Have the cryptos been bitch slapped by the banksters ???? Sorry no pretty pics or elaborate banners, just my thoughts

To me the market cap from mid november till january 7th looked like a deliberate attempt to pump the cryptos up into a bubble, publicise it , then crash it in the full glare of the media.
You have got to ask, who the hell has access to 632 billion dollars that they can pump into what is a very small market in a matter of 6-7 weeks, the market cap went from 200 bn to 832 bn between nov 12th and jan 7th. It cant be mass adoption by the common folk , at the time of the onset of the pump only 1% of the 7bn people on the planet owned any cryptos 70mn people, yes thar be whales in there but how the hell can 70million people find 632 billion to lavish on cryptos.
So 632bn came from somewhere or for those who understand the banksters from nowhere. Did the money come from the stock market? Savings accounts? Loans ? Possibly these are some of the sources but 632 billion dollars!!!!
The only people /institutions that have access to this kind of money are the ones who have control over the money supply ie banksters . They can create sums like this out of thin air then pour it into a market to bring about a desired outcome.
Along with this pump came the msm attention , both good and bad publicity, by xmas just about everyone had heard of bitcoin. Everyone was trying to pile in , exchanges stop taking new customers , the whole sector was hyped up into a frenzy. Then on january 7th in the full glare of the medias attention , it started to collapse and has done in spectacular fashion as you would expect of a propaganda stunt.
So why would they do this ??? You have to understand that these banksters have a monopoly of power and they will do whatever it takes to protect that monopoly, look what theyve done to the precious metals, they also have the power of the media behind them so they can herd an unaware public down whatever path they want. IMO the banksters have used this stunt to scare people away from cryptos , they know that if the blockchain is used properly theyre monopoly is done and that this will also let the precious metals loose.
What i intend to do is to regard the last 10 weeks as an anomoly, i estimate that if the market cap followed the trend it would be about 280-300 bn by now if you take the bankster money out of the equation. The banksters have bought themselves more time to develop and publicise theyre own cryptos that they control. With a few regulations here and and there they could effectively render bitcoin as illegal, of course that will depend upon our co-operation . But the banksters have lost us , they are appealing to the 99% who are yet to enter this space, people they know, that they hold massive influence over, a 99% who are so propagandised that they believe they are free.
Im hodling my cryptos, im disregarding the fiat price and only buying when the dips happen and trading when the ratios are right for me.
Id love to hear what you think, im not bothered if you pull this opinion apart, i welcome that and at least it gets a debate going.


Pull this opinion apart.... Not at all, you've pretty much hit the nail on the head.

In the future this little window of mass "pump and dump" will be looked at as an anomaly. You're correct this was massive push to get attention and publicly ridicule the crypto market. To some extent its worked but its just driven the more say of us harder to break to control the central banking cartel have over us.

The sooner the sheeple wake up realise they are being fattened up for slaughter the better the whole world will be.

Thanks im pleased im not the only one thinking like this, i actually think that we metals stackers are better prepared to see us through a crash like the one in the cryptos, we've seen it all before afterall.

I was thinking the same thing.

If I were in the shoes of the banksters / elites, what would I do about cryptos to protect my central banks and fiat currencies?

  • I would pull off a massive pump and dump, with full media attention.
  • I would push media attention and point out the massive losses.
  • I would get media to report that low and middle income families were hurt and lost everything. I would blame cryptos for everything from staggering personal debt to homelessness to unemployment and finally to a downturn in the economy and everything along the way.

So, "What comes next?"

  • Do they go after the cryptos in legal processes because "somebody lost their life savings" in Bitcoin?
  • Do they call cryptos a "ponzi scheme" ?
  • Do they cherry pick 'bad' cryptos and "expose the crypto markets" ?

Just watch the news . . . . "Breaking News . . . "

This is what I expect to see. . .

Thats how they work goldkey , i just hope that plays like this work against them and expose these bastards for what they are. As a stacker by nature i just batten down the hatches and sit on my coins , but these banksters know that most people trade emotionally and that the people watching will be emotionally affected by the 'tragedies' They know most people measure value in fiat terms until that changes they still hold power over us.
So ''what comes next'' yes i have to totally agree with you there, i have a feeling that the bitconnect fiasco will be a prime candidate for cherrypicking
Thanks for taking the time to read my ramblings

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