Disrupt the Status Quo, INS Eco-System Takes on the Grocery Supply Chain.
Retail Grocery Stores Soon to be a Fading Memory Thanks to the Blockchain.
Once again the team at Aenigma Capital brings you an evaluation of an ICO and its financial possibilities. This time it is called, "Token Research: INS Ecosystem Valuation". As you know INS Ecosystem is an ICO that I believe could be huge.
I have always been a fan of projects the up end the current way of doing things. The brick and mortar grocery stores are a great target just like Uber went after taxi's and AirBNB took a piece of the hotel business. We already have companies popping up taking small chunks out of the legacy grocery chains. It could be many years until grocery stores as we know it no longer exist but mark my words, "they will lose market share".
Personally I have put a small stack of Ethereum into the ICO for INS Ecosystem. If after reading the, "Token Research INS Evaluation by Aenigma Capital" you think it has potential then why not put a small amount into the ICO?
Nice project @hilarski, introduce "INS Echo System" it really take the place of grocery store and become grocery chain. and no longer grocery stores exist. Very informative and helpful article you written. Thanks for sharing.
thanks all.
Hello @hilarski,
Extraordinary good article with lots of information about INS ICO system. Good ICO news.
i visited the website ins.world.. really nice project.. they are going to bring a change in the online buying of groceries in cheaper rate.
Interesting ico news. This is the first time we heard about Grocery supply chain based Ico system. Excellent project update~
@hilarski - 'it has potential then why not put a small amount into the ICO' yes Sir, you never mislead us.... Very informative article for us Sir.... Love to hear more about this ICO from you Sir....
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Congratulations @hilarski
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Exceptional article about upcoming INS Project ICO based on Grocery Inventory System. It has a huge potential to be top class project. Excellent update about it...!!!
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'INS Eco-System Takes on the Grocery Supply Chain.'
You are correct. INS is about to take the whole world grocery systems into one shelter. Innovative project & nice information about the ICO of it.
~Followed & Upvoted
I don't know! Well if you put a small stack of Ethereum into the ICO for INS Ecosystem, then just stick to it ;)
Story of my life. I am learning to #HODL
Well I am right now playing with forex, Invest a little amount of 20$ lets see. If it is profitable then surely going to invest more.
@jrcornel has already made more extensive review of INS ICO so i will just copy my comment.

There is great introduction to hyperledger course on edx.org platform. In one of the chapters we can find this image - when to use or not to use blockchain technologies decision path.
so as we can see grocery does not need and does not suit to the blockchain.
Very smart idea man huge potential here. Regards
I agree, the team is top notch and they are going after a huge market.
Yes we need icos that can solve everyday problems