Sphere - The ultimate solution for solving Communication problems and Social networking problems as well -part 2:

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


When Humans came into existence and started their journey of life. There were not too many resources. They were not worried about developing the world but they were worried about three main things ;Food, shelter and clothes.
There was no language for communication and it was difficult for them to communicate with each other.
After some time they started communicating with each other through signs, Cave paintings and rock art.
It was the beginning of development.
Man tried to do experiments and other things that could help them in living a comfortable life.
Slowly and steadily they were able to make some things that helped them alot.

It was impossible for them to make a fire with the devices like lighter or matchstick box etc.
But human beings have the ability to think wisely and with that ability they were successful in making a fire and the device that they used to make it was a pair of white stones.
The invention of fire helped them in cooking food. It also saved them from wild animals and proved very valuable for them.


Due to the passage of time they also made some tools that helped them in hunting animals for food and that was the beginning of a new Era.



After some time the invented some things that revolutionized the ancient world.
Invention of Wheel, Paper, Fire, Telephone, post offices etc. stormed in and changed the life of a human being.
Some things helped them in living a comfortable life and some other things help them to communicate with each other.
All these things lead to the growth of development and technology that changed the whole world.




But now we will talk about some inventions that changed the whole world and are still used in an enhanced form.

Scooters / motorcycles


Scooters or motorcycles were the traveling mediums. The work on scooters and motorcycles was started by different people in the late 1980's.

The first motorcycle was designed and built by the German inventors, Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach in 1885 in Germany.
These scooters and motorcycles were of great value. The traveling process became easier and faster.


Cars/ Automobiles


Dozens of people were trying to invent an automobile but if you really want to give credit to one inventor, it would probably be Carl Benz from Germany. Many people say that he created the first true and working automobile in 1985/86.


Boats /Ships



According to Wikipedia:
Some boats were invented in the ancient world. The oldest recovered boat in the world is the Pesse canoe, a dugout made from the hollowed tree trunk of a Pinus sylvestris and constructed somewhere between 8200 and 7600 BC. This canoe is exhibited in the Drents Museum in Assen, Netherlands.

According to Wikipedia some other boats were:
The oldest discovered sea faring hulled boat is the Late Bronze Age Uluburun shipwreck off the coast of Turkey, dating back to 1300 BC. The Phoenicians, the first to sail completely around Africa, and Greeks gradually mastered navigation at sea aboard triremes, exploring and colonizing the Mediterranean via ship.

These ships and boats were used to travel on water. It was used to carry goods and other loads of products from one place to another.
Boats and ships are still used and people enjoy traveling through these giant ships.





Another greatest invention was the airplane.
Two brothers, Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) were two American engineers, inventors, aviators, aviation pioneers who invented the first flying airplane in 1903 approximately.


All these things were used for communication purposes but these things weren't able to bring the people closer to each other.These invention were useful but expensive. But then another invention revolutionized the whole world.And that invention was "The Internet".



The work was started around 1983 when the network of networks called internet was introduced but a computer scientist named Tim Berners-Lee gave the concept of World Wide Web. He invented it around the year 1990.

It was the internet that revolutionized the modern world. Almost in every field of life internet is used. It has been extremely helpful and provides a great opportunity for the organizations and companies to develop the world.


Internet also bought some other technologies that changed the world and human life.
I'm talking about the social networking websites and apps.

Social Networks


Social networking websites were able to do something that other communication systems like telephone, automobiles, airplanes and other mediums of transportation and Communication were failed to do.
Social networks made the whole world like a Social village. It brought people closer to each other like never before.
People were able to make voice calls, video calls, texts, update photos and posts and much more.

This communication system was affordable and people started using all the online services that internet and social networking websites provided together.


Social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks have billions of users.
But all these networks are centralized in nature. That means you don't have control over your own accounts.
You don't get the kind of transparency, privacy and security that you need and deserve.
Also these centralized social networks earn a lot of money by selling your data and selling you ads.
They make you as their products and earn money from you.
And in return you don't get anything. Not even a single piece of a dollar.

But every problem has a solution.
And the solution to this problem is Sphere


SPHERE is a decentralized social network which is totally different from other social networks.
For your every interactions and contributions you get paid.
You get the right kind of transparency, privacy and security that you need and deserve.
You can earn rewards for your posts and more importantly it gives you your power back. Your data that you spend on browsing on Sphere doesn't go waste. You can earn profits by selling your data and it also helps you to control your own accounts.
Thats why it is called a decentralized social networking system.
Unfortunately SPHERE isn't used by many people but we believe that one day it will be one of the greatest decentralized social network. People will love it because you get paid for your posts and other interactions on Sphere.

It also helps advertisers to cut the extra revenue that companies demand.
Now thats a good job done by Sphere decentralized.

It's official website is https://sphere.social.
You should join sphere as soon as possible because instead of spending time and data on other social networks like Facebook, Twitter etc. without getting anything in return. You should join sphere. You can post articles and other stuff and earn lots of money that will help you in fulfilling your every day needs.


You can also join sphere by using my referral link here and win 20 SAT tokens for free.

Now we will talk about SAT Tokens.

Sphere is currently running an ICO that is going to end on 9th of April 2018. If you will participate in the ICO(Initial Coin Offering) you will be awarded the SAT tokens.


These SAT tokens will be used by sphere to reward the users within the network. They are also tradable and you can convert them into Ethereum, Bitcoin, litecoin and other coins or tokens.

One SAT token is valued at $0.14.



Now we will take a look at the ICO_timeline. You can see the amount of bonuses you will be getting if you will join.

  • ICO_timeline


All the above information is enough for you people to know everything about sphere.
You should join and they will make sure that you get paid for your every interactions and contributions.

Sphere has launched applications for both Android and Apple users.
Links are given below:

Link for Android users

Link for IOS users

Hope you will like it and spend your precious time to read my post.
Wait for my next post!!
Till then take care!


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