthusiastic Bitcoin environment.
Stay creative my friends!
Image Sources:
Follow me: @jrcornel
That is a very abstract way of thinking of bitcoin....I like how they don't have face in the middle, but instead a blurry image of...
maybe the creator of the blockchain.
Haha yea the artist said that was done intentionally to show the anonymity of bitcoin.
Hii @jrcornel i saw you post and i enjoyed reading it, could you please have a look on my daily analysis for Bitcoin and give me your opinion.
Thanks for the information. Artists uses their talents to express exciting veiw point. Very interesting
It will , the art work is very nice.
I like Dorfelt's version better as opposed to this green monster:

It certainly is prettier isn't it? :)
Wow very interesting, those paintings, So sexy says Leonardo Da Vinci.

Haha that is pretty funny!
Very interesting concept and they're very pretty artworks, but I'm not sure I understand what the practical value would be? What am I missing?
I don't think there is any. It was more just an art piece than anything else. An art piece that shows some of the data in a block on a blockchain. Creative artwork with no practical uses other than sitting on one's wall :)
very cool !
really cool. Lots of information in there, and quite artsy too.
Nice read! Thanks
I love the artwork.