in #cryptocurrency8 years ago


Today I was going to participate in the Fun Fair ICO ( which sold out and is now extended until 18:23 UTC or 2:23pm EST)
But as I read through the "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" I found out , that I can NOT participate in this ICO, because I am a * US Citizen ( This pertains to US Residents as well) * . This is not the first ICO that has excluded US citizens, and it is very unfortunate!! I have attached a link to the Terms and Conditions of the Fun Fair ICO [funfair.io] ( https://funfair.io/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/FUN-Token-Creation-Event-Terms-V0.2.2.pdf )

and here is the paragraph where it tell this info ( in case you do not feel like reading through it)
"2.5 Representation and Warranties of User
27 By transferring Contribution Tokens to the Smart Contract or relevant deposit addresses and
creating FUN, the User represents and warrants that:
▪ the user is not a citizen or resident of a country, whose legislation conflicts with the present sale of
FUN and/or the FunFair Project in general.
▪ the User confirms not be a US-citizen and/or US-resident. "

Please tell me if I have read this info incorrectly, because Phase 2 of this ICO is in Sept 2017, and if Im wrong I will try again then...but I dont think that I am..Unfortunatley!!
It is so nice that the US has so many restrictions and now Congress is trying to implement a new bill called:
“Combating Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, and Counterfeiting Act of 2017”
( https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1241/text#toc-idea0e9489fc8f46379f95bb56c8bbbda5)

I found this section in the Bill to be very intersting, notice how it talks about "Pre- Paid Cards" as well:


"(a) In General.—Section 5312(a) of title 31, United States Code, is amended—

(1) in paragraph (2)(K)—

(A) by inserting “prepaid access devices, digital currency,” after “money orders,”; and

(B) by inserting before the semicolon at the end the following: “, or any digital exchanger or tumbler of digital currency”;

(2) in paragraph (3)(B), by inserting “prepaid access devices,” after “delivery,”; and

(3) by adding at the end the following:

“(7) ‘prepaid access device’ means an electronic device or vehicle, such as a card, plate, code, number, electronic serial number, mobile identification number, personal identification number, or other instrument, that provides a portal to funds or the value of funds that have been paid in advance and can be retrievable and transferable at some point in the future.”.

THIS BILL HAS NOT BEEN PASSED..IT HAS ONLY BEEN INTRODUCED BY CONGRESS.... so there is still time to get rid of it..I think a petition is in order, which I am going to look into,,,,and will keep you updated! I cant remember the site off the top of my head....

In conclusion, I am very frustrated with the way our US govt, is negatively impacting and TRYING to restrict the ways we can explore new avenues of Income and new exciting Technology. I feel they are doing this because Crypto Currencies and all the wonderful Technologies that are emerging, is taking money away of the Corrupt Banking Systems, and anything that our Government touches...And it is giving people their freedoms and privacy back, to escape the Petro Dollar/ Debt Slavery System that is in place today. The Crypto Universe Community is growing and if we all stand together, I believe we will have a stronger voice and will be able to push through these roadblocks, they try to put up!!!!


Very interesting find about the U.S. citizen restriction. I was trying to participate, but couldn't purchase bitcoin fast enough before the sale ended. I have been beating myself up all day for missing it. This makes me feel a whole lot better. Thanks! On to the next one then. DAO Casino begins next week. I wonder if that is open to U.S. citizens.

If you read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS it says it in there....usually towards the end...its good to read that anyways.....BUT now i really read it over...
And actually today i reaserched what would happen to me , if i did buy into an ICO that said NOT OPEN TO US CITIZENS" and people have done it, and nothing happens to them! Some people were able to buy in....and trade their tokens, or sell them...some one wrote, bexause it is decentralized there is no way to regulate it (yet) but its digital currency, not a currency of a specific country...so technically its not illegal, and the people who write up the contrats put the NON US CITIZEN lingo in there incase something were to happen the company of the ICO can not be held liable for US regulations,...its pretty smart...so i guess u can try to buy in even if it says NON US CITIZENS, at your own risk..i am going to try it just to see( with a very small amount of money) you should look it up too to see what others US CITIZENS have done and said, when buying into an ICO that is not for US CITIZENS. Ill let you know how it goes when i do it...best of luck.

What happened with your experiment.

Great break down, thanks.

Great break down!

It seems difficult for any ICO to verify citizenship or residence. One could provide a fake name, address or phone number.

Thanks for the break down!

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