in #cryptocurrency5 years ago (edited)

In this day and age, a lot of humans try to live more, more advantageous and progressively dynamic ways of life. When doing such, it regularly occurred that we likewise increase our spending on keeping up remarkable wellbeing. The human services costs and any related costs surpassing swelling are relied upon to increment later on. The worldwide test is to diminish the expense of medical coverage and make it moderate so everybody can get to it and appreciate lasting wellbeing. So as to beat this test there is a requirement for an answer that will help the network in the following way:

  • Engage individuals in making and keeping up a sound way of life with a proactive methodology towards their wellbeing.

  • Give foundation of pathology labs, indicative focuses, wellbeing focuses, rec centers and reflection focuses.

  • Make attention to diminishing wellbeing insurance gap.

  • Give an all-encompassing perspective on the patient's wellbeing to its partnership with information investigation and information perception.

  • Encourage for accessibility of nourishment with no subversion.

  • Give intends to monitor wellbeing parameters (for example heartbeat rate, pulse).

  • Give intends to picking up bits of knowledge on nourishment and everyday sustenance.


BAMBOO is a suite of items and administrations tending to the requirements of its partners in a wide scope of divisions, for example, medicinal services, agribusiness, and protection. BAMBOO has a solid establishment of Blockchain Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) motors and Machine Learning (ML) for preparing and breaking down the enormous information gathered at different stages.

BAMBOO business and income models are created essentially inside 6 income streams:

  • Reinsurance and Insurance Administration charge empowering Smart Contracts.

  • Agribusiness Insurance – Administration expense.

  • The BAMBOO Food Label a perceived seal of affirmation.

  • Human Services Management Organizations and Health Screening – Networking expense.

  • The managerial expense for biological system accomplices who join.

  • Information Insights from the environment will be utilized to build accomplice profitability and productivity.



It tends to be seen that the populace is increasingly inclined to maladies and may require human services at an early age. The restorative costs that normally incorporate Doctor Consultancy charges, symptomatic test charges, and medication expenses have expanded significantly as of late. This has made it fundamental for anybody to purchase medical coverage. This won't just diminish them from principle medical clinic costs in any case, will give inclusion of pre and post-hospitalization costs. The medical coverage will likewise give inclusion to indicative check-ups and for the immunization, to look after wellbeing.

There is a requirement for an answer which will help the network in an accompanying way:

  • Addressing the increase in charges of human services.

  • Enable individuals in making and keeping up a solid way of life.

  • Give foundation to the determination as pathology labs and analytic focuses.

  • Give intends to monitor wellbeing parameters (for example heartbeat rate, circulatory strain).

  • Give intends to getting to wellbeing focuses, rec centers, reflection focuses on the region.

  • Give intends to picking up bits of knowledge on Food and day by day nourishment.

  • Make attention to diminishing wellbeing assurance breach.

  • Give implies by which premiums become less saddling.

  • Give information investigation and representation to back up plans.

  • Relieve individuals' weakness in calamitous out-of-pocket spending.

  • Give stage to social association, instruction and gamification.

  • Enable individuals to adopt proactive strategy towards their wellbeing.

  • Give a comprehensive perspective on the patient's wellbeing to its partner.

  • Decrease wellbeing insurance breach.

The key partners of the arrangement would be Patients, Health care specialist organizations, Payers, Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Companies, Medical Device Companies, Research, and Academic Institutions.


As a blockchain-based arrangement, BAMBOO give profoundly verified stockpiling of patient's wellbeing information and gives intends to pass this information to member environments with more prominent proficiency and lesser expense.

The information procurement module will get information consistently. To oversee such a sort of information, database innovation like huge information and blockchain would be utilized. This will Ensure Security of the put-away information, Maintain the nature of the put-away information, Privacy of the information, Automated preparing of the information.

The obtained and group information will be prepared into data pursued by the age of bits of knowledge and increased examination.

Putting the organization tasks on the blockchain and making a keen agreement for client's cases handling in a quick way.


Type: ERC20 Standard
Token name: Bamboo
Symbol: BMBU
Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000 BMBU
Sales Target: 500,000,000 BMBU

Use of Funds

Bamboo Token Allocation

Unsold tokens will be frozen for 3 years for future use.

Conclusively, BAMBOO will make an all-encompassing perspective on the client's wellbeing. The objective of the biological system is to use Blockchain Technology and make the information accessible to every one of its partners in a most verified way. The information will be broken down and outwardly given to every partner in a particular way as indicated by their necessities. The impetus of BAMBOO token (BMBU) at different phases of collaboration inside the biological system will bring about locks in a client who is boosted, enabled, spurred to turn out to be a piece of the BAMBOO Biological system. In the end, this will limit the wellbeing assurance breach and increment insurance inclusion over the district.
Moreover, The BAMBOO team is professionals that are dedicated to the delivery of the vision and mission of the project.

For More information on this project, check the following links:
ANN: https:

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