Bitcoin TA - summary of analysts - 3. Feb 18

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Regular daily update on BTC ta analysts opinions.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-01 um 12.02.42.png

Own comment:

  • Interesting time - the blood bath of yesterday ended in the region several analysts considered a possible bottom (7'500/7'600). Now Tone and @haejin start seeing a possibility that we found the bottom but still are looking for confirmation with a higher high.
    @philakonecrypto, @ew-and-patterns and @lordotruth stay bearish seeing one last drop to bottom targets.
    It seems in both ways the bottom is near or already reached.

Analysts key statements:

  • Tone:
    Due to the very short time we were at the 7'600 Tone see a solid probability that we saw the bottom. Bounce is invalidated if we get a closing below 8'200. Bounce is strengthen if we close above 9'000. Weekly charts still look bearish though - it would need a close around 10'000 to ease this.
  • @haejin: Support line around 7'900/8'000 needs to hold or bearish trend is continued. It is necessary to get a higher high to confirm bounce (which is above 9'100).
  • @ew-and-patterns: Secondary patterns is invalidated. He sees that this can't be the bottom as it would violate wave rules. He sees a bounce towards 10k and than go down to 6k.
  • @lordoftruth: Support 8'000 attracted a lot buyers. He sees two scenarios - That was the bottom and we close above 9'400 which will cancel the bearish trend. Or the more likely scenario (main scenario) price will move under 8'000 and price gets down the crash zone towards 6'800.
  • @philakonecrypto: Looking at shorts vs long positions on bitfinex longs are growing more and more (30'000 long vs 11'500 shorts). He expects break out upwards towards the 9'500 (short term bullish). Than he thinks we go down one more time towards his target of . He stays with his target of bottom at 7'900 - 8'400.

Overall sentiment: bearish
(last: bloodbath)

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-03 um 11.18.48.png

Bildschirmfoto 2018-02-02 um 11.20.14.png

Reference table

analystlastest content datelink to content for details
Tone Vays3. Febhere
@haejin3. Febhere
@ew-and-patterns2. Febhere
@lordoftruth3. Febhere
@philakonecrypto3. Febhere


  • light blue highlighted = all content that changed since last update.
  • sentiment = how in general the analysts see the current situation (bearish = lower prices more likely / bullish = higher prices more likely)
  • target 1 = the next price target an analysts mentions
  • bottom = price target analyst mentions as bottom
    Both target are probably short term (so next few days/weeks)
  • lower/upper barrier = Most significant barriers mentioned by the analysts. If those are breached a significant move to the upside or downside is expected. It does not mean necessary that the sentiment will change due to that (e.g. if upper resistance is breached it does not mean that we automatically turn bullish).

If you like me to add other analysts or add information please let me know in the comments.


Thank you for consolidation. It’s important to compare the analysis.
Do you know who has the highest percentage hit along the time?

Mentioned it a few days ago that I will try to come up with something. Already tracking several things in the background.

But I want to do something which is fair to the analysts as I am sure all are doing the best they can and it is a skill based on probability so you need a certain timeframe to really make an statement about skill and not luck. So I am very cautious but I will come up with something. For now I will mention analysts explizit if the hit there target and you have an indicator by looking at their table: how often do they change their numbers (not so good) - I highlight changes blue. But again - you need to see that over time.

Thank you!
I can help you to try track this data. I’m available. =)

Thanks for the offer - will come back to it in case needed!

That is an interesting question indeed!

Absolutely! This would be a great comparison and of great value!

Thanks for putting this together. Very useful as it allows to have a global view of the ongoing thoughts. Cheers.

Thanks a lot for your summary. By chance I found today annother EW analysis written I german language. The long term forecast is stunning. See here:,5736620

Of course Andre Tiedje is a very experienced EW analyst.

What ever may happen during the next days and weeks: I will never never sell my precious coins.

Thanks for bringing the link to my attention - I'll look into it as soon as time allows.

thanks for sharing new update... i appreciate with your post... carry on...

I'm sure bitcoin stays to a high level. the price will go up. because bitcoin a lot of devotees. this is one example of successful teenagers in bitcoin investments

Thanks for sharing.

You are welcome. may success always be with you and me and all steemians

Thank you for putting this together! It's very useful.
In the "definition" section there's a redaction mistake which may be confusing for some noobs:
"sentiment = how in general the analysts see the current situation (bearish = lower prices more likely / bearish [BULLISH*] = higher prices more likely)"

Great - Thank you so much. It shows most people don't read the definitions at least not in detail!

Dang my TA gets not love and I'm one of the better ones, check my blog..

In regards to haejin..

His accuracy is suspect at best and his "success" was mostly due to greater market trend than anything else as evidence by the fact he ate shit once the bear came to town..


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