Tykn Promotional Graphics
These graphics below are for promoting Tykn on social media(Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
I have designed the images according to the respective social media image dimension requirements.
You are free to download and use them, remember to choose the respective graphics for the different media!
Facebook Post Graphic 1 (940 px x 788 px)

Facebook Post Graphic 2 (940 px x 788 px)

Twitter Post Graphic 1 (1024 px x 512 px)

Twitter Post Graphic 2 (1024 px x 512 px)

Instagram Post Graphic 1 (1080 px x 1080 px)

Instagram Post Graphic 2 (1080 px x 1080 px)

You can read more about the Tykn project by checking out the links below.
Project Website: https://tykn.tech
Products & Services: https://tykn.tech/project-zinc/
Link to a press release: https://blog.tykn.tech/tykn-wins-best-ico-at-the-blockchain-innovation-conference-d8b650340e88
Next event: https://www.decentralized.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Tykn.tech/
Medium: https://blog.tykn.tech
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tykn_tech
Jarau Moses