Experiencing the Ready Player One OASIS with Chimaera

Cryptocurrency, pioneered by Bitcoin in 2009, represents an emerging sector of technology with massive potential. While cryptocurrency was initially used as a system for sending money, it has grown to encompass a number of applications, such as cloud computing and file sharing. As the technology continues to progress, these applications are becoming increasingly complex and useful throughout a variety of industries and fields.

A monumental evolution of this technology can be found in Chimaera, a cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem that revolutionizes the manner in which online gaming takes place. With Chimaera, gaming servers become obsolete. Any and all video games can be published on, maintained, and connected to directly on the network. For developers, this makes recurring server upkeep costs and hardware failures nonexistent. For gamers, Chimaera provides real and liquid ownership on a scale never-before-seen. Players can transfer and trade anything from currencies, to rare items, to entire characters, for real-world cash.

Chimaera is the first cryptocurrency to address issues in regards to costs, speed, and scalability currently faced by the blockchain gaming industry. This means there are no barriers to mass adoption of the network. Chimaera has invented and implemented a strategy onto their network coined “game channels” that empowers any number of players to connect in any and all types of real-time or turn-based gaming. Game channels allow for the network to be infinitely scalable and take on any number of players and games. It even enables the creation of two new genres of gaming: Human Mining and Decentralized Autonomous Universes (DAU).

Decentralized Autonomous Universes are persistent, virtual worlds propagated through a web of game channels. A DAU can represent anything from a neighborhood or a city to a planet, galaxy, or an infinite universe. Like the laws of physics in the world as we know it, these autonomous universes are governed by a universal, unwavering set of rules. Beyond this, players have complete control and empowerment to play exactly how they like, as they work together and in competition with one another to build societies and economies from the ground up.

In essence, Decentralized Autonomous Universes provide the perfect framework for a complete instance of a massively complex, virtual reality, such as what can be seen through Ready Player One. In theory, there is no reason why OASIS, the virtual safe-haven from the dystopian reality of the book and film/movie, could not persist on the Chimaera network. Regardless of the circumstances of the world today or in the near future, Chimaera could be the solution to what so many have fantasized about: a global, endless, empowering virtual reality. One where millions of otherwise impoverished individuals lead prosperous lives through virtual careers, where a major, virtual economy rivals legacy industries and currencies, and where anyone can be, do, and experience exactly as they have always dreamed.

After waking up and going through your morning routine, you put on your VR visor, and boot up your connection to the virtual world. After brief darkness, you open your eyes and get up from your virtual bed. You live in a modern high rise in New Delta, a booming metropolis known for its skilled weaponsmiths. New Delta’s time zone corresponds to Eastern Russia. Although it’s 2:00 pm in real life, it’s bright and early: 7:00 am in ND.

You cycle through your virtual wardrobe. It’s Wacky Wednesday at the office, where everyone dresses up in their zaniest skins. Today, you take on the role of a blue tiger. You walk into your storage room, filled with exotic items and shiny coins, and grab your motorboard. You stop and think about how crazy it is to store so many valuables in a place such as an apartment. Fortunately, every apartment is protected via strong encryption. Only the account that has purchased ownership of the space is able to access it. There is no possibility of threat.

You head out to the balcony with the motorboard and strap in. Two heel taps and you’re in the air. You circle around the high rise and zoom west, where your office is. After several minutes weaving through skyscrapers and dodging maniac hover car drivers, you arrive at the office.

Your building is connected to a distribution complex, BiggBoyBen’s Deliveries, where you work. Colloquially, the business is known as 3B, and responsible for supplying on-demand weapon deliveries to anyone, anywhere. Supply transport is a hugely profitable industry, as magnates throughout the universe are racing to produce as much as possible. The global currency is CHI, of which there are only about half a billion in existence. With 10 billion avatars in the universe and growing, CHI is already wildly valuable, and only continues to increase in value so long as activity also maintains growth. As such, these magnates are in a constant arms race against their competitors, growing their operations so they can continue to accumulate as much CHI as possible while it’s relatively cheap.

Six months ago, you were promoted to Vice President of Operations. You have been working at 3B for five years now, working up from an entry-level shipper to where you are now. You quit your real world job to join 3B. While you downgraded from a white collar office job in reality to a blue collar deliveryman, the nature of weapons deliveries saw that your real world salary could not compare.

You arrive at the executive level and find a frenzied environment. With everyone dressed up in Wacky Wednesday skins, the environment truly mirrors that of a zoo. Hugo77, another VP of the company, approaches you, clad in a centaur skin and looking very disheveled.

“Thank God you’re here. We just got an urgent request from a client. Vortex Coalition is being attacked by a band of marauders. They’ve got enough firepower to hold onto their facilities. We already sent out all of our crews for the morning deliveries. We need a driver to transport these weapons. I know you haven’t done an order in close to a year… but we need somebody to step up. Can you do it?”

You gear up and enter the delivery vehicle. It’s a nondescript, armored buggy. Sitting next to you is heyAligator11, the navigator, and behind you is your gunner, LuffyTheKid. Outside of New Delta await countless pirate gangs, looking to capitalize on the top quality exports coming from ND at all times of the day. Without proper security, no delivery ever reaches its destination.

Unlike the real world, virtual transportation is fast, risky, and always a gamble. That’s why you loved the job right from the beginning. Vortex Coalition is an oil operation southwest of New Delta. It’s fairly close, just a few desert mountains and sand dunes away.

You make your way through the dunes. heyAligator instructs you to weave here and there, as his scanner detects traps have been laid. “Shit, we’ve got company. Luffy! Three at nine o’clock!” He shouts.

You look over your shoulder. Three avatars emerge from atop a dune on motorcycles. Luffy engages the high beam turret, and lays fire on the enemies. One beam hits the lead motorcycle, exploding it in a fury of fire and light. The other two retreat. “What a shot!”

Your crew arrives to a scene of chaos. Foot soldiers surround Vortex from all sides- armed with rifles and firebombs. From the complex, automated turrets mow down wave after wave of invader, but more and more rush in. It appears as if this is a contracted assault- likely a competitor of Vortex- paying and arming freelance mercenaries to rush the facility from all sides.

In the next instant, a massive beam of light emerges from the complex- a white laser that disintegrates every avatar in its wake. As the light fades, a path emerges and the complex opens to let you in. You take the buggy inside.

Your crew exits and an avatar approaches. “That was quick. You guys are life savers!” he says with a smile.

The avatar, clad as a baker, walks up to the buggy. He scans his wrist against a panel on the body of the vehicle, and the arms transfer to the complex. He then scans his wrist against each that of each member of your crew. You look down at your wrist interface- “You’ve received 1 CHI”.

After returning to 3B, you take a stroll to the marketplace. The marketplace represents an eclectic carnival of voices and colors. Exotic avatars dance for tips. Real and virtual reality goods are presented through flashy signs and insistent vendors. A red and white storefront advertises pizza delivery. “I could go for a pizza,” you think to yourself.

Inside is a row of interfaces that allow you to customize your pizza and add extra drinks or sides. You place an order for a large pepperoni pizza and a cola. A hologram displays your order, while the interface asks for payment of .0015 CHI. You scan your wrist against the display, and are instructed to enjoy.
You enter back into the marketplace and observe what is offered.

“Tours through the solar system!” “We got electricians, on demand!” “Custom avatars, exactly how you want them.” “Loot for loan!” “Become a star explorer in 7 days!”

You end wander into an arcade. You scan a terminal, exchanging .0005 CHI for a handful of tokens. Each arcade machine accesses a library of closer to 4 million games. You input a token and select to play the newest Mario game.

You hear a ring and stop what you’re doing. You lift your hands to your head and remove the visor. Pizza is here.

More info here:

Website: https://chimaera.io/

White Paper: https://chimaera.io/downloads/Chimaera_White_Paper.pdf

Bitcointalk Announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1784048.0

Bounty Portal: https://bounties.chimaera.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/chimaera_en

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/chimaera/

Thanks to Original Works for the contest:

