Bitcoin Price Doubles in Troubled Zimbabwe

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

A surprise political move by Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe, who fired his deputy Emmerson Mnangagwa, has played havoc on the US dollar/bond note parallel exchange rate, as well as on Bitcoin price in the country.

Bitcoin was already trading at a highly inflated rate in the troubled African country as its demand skyrocketed as a potential alternative to the dregs of a currency that Zimbabwe has left. However, that inflation has hit almost 100 percent as it trades about $13,000 per coin.

Trading on uncertainty
Unsurprisingly, with this latest political coup by the entrenched president, there is much speculation and worry about the already fragile and almost non-existent fiat currency system. Zimbabwe operates on bond notes linked to the US dollar.

Traders have been trying to move out of monetary assets as even on the dollar there is a 62 percent premium. It has meant that investors are trapped by the currency shortages, seeking an alternative to exit the country - such as Bitcoin.

Despite hitting a price of over $13,000 traders say that Bitcoin is booming as it is the strongest alternative.725_Ly9jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy8wYTIyYThmNzViZDczZTkwMDBlOTk0OTUxOGZhMjBkOS5qcGc=.jpg

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