[Hae-Joo] The Eventual IMF Deep State Intelligence Community Crackdown on Cryptocurrencies: Warning Signs and Preventive Measures

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Did anybody else notice the anti-Bitcoin rhetoric at this year's Davos World Economic Forum? I've been reading headlines of "cryptocurrency experts" coming together in Swizerland to discuss the issue of blockchain with regards to the global financial system.

I think this is all heralding a Brave New Era for cryptocurrency as it continues to go mainstream, and starts becoming the target of the established powers that be. Be prepared, because the powers that shouldn't be are not going to fight fair... They're going to use every dirty trick in the book to take people-powered decentralized ledgers away from us, and have cryptocurrency central banks replace them, create regulations that make creating our own currencies illegal, and finally, persecute anybody who doesn't go along with their sick ideology...

This growing uneasiness I've been feeling with regards to cryptocurrency might be aptly summed up in the phrase “double-edged sword”.

Every article I read nowadays leaves me with the same ominous presentiment: why have big banks, big corporations, and big governments been allowing people to adopt cryptocurrencies? Why are they seemingly letting us dip our toes in the water and not doing more to prevent people from doing this?

Clearly, something is up. I think the elites have a Machiavellian plan at work here...

And though there’s no doubt that eventually, blockchain technology will completely disrupt the current model of government and control just as the printing press changed the power that the Church held in Europe, we should be incredibly wary of the way that they might turn this innovation against us.

If cryptocurrency ever became a tool that was used by everyone on planet Earth, yet was controlled by one single entity, the path for global scientific dictatorship through a One World Government would have been paved.

They would be able to monitor every transaction ever made, deny any transaction they did not like, confiscate anybody’s money they wanted… I mean the power that this institution would have would be unreal, and the biggest threat to human freedom we’d ever encountered.

Key topics of discussion at Davos this year were growing loss of confidence of ordinary citizens in the financial/banking institutions and their increasing adoption of cryptocurrencies as a potentially industry-disruptive phenomenon in the global economy.

Up until now, they've been denouncing blockchain enabled digital currencies as "frauds" and "money laundering" schemes, if not alluding to much darker usages.

However now they are beginning to acknowledge bigger looming threats to their system.

"The looming threat for today’s financial institutions is that the technology is based on sharing a single version of a database across multiple parties without a controlling entity in the middle. As a result, stock exchanges and clearing houses could be disintermediated, while big global foreign exchange trading houses, such as JPMorgan and Citigroup, could lose out if smaller banks start using blockchain." - Martin Arnold in Davos, The Financial Times, Jan 24, 2018

Is anybody else here beginning to smell the coffee?

Is it only me, or is the writing on the wall getting clearer with every passing day?

The crypto-market is getting primed for a pump and dump of historical proportions. When hedge fund managers and big investment bankers are warning that "Bitcoin is a bubble", we should listen to them, since they are the ones with the capital to pump it to ridiculous levels...

Think it's odd Bitcoin tripled in value in a mere few weeks last year? Not if you consider the Rothschilds plumping a couple hundred billion in it in a controlled psyop.


And this bubble has only just gotten started. Just like the dotcom bubble before it, I think the current cryptocurrency space will probably be pumped up to 10 trillion dollars, maybe even more. Because when the whole international finance and global economic system comes crashing down, somebody's going to have to take the heat.

Is it going to be international financiers? Corrupt politicians? War-profiteers? Wall-Street fraudsters?

Nope. But its also going to be difficult to blame ISIS and the alt-right for this catastrophic mismanagement of the global economy. So who's the culprit going to be?

They're going to blame it on : Bitcoin.

As someone who actually used to use Bitcoin and participated in its underlying economy back in 2014 and 2015, it's clear that today, crytocurrencies (but Bitcoin in particular) have been completely unpegged from their underlying usage in any real economy, and are for the most part today, being traded on big exchanges based entirely on speculation of rising prices.

I don't even touch Bitcoin anymore it has become so toxic. It's a financial instrument today for big whales trying to move mountains, not virtual cash to be moved around online by anonymous users. KYC and AML have made it so that trading cryptocurrencies anonymously is beginning to be cracked-down on.

So here's a piece of the puzzle that I feel many are missing, and it concerns the tools at the NSA and other intelligence community actors' disposal and their ability to destabilize a cryptocurrency network.

Which brings to my two chief concern: overt and covert methods of taking down privately-mined decentralized cryptocurrencies.

  • Overt means: Criminalizing specific coin, creating special task forces to persecute users of illegal "privately mined privacy-coins".

  • Covert means: 51% attacks and other means of destabilizing existing networks.

Let's start by looking at overt methods of destabilizing and ultimately eliminating certain cryptocurrency networks.

  • Take a look at the overt means that have been taking place.

Two words: KYC and AML.

Slowly but surely, they are tightening the noose around cryptocurrency users' necks... What do I mean by that? They want to track every transaction and eventually, tax it. I know to many that's like "Yeah, so what? - we should have transparency when it comes to cryptocurrency." Regulations will protect users, right? Wrong.

People advocating for "regulations" regarding cryptocurrency have fundamentally misunderstood how truly disruptive and dangerous this technology is. Dangerous not just for the Rothschilds, and Goldman Sachs, but dangerous for all of us, including our unborn grandchildren. The second that governments have reliable data on everybody's cryptocurrency holdings is the day they can stage massive regional crackdowns...

They can just pronounce X or Y cryptocurrency to be a tool of terrorism, and that's it, anybody holding that currency is a terrorist, regardless of facts, evidence, fairness, or justice. All you'll hope for is to be able to have some kind of justification showing you acquired this crypto legitimately and how you're planning on handing it over to the authorities to prove you are not a terrorist...

Seriously, as I watch the governments of the world make it progressively harder (obviously not impossible, but harder) for the average person to get his hands on cryptocurrency anonymously and discreetly (using fiat), I feel like I'm watching them funnel more and more people into their little government data-base control grid, where they can monitor more and more of these blockchain networks, and one day, will be able to build criminal cases against people who do not comply with their regulations, or reveal themselves to be using their crypto in a way that the state doesn't approve of.

I see all of this as the incremental steps we're taking towards a huge crackdown on "privately mined privacy coins", as I call them. What is the key point here? "Privately Mined". The fact that the people have been creating, issuing and circulating their own private currencies using this new miracle of blockchain technology is a revolutionary novelty that hasn't happened in hundreds of years... The closest thing we've had was people minting metal coinage and bullion, and imagine how long ago that actually had any real world relevance!

It really hasn't been since the days of the French Revolution when private banking houses could still issue paper notes without any central cartel monopoly putting them in jail for doing so have people been issuing their own private currencies into a free-market and competing for markets and adoption like we see today... Even colonial script was backed by the government... This is truly a revolutionary phenomenon, in the sense that we've come back full circle to a previous situation we've already encountered in modern history. In fact, this was a defining and central issue during modern times, and it's interesting now that we are exiting modern times we are being presented with the issue once more.

And if history does repeat itself, then we should expect the same central powers to try and quash any and all competition and seek to establish a monopoly...


  • Now let's look at the covert means.

Take a look at some of the bigger mining pools.

This figure comes from the popular Monero mining pool: Nanopool

Look at this... The biggest miner in this pool has the same hashing power as the bottom 10 highest miners combined. Who are these mining whales with hashing power equivalent to 4000+ top of the line GPUs? Without knowing anything of the identity of these whales, they could easily be deep-state agents.

If the network is not sufficiently decentralized, the NSA or some other intelligence agency could easily stage a 51% attack on the network... This could means they could completely re-write the blockchain and change anything they didn't like about it, destroying confidence in it (funds vanishing from our wallets, etc), and ultimately destroying it as a valid alternative to cash.

I think many of us simply overlook these concerns... While we decide which coins to "invest" in, we pay little attention to the security risks of these blockchains... Maybe its premature worrying about the NSA hacking them... But honestly, how idealistic are we willing to be they haven't already?

In my opinion, anybody who cares about a cryptocurrency, and views it as an alternative payment system to cash, has a responsibility for the integrity of the network and the blockchain of that cryptocurrency. As such, owning a lot of crypto with no mining rigs, which are mining in smaller, decentralized mining pools, helping to maintain the integrity of the networks they are participating in, is a recipe for disaster.

Otherwise 51% attacks will become the norm and great cryptocurrencies will risk getting taken down by deep-state intelligence agencies who have the computing power to take down an unprotected network...

Seriously, the threat of deep-state-actors infiltrating blockchains and causing mayhem and panic has greatly been overlooked and I think is a pressing concern for any holder of any cryptocurrency...

It's probably better to mine our own cryptocurrency with our own hardware than it is to buy it on an exchange (especially one that requires identification) and HODLing it.

I mean, what does HODLing do for the integrity and security of the network...

I know PoS is supposed to mitigate some of these fears, but in the case of PoS, what is stopping a deep-state intelligence group with access to infinite black-book funds from buying up the existing coins and taking a dominating position in the network, and controlling it that way? These ideas have already been discussed at great length in relation to "cartel nodes" and the like. (Source 1 2 3 for example)

Choosing a proof of work and proof of stake coin of preference, and sticking to it, and getting involved with the community, rather than having a large "basket of currencies" seems really important... Yeah, it may not be the most profitable to get involved in only a couple cryptocurrencies, but it sure is a much more sustainable and long-term way of keeping the functionality that particular coin offers us alive.

A case in point:

BitConnect: Ponzie-Scheme or Deep-State Intervention in the Cryptocurrency Market?

After all, did we not just witness what might be one of the first yet cryptocurrency psyops with the take-down of Bitconnect? Everybody cried foul and claimed the ponzie had imploded when absolutely no proof was provided of this claim whatsoever.

What happened to this incredible revolution? In the absence of any evidence suggesting the ponzie collapse, what we saw were concerted efforts from governments employing scare-tactics to try and take down one of the most profitable (and unregulated) crypto-investment platforms in the world. It started with cease and desist letters, then the website was viciously attacked by DDOS, and finally, Bitconnect closed its platform under mounting pressure to do so...

Mounting pressure from whom? People who were reaping 1% daily gains on the platform? People who had thousands of dollars invested in the platform? Crypto-enthusiasts who were seeing the gains of coming together and front-running the markets for massive distributed and diffused gains?

Or was it Wall-Street that wanted a direct competitor it could not co-opt to go offline as soon as humanly possible?

Seriously, are we simply to believe that there were no men-in-black involved in the closure of the Bitconnect lending platform? We know that BCC was one of the fastest-growing cryptos in the whole space, but its weakness lied in one singular point: the platform was centralized, which means that the guys behind it could be gotten to. (And they were.)

Now BCC is worth doodley-squatt, because the powers that be essentially were able to destroy our confidence in it. And as such, the whole thing came tumbling down like a house of cards...

If it was so easy for them to take down BCC, we should expect them to have a few more tricks up their sleeves regarding other high-freedom and high-prosperity yielding cryptocurrency projects.

The bottom line is, in the event of a catastrophic global economic melt-down, most people are simply insufficiently involved in cryptocurrency and the situation will get out of hand... At this point, all bets are off, and anything goes.


People today fear losing what little money they have because they are ill-informed and have inadequate access to reliable authorities in the sector making sound and rational arguments for adopting a specific currency over another.

This is causing a lot of people to take a wait-and-see attitude to crypto, whereas the longer we wait and the longer we see, the more of a leg-up the powers that be get over all of us. If we are serious about the revolutionary power of cryptocurrency in changing the world, the words crypto-guerilla warfare should be on the tip of everybody's tongues.

Don't get it twisted... We are engaged in asymmetrical warfare. If we're smart and keep our wits about us, these technologies offer untold advantages against a colossal paleo-government struggling to keep up with the pace of change and how to control all of us and shepherd us back into their control enclosures.

They simply won't be able to track and monitor all of us, and we'll have ample time to develop techniques for dealing with them the more support and power our movements gain.

However, when Bitcoin is flash-crashed back to stone-age (the big psyop that is being built right below our eyes), as does the global economy (in terms of growth of inflation), the resulting contraction (colossal deflation, collapsing asset prices, etc) and social upheaval and turmoil are going to create the perfect conditions for a full-strength crackdown on our favorite "private mined privacy" cryptocurrencies.


Not a question of if, but a question of when

And they'll be "justified" in doing so, at least from the perspective of their so-called "stewardship mandate" and the majority of the population that still obey their edicts by the letter, because they will turn around and pit the blame for the collapse on crypto, and most of our fellow humans are just not sufficiently financially literate to understand that's a deflection from the real root causes of the engineered collapse.

So to recap, they won't be able to take cryptocurrencies offline, but they will be able to criminalize people's activities who make use of them. They'll start aggressively taxing them and going after anybody who doesn't comply with their rules... They'll impose regulations that say we need to store our coins in cryptocurrency banks, and make owning our own personal wallets not only "obsolete", but "illegal."

So please be careful everybody and take a more realistic approach to ensuring our wonderful decentralized future! This isn't going to be a smooth transition! As Rockefeller would put it There will be blood in the streets. But if we keep our heads cool and stay sharp, we'll be able to outmaneuver them and slowly erode their power.



Peace and Love


Sources: Davos-WEF / KYC / OneCoinToRuleThemAll / XMR-Nanopool / Bitconnect / Dollar-Collapse


Thank you.

No, thank you!
I'm glad this piece spoke to you

Very much though my knowledge is limited.

This post is a lot to ponder. I do smell the coffee too. The only answer I have is that when government's cruptos will rule the world people might start to exchange goods and services to transfer value. The thing with crypto currencies is, that it is something for techy freaks like you. Common people are happy if the can use it without understanding the whole structure of it.

Agreed... That's the entire problem with our world: the banks have enslaved the public.
People are unaware that they have masters; not leaders... That they are owned; not free...

Cryptocurrency offers a viable way for humans to emancipate themselves from their banking-overlord masters... Yet it also holds the possibility to further enslave and control them through a scientific dictatorship.

It's a shame the people are so comfortable in their slavery... What would the world be like if human beings were free

Wise words @imp.unity. Other than steem, I have not purchased or mined any crypto and that is because I do not understand it. There is plenty of information on steemit posts from various members, but sometimes the information is contradictory and most of it is really beyond any frame of reference I have. It seems to me that anything which demonstrates the kind of roller coaster patterns associated with crypto, is being manipulated by something or someone able to control the environment inside which it operates. Like a graphic representation of a heart rate manipulated by running and rest.

Hey @ricia !
For starters, you are absolutely right about the roller coaster patterns being the result of people's manipulations... Absolutely.
I don't think we should be looking at cryptocurrency as something that needs to be "invested in"...

Rather, we need to "earn" that cryptocurrency... You know, do real work for it, lift things, create things, program and design things... And when we "earn" that cryptocurrency, suddenly it will have value.

And no matter how many billions of dollars people will want to pour in or suck out of that system, it will always have the flat-line value that we all attribute it...

That's why I don't touch something like Bitcoin... That's why there are cryptocurrencies coming out called "stablecoins" that people are trying to peg to currencies or assets that are not so volatile

That's why we need to get involved in our own underlying economies, create our own markets, start hustling our goods in exchange for crypto, and enabling and creating our own currencies!

Common ya'll ! ^^

Great post my friend @imp-unity and equally one I concur with 100%. As with all technology the blockchain contains an inherent duality, freedom or financial slavery .. the choices have never been so stark and the crossroads are fast approaching. It's my belief that they have allowed the continuation of that crypto space as a way for it to enter public consciouness. It's equally funny how the bank for interational settlements have come out and stated that "banks may need a digital alternative to cash" . May need! they've been desperate for a digital system since the advent of the first computer.

This is going to go right down to the wire .. the trenches have been dug, who will win the battle of the blockchain? I guess time wil tell.

I know right! But it's like, I see cryptocurrency absolutely enabling a post-statist world... We wouldn't really need laws, or government regulations, or even traditional price mechanisms...

It's like we're entering a new realm of economics... I absolutely need to expand on this in further posts, but I mean, if people can issue their own currency, and they can pool their own resources, attract their own "capital" for lack of better word; then the whole notion of credit and debit falls apart...

If we really perfect our economic principles, and really understand how to create the right incentives for the right kind of behaviors... We can just re-engineer society from a bottom-up and top-down convergence of interests...

We just need to know what it is people want, how to get it done, and the rest? The rest is just circulating the right amount of currency for the job, so that the system can work like an organism instead of an organization... No more need for debts... The people can merely get things done, spontaneously, like resulting from the emergent properties of their efforts...

I mean, future federations like the ones described in the Venus Project, they'll be able to self-organize and communicate with others thanks to carefully developed resource-based economies based on well-designed cryptocurrency systems...

It could be amazing...

Of course, we have to not fall in the trap of making the usual suspects the managers of this system... That's the trap waiting for us... As long as we're not ideologically blindsided, it should be a-o-kay

I think the blockchain will do what it was meant to do, enable previously unimaginable forms of transacting, organization, communicating... I think the powers-that-be, these banker guys at the bottom of the pyramid at least, have absolutely no idea what kind of pandoras box they have on their lap...

They're gonna fight tooth and nail to put the genie back in the bottle, but so many of us have already gotten a taste of this new found freedom, and we know we're not going back to anything old and crummy...

The power that be...the power in here too will always be here..that will not easily go.
But the number of dissatisfied minnows is also growing, doing their bit to create a balance in this world. Something will shift at some point in the blockchain as people are waking up. A revolution is already happening.

If people fully embrace this technology and shift with it faster than the powers can be can control and manipulate, it will be as difficult for them to regulate and control crypto markets as it will be trying to understand how people even are using this tools...

We have to become incredibly dynamic... Incredibly innovative.
We need to find new ways of doing old things... Need to change the game up under people's feet...

I'm not sure the world will change over night, but people's daily lives and experiences and the range of things they consider possible will.

The more comfortable and submerged in crypto we are the crazier life is going to really get.

Not overnight, but it is changing. The number might not be massive but am sure we are working on it. The platform needs to solve this acct creation issue as they are now coming☺

I appreciate this information, thanks, we really ought sit tight on this info

Yup! Stay vigilant, and make sure to keep a critical outlook and a healthy dose of skepticism with all new information you are presented, especially from big institutions that have a stake in controlling you!

Society is rapidly changing and the pace of evolution is still continues at an exponential pace... We have to brace ourselves for incredibly turbulent times ahead! Big changes always means big opportunities... For good or for evil... For intelligence or stupidity... Benevolence of greed!

Let's make sure we're on the right side of this energy drama! :3

Why isnt this trending? Why isn't everyone talking about this?

I've always expected a major bubble burst and you paint it out in clear vivid pictures. I have often argued against regulation. I mean, what are you coming to regulate?

They have regulated and are still regulating the banking sector yet illegal activities still go on. In my opinion, such regulations only affect the upcoming money launders.

The bad guys will simply install their cronies in government posts and protect their interests. Meanwhile, individuals like myself will be at the losing end.

I don't know much about cryptos but I see in it the potential to return power to the people and create a free economy influenced by supply and demand rather than government manipulation often in the interest of certain people.

Upvoted, resteemed and followed

Thank you so much @iamthegray
Really appreciate you sharing my post like that.

I don't know myself why this post is trending... Probably because people are worrying about more practical matters, like the fact that their crypto portfolio isn't yielding massive gains anymore and is taking significant loses!

Just kidding lol, it's because I don't have the right outreach yet, but you are definitely helping! So thank you so much sir!

Yeah, I think the key that we need to remember moving on in the future is that civic disobedience and non-compliance with gargantuan and draconian laws and regulations regarding futuristic technologies and their potential for increasing human welfare and affluence in the process is a right that we must fight for and take for ourselves...

Governments will not be able to regulate people if they all just do as they like... And they also cannot all jail us if we do not like the laws they have created...

Their only hope... Only hope... Is that they can create a culture where people are begging for them to come and regulate the whole economy...

Let's not fall for that... Let's not be deceived by the way they spin the news stories and the information they are disseminating...

We have to be very vigilant and keep reporting on the true state of affairs as best as people with a good sight of the issue can. We need quality analysis that can break through the spin and give us some semblance of an accurate picture of the situation...

In any case, we need to be carefully not to be duped by the usual suspects, and or new fraudsters and scamsters that may present themselves along the way to our financial and spiritual emancipation.

Wonderful post. Described exactly what I thought. I warned some people about cryptocurrencies market risks and they laughed.

Obviously there are risks, but also unforeseeable benefits! The key is being able to discern what is a turd sandwich disguised as a turkey sandwich, and what is a turkey sandwich disguised as a turd sandwich...

My money is on Bitcoin is going to ruin a lot of things for a lot of people... And what's funny is that the way Bitcoin worked 3 years ago was all but perfect...

Now we need to start over, with new coins and new networks and new technologies... We need to make sure we are building strong communities and have strong leaders and voices able to communicate for those communities...

The key is for us to get better at hearing each other out, and promoting the best and clearest voices so that we can all get an accurate beat and feel on reality... Life is getting horribly difficult to see clearly through

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