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RE: Sneak Peek Inside the APPICS App | Getting Ready for the ICO | Voices about APPICS

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

I have a couple of questions.

On the website under token distribution it says.


Does this mean that current Steemit users get some part of the initial distribution?

Secondly I have a question about something that disturbs me that is written in your white paper.

11.4 Fake Accounts. APPICS will require users to register also through their Facebook accounts

What???? There's no way that I'm going to register my Facebook account. Those two things are not compatible in my opinion. Facebook is garbage and I have to use it for work, I don't want it linked or registered in any way.


The Steemit distribution is for selected steemit users who have achieved a lot for the community. For example those who have helped build tools for community, support it in any other way,, or have built a significant influence on the Steemit platform.

We are actually working on an updated sign up process right now. Facebook was never planned to be the only sign up option.

Schermafbeelding 2018-03-29 om 14.26.22.png

from the website... and steemit distribution you say ? what is this kind of bs.. i heard things of payment to keep steem open source..
Schermafbeelding 2018-03-29 om 14.26.37.png

Well @appics could you please clarify more, if steem gets a hardfork and becomes steem and smt then steem will be neglected and becomes only for those who blog non=stop please @appics it would be nice of you TO THE COMMUNITY that is supposed to make uses of your app to clarify a llittle bit more to @chiefmappster don't you think? keeping silent is a bad sign for requests like that

Good info!! Thanks for letting us know ...

Those are good questions. I have one more. If we can pay with Steem for APPICS coins, can we send the Steem directly from our accounts here?

No. There will be no connection between Steem and Appics accounts, because Appics data is on the SMT blockchain. Not the Steem blockchain.

This is new. I've always thought that SMT and Steem blockchain are the same thing. From this statement, it means that the SMT blockchain is different from the Steem blockchain?

I also thought SMTs would be stored on the Steem blockchain. They even use bandwidth from Steem and support on blockchain automated marked makers. They also need no own witnesses because of that. So how does this actually work when they are seperated?

Rightttt this is not good. This could be one of the biggest misdirections of a community in a while. I think the community deserves an answer. If not a good lawyer team could do some work with this one.

This is very confusing.
Perhaps you should release an article explaining this.

So how can I pay for XAP tokens in Steem if I can't send the Steem from my account here? From the FAQ on your site, it seems to imply I could send Steem from here.

its a red flag

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