Monero(XMR) / Litecoin(LTC) Merger? Automatic On Block Exchanges!

Fellow crypto addicts... I read an article today talking about a meeting between Monero (XMR) project lead Riccardo Spagni and Litecoin (LTC) creator Charlie Lee.
Much still seems to be up in the air, however it is sounding like we may see XMR and LTC exchangeable right on the blockchain without the need of an exchange.
There’s no doubt if this becomes a reality, and then a success, LTC and XMR will surely reflect an upwards trend.
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Yeah i read about it. Let's hope it's true and see some advantages
Thanks @jamescash, Lets hope this is more than just a rumor to boost speculation like Coinbase and XRP -Cheers
Charlie Lee said there is no merger.