Krypton decentralized android Marketplace Full review

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Have you ever just wanted to sell something online, No owning website, No Sign up, No contacting website owners, No Credit card setup, No ad services? Using this android app “Krypton” not only would you be able to sell literally anything you can think of, you can forget about loading chrome, Mozilla, internet explorer or whatever browser you use on your android device from now on.

“Krypton is a decentralized android application which lets users worldwide to place their goods and services to potential buyers as seen on the review of Krypton”- on Galactivale’s Tech Centre.

As it was still in its early beta stage, the creator and Owner of Krypton “OldMaid” worked on the blockchain app every single day and night and officially launched a 1.2.2 update. This version of the new update is extremely great to look at as the developer concentrated heavily on the User interface to allow android users to enjoy the comfort of displaying their goods and services without any second doubtful thoughts.”

The main purpose of Krypton can be compared that of “Craigslist” which serves the purpose of Displaying goods and services in the form of ads across the whole world to only android users globally. The special thing about this software is how it runs using Tor network which not only provides anonymity but it basically can’t be shut down by authorities or whatsoever.
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But this doesn’t mean the owner won’t have a second look at those weapons you’re trying to sell on the app! My word of advice, don’t put anything dumb that could get you into serious trouble outside of krypton and obviously he won’t be hold responsible for what ad you decide to blast across the globe.

Krypton token Features:

.No selling fees.
.Users all over the world can access your items for sale.
.You can update your listings anytime using your private key.
.Because no site is hosting the listings they cannot be taken down.
.Tokens are not free so the quality of products should be high.
.Tokens can be linked into other websites to become ad space.
.Add search terms to your listings with others to create decentralized stores.

The users of Krypton have the freedom to display any goods or services which will be exposed to whoever uses the app in a way of “Updated listings” which is shown immediately on the homepage. What is special about Krypton is how this application is “decentralized” using its own “Krypton Blockchain”. It will only consist of 25,000 KRC (1 KRC= 1 ad space) tokens which will allow individuals to post ads on the application and reach out to people. To add to the anonymity, Individuals can also receive payment using BTC or any other Altcoin they have possession to which makes this app very trusting in a secrecy way. What is interesting about this app is how you can transfer your own Krypton tokens (KRC) to other users.

Join the community to earn free giveaway 1000 tokens worth 1 USD each Screenshot (288).png

One might use this android application as a marketing platform and potentially reach thousands of users with this app and even get direct contact with customers and another could just want to buy a gaming console at a low price. The limitation of what you could add on Krypton (No pun intended) is basically limitless. You could sell: Cars, Laptops, furniture, Toys, consoles anything you can possibly think of without having any fancy e-commerce site which you have to design by yourself, pay for hosting, Sort traffic out and other website problems. Serious buyers can contact the owner of the ad using popular social media sites, email or by just simply adding their international number, whatsapp whatever your thing is.

Why is this needed?

Apart from The creator of Krypton, No authority can take down krypton or whatsoever, not even the Government! Many sites such as craigslist now have to comply with government policies:

Soon all your favorite buying sites will have to comply with these policies or be gone they shall be and it’s kind of interesting to see how far Krypton users will go when it comes to advertising whatever they want.

The app has been already updated from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2 which has major improvements all around. The app itself is till be being worked on day and night to insure that the user has a wonderful experience whenever they want to purchase goods or services using this decentralized application. New features will slowly be added from time to time and you can expect this app to have new updates here and there to make using it just this much better.
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When I look at this application right at the core, I see the opportunity for anyone who wants to directly reach Crypto and tech enthusiasts and get as much impressions as possible. The way this app lets you just start advertising by simply ordering tokens with nothing else but a crypto address sounds extremely simpler than signing up on some website, typing your username, email address, password, activation link, pay pal address, 2FA, security questions. Also how cool would it be if you got a call from a user stating that they saw your ad on krypton? Don’t forget that these ads are international which allows maximum exposure.

If you’re looking for a marketplace to sell your goods and services, you’ve found the right place to start advertising worldwide. This application will soon start supporting more and more users each and every day as the users have the opportunity to run “Nodes” using their smartphone to support the Blockchain which will make token transfers extra fast and loading times decrease dramatically.

It’s available on Google Playstore here

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"This app is complicated. If you didn't understand Bitcoin, delete this app and run for your life. However, if you use Bitcoin and think: why isn't the rest of the internet like this, then this app is for you". -_OldMaid

This post was written by Galactivale; a blogger, author, tech expert, video editor, gamer and adventurer and you can join me on my technology blog Galactivale’s Tech Centre


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