Exchange Storj to 30+ cryptocurrencies at Instant and accountless exchanges.
We are very happy to share with our community that starting today Storj is available on accountless exchanger! is the fastest, safest and most private way to exchange 30+ cryptocurrencies straight to your wallet. No registration, no email, no account. Just one click to exchange seamlessly and instantly.
Currently in public alpha, Storj is a decentralized cloud storage solution that is affordable, easy to use, private and secure. The Storj network uses client-side encryption so data owners can trust only they can access their files and its S3 compatibility makes it easy to scale.
Storj core use cases:
- Backup, Recovery and Archival
Long-term storage for infrequently accessed files for regulatory, compliance, disaster recover, or archival purposes - Media Content Storage and Delivery
Store large volumes of video, photo, or audio media, including tape/physical alternatives. - Hybrid Cloud Storage
Instantly available cloud to compliment your on-prem storage. - Large File Transfer
Temporary storage of large files for sharing or point-to-point transfers. - Log Files
Long-term storage and easy accessibility for log data.
Also, open-source projects can generate revenue when your users incorporate our service as their storage layer. Through simple connectors, Storj has created many mutually beneficial relationships with top open-source companies from around the world including MongoDB and Nextcloud.
Flypping to Storj, you can now be part of a project that began in 2014 with the goal to make cloud file storage faster, cheaper and private
We are very pleased to bring you instant access to Storj, just using your preferred wallet while maintaining control of your private keys. It’s so simple, like sending transaction.
Head to to flyp to Storj.
Stay tuned through our social networks. Keep Flypping.
Visit is developed by HolyTransaction, the first multicurrency web wallet since 2014. Created for the community, trusted by hodlers everywhere.
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