- ProChain — Free
✔ Address: 0x8377ee6d3545Bc6ff1425ee3015DC648B149C7B2
for free 88,888 tokens
- Simoleon — Free
✔ Address: 0x86c8bF8532AA2601151c9DbbF4e4C4804e042571
for 10,000 tokens
✔ Set Gas Limit to 100 000 and Gas price to 3 gwei
✔ Send 0 ETH to the corresponding addresses
- Lucky Tokens (LUCKY) — Requires 0.001 ETH
This one could be big.
Official site: https://lucky.fun/
✔ Address: 0x817e5796771efcbef00d0886826bc19ab621dcea
✔ Gas limit 100000 and gas price to 3 gwei
✔ Send 0.001 ETH for 1,000,000 LUCKY
Successful claim should look like this: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x95584302c1cb380b8f85c7e774e04f91ed541a24aa20d4f9f6feb1cd12c70142
- Millenials (MLS) — Requires 0.001 ETH
Official site: https://www.millennials.mls
✔ Address: 0xbf05cdf9d0efde7e15ed5cb66f2e5b92c8ea75b3
✔ Set Gas Limit to 100 000 and gas price to 3 gwei
✔ Send 0.001 ETH for 750 MLS)
Successful claim should look like this: https://etherscan.io/tx/0x9890d0b87f775b05039699de9797a7c5279ea5b4fa37b63892c4cbbc991b80f2
- EtherBTC (ETHB) — Requires 0.000000000000000001 ETH
Official site: https://etherbtc.io/
✔ Address: 0x9c821D1eEd859080C307e326fcC888C230D2Bf86
✔ Gas limit 170 000 and gas price 3 gwei
✔ Send 0.000000000000000001 ETH for 25 ETHB
Successful claim should look like this: https://etherscan.io/tx/0xcbf7643f5a02be268bf636de5d27a8dce296123818043f4fc241dcbe39603358
- ZeroXEth
✔ Address: 0x22d1755515bef4afd277d8acd42adbac49c77d43
for 3500+ 0XETH
✔ Address: 0x45555629AAbfEA138EAd1C1E5f2AC3Cce2aDd830
for 59000+ CANDY
- NYBCoin
✔ Address: 0x041fe8df8b4aaa868941eb877952f17babe57da5
for 3000+ NYBC
- GrossDomesticProduct
✔ Address: 0xd19d8d78fab2df53ac21c54dbcf0e077433c2e93
for 3900 GDP
- Galbi
✔ Address: 0x0e5c8681609560f4e48f6a7d95379e9b68a5b4f3
for 1 GALBI
- Coin Loan
✔ Address: 0x4086f6c05207d0747499fcf41328d736a18c564b
for 900+ CLT
✔ Address: 0x041fe8DF8b4aaa868941EB877952f17baBe57dA5
for 80,081 tokens
- Surprise
✔ Address: 0xd9A72fEc8683db0666769D841d6D127F350B4418
for 276 tokens